Krugiodendron acuminatum

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Krugiodendron acuminatum
Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Buckthorn Family (Rhamnaceae)
Genre : Pitcher diodendron
Type : Krugiodendron acuminatum
Scientific name
Krugiodendron acuminatum
JAGonzález & Poveda

Krugiodendron acuminatum is one of two species of the genus Krugiodendron from the family of the Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). It is native to southern North and Central America and the West Indies and was first described in 2003.


Krugiodendron acuminatum are 8 to 20 meter tall shrubs or trees, the branches of which are horizontal to upwards and which are covered with tiny, simple trichomes . The stipules are up to 1.5 millimeters in size. The leaves are on petioles 0.5 to 0.9 centimeters long and are arranged opposite or almost opposite. They are 5 to 9 inches long and 1.5 to 3.8 inches wide, lanceolate to elliptical, with entire margins, pointed at the very end and pointed at the base. They have six to nine side ribs starting from the central rib .

The 1 to 1.8 centimeters large flowers are armpit or terminal on 2 to 4 millimeter long peduncles in cymes . The five triangular to egg-shaped, valvate sepals that are fused together at the base are 2 millimeters wide and 2 millimeters long, with no petals . The five stamens have around 1.3 millimeters long, hairless stamens , the also hairless anthers are around 0.6 millimeters long. The disc lies in a ring around the base of the ovary , which has a diameter of around 0.9 millimeters. The two-lobed stylus is 1.5 millimeters long. The fruits are approximately round, 8 to 12 millimeters measured drupes . The seeds are around 8 millimeters in size, black and with a hairless, smooth surface, an endosperm is missing.


Krugiodendron acuminatum is known from Costa Rica (regions Pacífico Central and Pacífico Sur) and Mexico (state of Veracruz ). In Costa Rica it is found in coastal forests at altitudes of 1 to 100 meters, associated with plant species such as Licania operculipetala , Hippomane mancinella , Cynometra hemitomophylla , Sterculia apetala and Luehea seemannii . In Mexico it is found in evergreen forests at altitudes of up to 150 meters.

Systematics and botanical history

Krugiodendron acuminatum was first described in 2003 by José González Ramírez and Luis Poveda Álvarez , the specific epithet refers to the typical pointed outer ends of the leaves. With the first description, the genus first described by Ignatz Urban in 1902 was no longer considered monotypical ( Krugiodendron ferreum ).


  1. a b c d José González Ramírez, Luis Poveda Álvarez: Una segunda especie de Krugiodendron (Rhamnaceae) en el Neotrópico In: Lankesteriana Vol. 8, pp. 16-18, 2003