Kurt Stage

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Kurt Stage (born June 10, 1900 , † August 19, 1947 in Ljubljana ) was a German police officer at the time of National Socialism .

Live and act

Stage attended the Realgymnasium in Potsdam , which he left with the primary school . He then completed a commercial apprenticeship in Berlin . He later became unemployed. In early 1926 he got a job as a judicial clerk, first at the district court in Potsdam , then in Schöneberg, where he stayed until the mid-1930s.

According to his own statements, he joined the NSDAP in 1922 . However, his membership card shows the entry date October 23, 1925 and membership number 27,171.

Stage had worked for the SS security service since 1932 . In 1935 he came to the Gestapo from the district court in Schöneberg . After training as a detective inspector, he worked in the Gestapo department “Affairs of the NSDAP and its branches” under Josef Meisinger . Later he took over the management of the same department - Department IV C 4 (Affairs of the party and its branches) - in Office IV (Gestapo) of the newly founded Reich Security Main Office . He was later assigned to foreign missions: first from autumn 1942 to March or May 1944 as KdS with the rank of Sturmbannführer in Tromsø in Norway, then as KdS in Maribor (Marburg an der Drau) in Yugoslavia .

After the war, Stage was interned by the Allies and extradited to the Yugoslav government. On June 10, 1947, he was sentenced to death by a court martial in Celje and executed in August 1947 .



  • Michael Wildt: Generation of the Unconditional. The leadership corps of the Reich Security Main Office , 2002.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Bohn: Reichskommissariat Norway , 2000, p. 89.