Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae

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Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae
Subdivision : Pucciniomycotina
Class : Microbotryomycetes
Order : Heterogastridiales
Family : Heterogastridiaceae
Genre : Krieglsteinera
Type : Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae

Krieglsteinera lasiospaeriae is a fungal art from the family of Heterogastridiaceae . It is the only representative of the genus Krieglsteinera . The holarctic species has no fruiting bodies and grows as an inconspicuous carpet of hyphae on the perithecia of the hose fungus Lasiosphaeria ovina . The generic name honors the German mycologist German Josef Krieglsteiner .


Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae does not develop any fruiting bodies . The hyphae are 1–3  µm long and have thin walls. They often form vesicular swellings that appear under the microscope as stalked droplets on the surface of the host. The hyphae have buckles and septa with simple pores. The basid supports protrude from the perithezium of the host and have a basal diameter of 7 to 16 µm. They are 60–120 µm long and at the tip 3–5 µm wide. The basidia are two-celled, each with a septum and a buckle, and each has several basidia with a buckle at their base. The basidia are cylindrical in shape, 4–5 × 15–20 µm in size and three times transversely septate. At their tip are symmetrical cylindrical to elliptical spores from 1 to 2 × 4–6 µm on short sterigmata . The conidia reach a size of 2 to 4 × 4–7 µm and are formed terminally on buckles.


Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae is widespread in the Holarctic and has so far been found from France eastward to Russia and the USA . While it used to be, like its host, was considered rare and threatened by air pollution, today it is assumed that the species is often overlooked due to its inconspicuous shape that can only be seen under the microscope.


Sheep furball ( Lasiosphaeria ovina ) as the host

Krieglsteinera laesiosphaeriae is a mycoparasite that grows on the fruiting bodies ( perithecia ) of the sheep's hair ball fungus ( Lasiosphaeria ovina ), a hose fungus . The species interacts with its host through colacosomes . Cultivation has so far failed because the basidiospores used for it did not germinate.


Krieglsteinera lasiosphaeriae was first described by Arnaud in 1951 . However, this description is invalid because it does not contain a Latin diagnosis. Zdeněk Pouzar described it again in 1987 under its current name. He dedicated the name to the monotypical genus German Josef Krieglsteiner , the specific epithet is based on the generic name of the host.
