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Križari ( sg. Križar; German " Crusaders ") is a collective term for anti-communist and nationalist guerrilla - fighters that after the end of World War II against the newly established communist Yugoslavia fought. Regionally they were referred to as Slovenian Matjaževo gibanje ( Matjaž movement ) or Croatian Škripari , Kamišari , Špiljari , Jamari or Šumnjaci (for someone who lives in a karst cave ( škrape ) or a forest ).

The Križari consisted of former members of the Slovenian Home Guard , the Croatian armed forces in World War II and the fascist Ustasha . They operated in small numbers for several years after World War II . With the support of parts of the local population, individual fighters or groups operating locally independently of one another existed on the territory of Slovenia (until 1952), Croatia (until 1950) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (until 1958).

Križari were often tracked down by the Yugoslav secret service Odjeljenje za zaštitu naroda (OZN) or, from 1946, by the Yugoslav secret police Uprava državne bezbednosti (UDB) and killed without trial. The fight against them by the Yugoslav state was also accompanied by reprisals against the local civilian population associated with the Križari.

Well-known Križari

The former Ustaša functionary and Križar Ljubo Miloš on the way to the Yugoslav court martial . He was executed by hanging on the day of the death sentence (1948).


The ultra grouping of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian football club NK Široki Brijeg bears the name Škripari .

Web links

  • Hear the truth comrades . In: Der Spiegel . No. 35 , August 31, 1950 ( [PDF]).


  • Hrvoje Sopta: Društveno-politička situacija na području zapadne Hercegovine u poratnom razdoblju nakon 1945. Editor: Sveučilište JJ Strossmayera u Osijeku: Filozofski fakultetski Osijek (=  Dvopredilišnišni Sveumetniijek ) diploma Osijek 2019 ( [PDF] diploma thesis; activities in western Herzegovina).
  • Mateja Čoh: Križari - Crusader in Slovenia 1945–1952 . In: Edda Engelke (ed.): "Every refugee is a weakening of the people's democracy": The illegal crossing of the Yugoslav-Styrian border section in the 1950s (=  research on the historical regional studies of Styria ). tape 56 . LIT Verlag Münster, 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-50364-0 , p. 197 ff .
  • Zdenko Radelić: Križari: gerila u Hrvatskoj 1945. – 1950 . 2. changed u. increased circulation. Alfa dd Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb 2011, ISBN 978-953-297-286-3 .
  • Ivica Lučić: Hrvatska protukomunistička gerila u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1945. do 1951. In: Hrvatski institut za povijest (ed.): Časopis za suvremenu povijest . No. 3 , 2010, ISSN  0590-9597 , p. 631-670 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c John Van Antwerp Fine: Strongmen can be beneficial: the Exceptional Case of Josip Broz Tito . In: Bernd J. Fischer (Ed.): Balkan Strongmen: Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of South Eastern Europe . C. Hurst & Co., London 2007, p. 269-318 . , here p. 211 and 283