Spa pharmacy (Bad Reichenhall)

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The listed building at Ludwigstrasse 9, today the seat of the health pharmacy

The Kur-Apotheke is the oldest pharmacy in Bad Reichenhall . The approval to operate a pharmacy in the Salinenstadt was granted on August 21, 1801 by Elector Maximilian I. The pharmacy still exists today, the building Ludwigstrasse 9, in which the pharmacy has been located since 1872, is a listed building and is under the number D. -1-72-114-54 entered in the Bavarian monument list.



Until 1801 there was no pharmacy in Bad Reichenhall and only one saltworks doctor who, as a town and country physician , primarily looked after the saltworks staff and miners from the Berchtesgaden salt mine . From 1799, the city's desire for permanent physics became louder. The Munich pharmacist Quirin Promolli became aware of this and, in a letter to the Bavarian Elector Max Joseph, pointed out the insufficient supply of medicines in the salt city. He cited his own qualifications and his skills for a pharmacist's fair and would “put the import of drugs from abroad - that is from Salzburg or Berchtesgaden” in check and have the necessary means to create and set up a pharmacy. Two days after Promolli's letter, the elector commissioned an expert opinion, with the main focus being on the opinion of the electoral main salt office in Reichenhall, as the majority of the Reichenhall population lived directly or indirectly from state salt production. The necessary approvals were obtained within a month and after the verification of Promolli's person was “excellent”, the elector announced on August 21, 1801 that he was officially permitted to run a proper pharmacy .

First pharmacy

Promolli then received a real justice that could be passed on or sold in connection with a shop or business. As the population continues but primarily in Bader , on all surgeons or Kramerladen supplied with drugs Promolli was "completely nahrungslos" in August 1802nd After a complaint by Promolli, the court chamber forbade the bathers to keep house pharmacies. After the physician and surgeon Franz Xaver Jehlin finally took over the physics department, the situation for the Reichenhall pharmacy slowly improved. Promolli sold the pharmacy in September 1803 after only two years to his partner Johann Nepomuk Pfleger and acquired the Herzog pharmacy in Munich from the proceeds . Pfleger tried to improve his economic situation by selling coffee and sugar, but did not get permission from the authorities. The existence of his pharmacy was only secured after he was able to enforce the final withdrawal of drugs from the three bathers in 1804. In 1816 Pfleger moved to Weite Gasse 127, today's Poststrasse 26 across from the former Salzmeierhaus . A few years later, Georg Alt took over the pharmacy's business.

Takeover by Mathias Mack

After increasing economic pressure from the main salt office, which initially prescribed a 33% discount and later a further 10% discount on medication for the saltworks, the previous owner, Georg Alt, exchanged the pharmacy in Reichenhall with Mathias Mack in 1844 for his pharmacy in Kelheim .

Shortly afterwards, Mack moved to Querknergasse 248, today's Ludwigstrasse. The building was located on the southern corner of today's intersection of Ludwigstrasse and Max-Zugschwerdt-Strasse. With his specialist knowledge, in cooperation with Ernst Rinck, the owner of the Axelmannstein , and in his second role as Mayor of Reichenhall, he promoted the spa business in the city and thus also the economic success of his pharmacy. Mack soon made a name for himself with a bitter herbal juice , which he also sent all over the world at the request of guests, and from 1856 he offered the high- oil mountain pine as a remedy. During this time, the pharmacy became a popular meeting place for spa guests. Mack's sons Ernst and Joseph took over the pharmacy in the late 1860s, Ernst soon went into business for himself with the Dianabad , and Joseph geared the company even more towards the manufacture of mountain pine products.

Today's location

In 1872 Joseph Mack moved his business to the former Bauernbräu in what is now Ludwigstrasse, where the spa pharmacy is still located today. In addition to medicines, Mack also offered Reichenhaller spring products (drinking brine, bitter water and mother liquor ), as well as all mineral waters from Europe's leading mineral springs, kefir and so-called medicinal wines . In addition to the pine oil products, the Reichenhaller classics came from our own production : Alpine herbal juice, Alpine herbal wine and herbal lemonade. It was not until 1901, exactly 100 years after Quirin Promolli's approval for the first pharmacy in Bad Reichenhall, that the second pharmacy, the Kronen-Apotheke am Kurpark , was opened.

To date, the health pharmacy has changed hands several times, but no longer the location. In 1999 the building was refurbished and renovated in consideration of the structure and history of the pharmacy. The lettering in English, French and Russian has been preserved. The Salinenapotheke in Magazin I of the Alte Saline also belongs to the owners of the Kur-Apotheke.

Web links

Commons : Kur-Apotheke  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 43 '23.4 "  N , 12 ° 52' 39.2"  E


  • Johannes Lang : History of Bad Reichenhall. Ph.CW Schmidt, Neustadt / Aisch 2009, ISBN 978-3-87707-759-7 .
  • Johannes Lang: The pharmacist from Reichenhall in the home papers of August 13, 2011, supplement of the Reichenhaller Tagblatt

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Johannes Lang : The pharmacist from Reichenhall in the home papers of August 13, 2011, supplement of the Reichenhaller Tagblatt