Kurt Steffelbauer

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Memorial plaque for Kurt Steffelbauer at the house at Konsulstrasse 1 in Görlitz
Memorial plaque on the house, Tegeler Strasse 18, in Berlin-Wedding

Kurt Steffelbauer (born February 16, 1890 in Görlitz ; † May 21, 1942 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German teacher , trade unionist , resistance fighter against National Socialism and KPD member.


After receiving the teacher's exam, Steffelbauer initially taught in the Görlitz district. In 1914 he fought as a soldier at the front in the First World War , where he was seriously wounded in 1915 and then retired as a lieutenant in the reserve. Steffelbauer then went abroad and taught in an orphanage in Beirut (now Lebanon ) in 1918/19 . Later he was secretary of the German Railway Union. In 1924 he joined the KPD, in 1926 the teachers' union. First he worked as a teacher in Buer ( Westphalia ), from 1927 in the Berlin district of Wedding , later in Oberschöneweide . In 1928 he took on a full-time job in the union . In 1933 he was dismissed as a teacher for political reasons, but reinstated in the same year.

Steffelbauer combined his work as a teacher with illegal anti-fascist work in a resistance group to which Tamara Bunke's parents also belonged. So he informed u. a. other resistance groups (e.g. the one in the Siemens factories under Alfred Grünberg ) served as a contact point for foreign couriers, kept in touch with the KPD in Prague and wrote pamphlets such as What we want and what we fight for or madmen rule Germany . In January 1939 he took part in the Bern conference of the KPD , where he acted together with Arthur Emmerlich .

On May 28, 1941, Steffelbauer was arrested and taken to Plötzensee detention center . On January 10, 1942, he was sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court together with Arthur Emmerlich , Alfred Grünberg and Johann Gloger and executed in Plötzensee on May 21, 1942 .


  • On May 21, 1951, the Kaiserstraße in Treptow-Köpenick was renamed Steffelbauerstraße in his honor .
  • On September 11, 1960, the 7th Polytechnic High School in Görlitz was named Kurt Steffelbauer .
  • The 9th Polytechnic High School in Meißen was named Kurt Steffelbauer .


Web links

Commons : Kurt Steffelbauer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kurt Steffelbauer on the website of the Oberschule Innenstadt in Görlitz