District archive of the Diepholz district

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The District Archives Diepholz is the Administrative Archive of Lower Saxony Diepholz .

The archives of the district and its predecessors are archived in the archive and made available for viewing by users. The scope of this task is not specified in the Lower Saxony Archives Act for municipalities .

Since the merger of the district of Diepholz from the districts of Grafschaft Diepholz and Grafschaft Hoya in 1977, their files have been administered by the district archive of the district of Diepholz.

Historian Stephan Kathe has been head of the district archive since the beginning of 2018. Predecessors were from 1977 to 1998 the Diepholz pedagogue, local researcher and author Hans Gerke and from 2000 to 2017 the Diepholz professional genealogist and local history researcher Falk Liebezeit.

With the help of the district archive, publications on historical administrative processes, road construction, local development, development of the school system in the district of Diepholz - for example in the home pages of the district of Diepholz - are possible. The holdings include files from around 1770, maps , documents from 1458, legacies and old editions of regional newspapers.

These unique items - this cultural asset - were housed in the rooms of the old agricultural school near the Diepholz train station. The district archive has been located in the Barnstorf district of Eydelstedt , in the so-called Hülsmeyer Park, since 2011 .

See also


  • Wilfried Gerke : Source for friends of home. About the creation of the district archive in Diepholz / Dr. Gerke first archivist. In the beginning, office was enough. Today Falk Liebezeit runs the archive. In: Heimatblätter des Landkreis Diepholz . Contributions to history. Volume XIX (2000/2001), Syke 2001, pages 19-20.

Individual evidence

  1. Stephan Kathe heads the archive. Claudia Ihmels' guardian of the district's past on June 5, 2018 in the Syker Kurier
  2. Historians with half a position in action. Stephan Kate new district archivist on November 14, 2017 on Kreiszeitung.de