Krause Kraterelle

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Krause Kraterelle
2012-10-08 Pseudocraterellus undulatus (Pers.) Rauschert 270050 crop.jpg

Krause Kraterelle ( Craterellus sinuosus )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Chanterelles (Cantharellales)
Family : Chanterelle relatives (Cantharellaceae)
Genre : Craterelles ( Craterellus )
Type : Krause Kraterelle
Scientific name
Craterellus sinuosus
( Pers. ) Redeuilh

The Krause Kraterelle ( Craterellus sinuosus , Syn . : Pseudocraterellus undulatus ) is a fungus from the family of chanterelle relatives (Cantharellaceae). The species is also called Krauser Leistling .


Older specimens of the Krausen Kraterelle show the curly, twisted edge of the hat that gives it its name.

The Krause Kraterelle is a small to medium-sized mushroom with a funnel-shaped, recessed cap. The brim of the hat is often frizzy and wavy. The top of the hat is light brown (clay to sepia brown), the middle of the hat is often a bit felty. The underside of the hat is beige to beige-brown, relatively smooth when young, later veiny. The hollow, 3–8 cm long and 3–8 mm wide stalk is sand-yellow to brown-beige, tapering downwards and irregularly rounded and longitudinally pitted. Up to three cones can grow from one stem, the species also tends to develop secondary cones on the top of the hat (proliferation).


The Krause Kraterelle is a mycorrhizal fungus mainly from the European beech , but it can also symbiotize with oak and other deciduous trees. The species occurs on moderately to significantly moist, but rather nutrient-poor soils, especially in beech forests, less often in mixed oak forests. Due to increasing nutrient input into the forest soils, the Krause Kraterelle shows a tendency to decline; it is classified in risk group 3 (endangered, not uncommon yet, but with a tendency to decline).


The Krause Kraterelle is widespread in the Holarctic and occurs in North Asia, Europe and North America. In Germany the species is widespread.


The Krause Kraterelle is edible.



  • German Josef Krieglsteiner (Eds.), Andreas Gminder , Wulfard Winterhoff: Die Großpilze Baden-Württemberg . Volume 2: Stand mushrooms: inguinal, club, coral and stubble mushrooms, belly mushrooms, boletus and deaf mushrooms. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3531-0 .
  • Josef Breitenbach, Fred Kränzlin (Ed.): Mushrooms of Switzerland. Contribution to knowledge of the fungal flora in Switzerland. Volume 2: Heterobasidiomycetes (gelatinous mushrooms), Aphyllophorales (non-leaf mushrooms), Gastromycetes (belly mushrooms). Mykologia, Luzern 1986, ISBN 3-85604-020-X .

Individual evidence

  1. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Craterellus . On: Mushroom Taxa Database. September 29, 2007. Retrieved January 20, 2011.

Web links

Commons : Krause Kraterelle ( Pseudocraterellus undulatus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files