Kurt Melcher

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Kurt Melcher (born July 8, 1881 in Dortmund , † October 14, 1970 in Berlin ) was a German administrative lawyer and member of the DVP .


Melcher, who comes from Dortmund, studied law in Tübingen and had been a member of the Corps Suevia Tübingen since 1899 . After completing his doctorate , he was a local judge in Herne. From 1919 to 1932 he was police chief of the city of Essen and, after the Prussian blow, from July 1932 onwards, he held this office for a short time in the capital of Berlin as the successor to Albert Grzesinski . His successor in 1933 was the NSDAP member Rear Admiral a. D. Magnus von Levetzow .

Melcher received the post of President of the Prussian Province of Saxony in Magdeburg in 1933, but had to resign in late summer 1933 and was replaced by Curt von Ulrich .

From 1933 to 1944 he was a member of the Prussian State Council and acted as a trustee for the public service until 1945. From 1937 Melcher was also the transition commissioner of the State of Prussia for the integration of the State of Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck into the State of Prussia under the Greater Hamburg Act .


  • with Emil Schilling : General tariff regulations plus tariff regulations A for members of the public service. Hand edition with comments. Berlin: Trowitzsch 1938.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 197 , 725
  2. KKL 1910
  3. Gerhard Schneider: Lübeck's banking policy through the ages (1898–1978) , Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 1979, p. 217