Kurt von Wedel

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Kurt Alexander Walter von Wedel (born September 8, 1846 at Gut Pinnow, Soldin District , Brandenburg ; † March 10, 1927 at Gut Kutzerow (now a part of Uckerland , District Uckermark ), Province of Brandenburg) was a Prussian landowner and politician.


He came from the old noble family von Wedel from Stormarn , which was first mentioned in 1212 and has been a castle in Pomerania since 1240 , and was the son of the landowner Gustav von Wedel (1812-1857), landlord on Pinnow ( Soldin district ) and Wendisch Karstnitz ( district of Stolp ), and Elisabeth von Cranach (1825–1858).

Wedel married on July 23, 1870 at Gut Felchow (now part of Schöneberg (Uckermark) ) Luise von Winterfeld (born November 21, 1852 in Felchow; † February 20, 1919 at Gut Kutzerow), the daughter of the landowner Reinhold von Winterfeld, landlord to Felchow, Metzenthin ( Angermünde district , Brandenburg) and others, and Julie von Schmeling-Diringshofen .


Wedel was a royal Prussian cavalry captain and landlord on Kutzerow and Zernikow near Prenzlau (Uckermark district). Politically he was active as a member of the Prussian manor house .
