Kurt Albrecht (doctor)

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Kurt Albrecht (born December 31, 1894 in Berlin , † May 7, 1945 in Prague ) was a German psychiatrist , neurologist , university professor and National Socialist .


Albrecht studied medicine at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin and became a member of the Marchia Berlin Landsmannschaft in the winter semester of 1913/1914 . As a student he took part in the Kapp Putsch . He finished his studies in 1921 and received his doctorate as Dr. med. Under the medical professor Karl Bonhoeffer , he was an assistant doctor at the Charité Psychiatric Clinic from the beginning of October 1921 . With him he completed his habilitation in 1930. He became a private lecturer in the same year and ao in 1933 . Professor at the University of Berlin.

Albrecht joined the SS in 1933 and achieved the rank of SS-Untersturmführer . From 1937 he was a member of the NSDAP . He was also a member of the Nazi teachers 'association , the Nazi lecturers association , the National Socialist People's Welfare and the Nazi war victims' association.

After the so-called smashing of the rest of the Czech Republic , Albrecht was appointed full professor for neurology and psychiatry at the Karl Ferdinand University , renamed the Reich University in Prague . As the successor to Eduard Gamper , he was director of the Neurological and Psychiatric University Clinic. After the suicide of Friedrich Klausing Albrecht was in August 1944, first provisionally , and in November 1944 officially Rector of the Imperial University. He held this office until May 1945.

In the course of the Prague uprising at the end of the war in May 1945 and the occupation of the university by Czech and Soviet soldiers , Albrecht died violently in his clinic in early May 1945.


  • Volker Klimpel: Doctors Death: Unnatural and Violent Death in nine chapters and a biographical appendix. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2005, ISBN 3-8260-2769-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the German Biographical Encyclopedia (online) (PDF; 263 kB)
  2. today Landsmannschaft Marchia Berlin zu Osnabrück .
  3. ^ Commemorative publication for the 50th foundation festival of the Landsmannschaft Marchia
  4. Dissertation: Self-harm in hysterics .
  5. a b c Alena Mišková: The German University in World War II , in: Hans Lemberg (ed.): Universities in the national competition. On the history of Prague universities in the 19th and 20th centuries . Oldenbourg, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-486-56392-0 (Publications of the Collegium Carolinum. Volume 86), p. 192.
  6. a b c Volker Klimpel: Doctors Death: Unnatural and violent death in nine chapters and a biographical appendix. Würzburg 2005, p. 77f.