Kurt Rödel

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Kurt Rödel (born November 23, 1904 , † November 19, 1942 in Hamburg ) was a German gymnast from Greiz .


Kurt Rödel was a weaver by profession . He became a member of the ATSB at the age of fifteen . He won the gymnastics all-round competition at the Workers' Olympics in Frankfurt am Main in 1925 and in Vienna in 1931 . At MTV Altenburg's guest gymnastics in December 1937, he performed alongside Ernst Tetzner , Kurt Otto (Leuna), Otto Schumacher (Leipzig), Kurt Haustein (Leipzig), Hans Friedrich (Munich), Alfred Müller (Leuna) and Karl Stadel (Wünsdorf) the German team . At the end of March / beginning of April 1938 he did gymnastics as a member of the German team on an advertising trip in Austria . On this trip, 36 top German gymnasts were gathered in two German teams.

Kurt Rödel was killed in an air raid on Hamburg during World War II . He left behind his wife Hedwig, née Horlbeck, who was also from Greiz. His grave is in the Reinsdorf cemetery.

The sports school "Kurt-Rödel" in Beethovenstrasse in Greiz has been named after him since 1956 and the former house of the Greiz gymnastics club is now known as the sports hall "Kurt-Rödel".) In Vater-Jahn-Strasse 2 is named after him. The Kurt Rödel memorial tournaments were held in his honor in Greiz. In addition, the Kreissportbund Greiz awards the "Kurt Rödel Honor Plaque" with a pin and certificate for special athletic achievements and merits.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Turner Kurt Rödel (1904–1942). In: The Horlbeck from Vogtland all over the world.
  2. ^ Small encyclopedia of physical culture and sport . Verlag Enzyklopädie Leipzig, Leipzig 1960, p. 599 .
  3. Rödel Kurt. In: Helge Nygrén, Työvänen Urheiluliitto : Punainen olympia. TUL kansainvälisen työläisurheilun vaiheissa 1920–1930-luvuilla. (Finnish), Tammi, 1969, p. 162. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  4. Altenburger gymnasts once belonged to the world's elite. Ostthüringer Zeitung , July 14, 2015.
  5. ^ Deutsche Turnzeitung (Volume 83 / Volume 13) of March 29, 1938.
  6. Office. Kreissportbund Griez.
  7. December 1932. In: Harald Sandner: Hitler - Das Itinerar (Volume II). Places of residence and journeys from 1889 to 1945 - Volume II: 1928–1933. Berlin Story Verlag, 2017, p. ( Limited preview in Google book search)
  8. Sports festival in the Kurt Rödel sports hall. Ostthüringer Zeitung, October 12, 2016.
  9. Winfried Arenhövel : Greiz: the pearl of the Vogtland. Sutton Verlag, 2004, p. 94.
  10. ↑ Rules of Honor. Kreissportbund Greiz.