Léonore, ou L'amour conjugal

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Opera dates
Title: Léonore, ou L'amour conjugal
Title page of the libretto, Paris 1798

Title page of the libretto, Paris 1798

Shape: Opéra-comique in two acts
Original language: French
Music: Pierre Gaveaux
Libretto : Jean Nicolas Bouilly
Premiere: February 19, 1798
Place of premiere: Théâtre Feydeau , Paris
Playing time: approx. 2 ¼ hours
Place and time of the action: a Spanish state prison near Seville

Léonore, ou L'amour conjugal is an opera-comique in two acts by Pierre Gaveaux (1798) based on the libretto by Jean Nicolas Bouilly . It was premiered on February 19, 1798 at the Théâtre Feydeau in Paris .


The orchestral line-up for the opera includes the following instruments:

Work history

With regard to the subject, Bouilly's work was the model for the composers Ferdinando Paër ( Leonora 1804) and Simon Mayr ( L'amor coniugale 1805). Joseph Sonnleithner submitted a translation of the original in German, which in turn inspired Ludwig van Beethoven to write his operas Leonore (1805, 1806) and Fidelio (1814).

It is unknown whether or rather unlikely that Beethoven knew the score of Gaveaux ' Léonore .

The opera was performed again for the first time in New York in 2017 and this production was recorded on phonograms.

Web links

Commons : Léonore, ou L'amour conjugal  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. In the edition of the score published by the Gaveaux brothers, the governor of the prison appears only in the list of persons, along with the details of the voice category and the name of the first performer; the musical scenes related to him are completely absent.
  2. ↑ Notated in the tenor clef instead of the usual alto clef.
  3. Actually not a vocal subject, but a role type: first (young) lover.
  4. Actually not a vocal subject, but a type of role: second (young) lover.
  5. Trial is an older French name for a character tenor, named after a famous representative of the field; notated in the tenor clef.
  6. ^ Klaus Hortschansky : Léonore ou L'Amour conjugal. In: Piper's Encyclopedia of Musical Theater . Volume 2: Works. Donizetti - Henze. Piper, Munich / Zurich 1987, ISBN 3-492-02412-2 , pp. 339-340.
  7. DVD information in the Online Merker, accessed on July 17, 2019.