LGBT marketing

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LGBT marketing comprises all marketing measures aimed at the LGBT target group - especially lesbian and gay consumers. Such marketing can consist of advertising with target group-specific content, or use appropriate advertising media such as scene magazines. Also the sponsorship of LGBT organizations or -Events can as part of the marketing mix are used to reach the target group. In addition to the marketing of specific products or services, LGBT marketing can also be used as an image campaign in order to be “ gay-friendly ” and thus modern. If such efforts are not authentic, it is called pinkwashing .


One of the first examples of a publicly visible clash of gay and lesbian concerns with the business world was the Coors boycott . However, this was not a marketing measure aimed at gays or lesbians by the Coors Brewery , but on the contrary, Coors' anti-gay stance. The Cooors boycott by unions and Hispanics began in 1966 and was directed against anti-union and racist practices by Coors. In 1973 the LGBT community joined the boycott to protest the company's recruitment procedures. For example, Coors used lie detectors in job interviews and used them to query sexual orientation, among other things. In addition, Coors supported homophobic right-wing groups financially. Coors initially ignored the boycott, but made concessions from 1978. From 1995 sexual orientation was not queried in applications and insurance benefits were also offered to same-sex couples. Coors hired the openly lesbian Mary Cheney as a marketing spokeswoman and began supporting events like the Denver PrideFest.

In the 1990s, Subaru began marketing cars specifically to lesbians. This long-running campaign was so successful that it is widely used as a case study for LGBTQ marketing.

Market size

Statistical assessments of the purchasing power of gays and lesbians are required for LGBT marketing . This encounters certain difficulties as there is no precise information on the proportion of gays and lesbians within a population group. However, demographic data on sexual orientation now exist and are published in some countries. In the 2000 US Census , two questions were asked that counted same-sex partnerships. According to this, there were 658,000 households in the United States made up of same-sex couples at the state of the census. According to the 2013 American Marketing Association , 3.5% of adults in the US identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender . From this it is deduced that the total LGBT consumer market is worth $ 835 billion.

Advertising categories

Advertising categories include travel, financial services, alcoholic beverages, vehicles, entertainment, personal care, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, and fashion. For example, American Airlines has published a specific LGBT travel site. With only about fifteen years of existence, LGBT marketing is a relatively new marketing phenomenon. This field is already being researched and applied in other regions such as Australia and Europe , especially in Belgium and the Netherlands . Many companies that previously ignored this segment of the population are now targeting LGBT customers with their marketing. Examples of this are Burger King and Money Maid.

The Time Magazine published in August 2006 an article about the growing interest of European brands to target the LGBT community. There are now many marketing agencies that specialize in LBGT marketing.

In 2013, the Human Rights Campaign released a Corporate Equality Index, which provides a means of measuring and comparing company policies and practices with regard to LGBT employees. This index is also used to rate a company's LGBT friendliness.


  • John Dececco, Grant Lukenbill: Untold Millions: Secret Truths About Marketing to Gay and Lesbian Consumers . Routledge, New York 2013, ISBN 9781317706007 .
  • Daniel L. Wardlow (Ed.): Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Practice, and Research Issues in Marketing . Routledge, New York 2014, ISBN 9781317991731 .
  • Jeff Guaracino: Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide for Marketing . Routledge, New York 2007, ISBN 9780750682329 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ B. Erin Cole & Allyson Brantley: [1] . CPR, October 3, 2014
  2. Bruce Mirken: Coors Courts Queers .
  3. ^ Fun for Everyone at Denver PrideFest. The Center, 2019, accessed June 12, 2019 .
  4. Alex Mayyasi: How Subarus Came to Be Seen as Cars for Lesbians . In: Atlantic Magazine of June 22, 2016.
  5. a b Oakenfull, Gillian W., (2013) "What Matters: Factors Influencing Gay Consumers' Evaluations of 'Gay-Friendly' Corporate Activities" Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Vol. 32 (Special Issue), 79-89, American Marketing Association ISSN  0743-9156 (print), ISSN  1547-7207 (electronic) 79. Retrieved July 16, 2013
  6. American Airlines Vacations Welcomes You: Fly with a friend while you vacation with a partner! . Archived from the original on September 16, 2012. Retrieved June 27, 2007.
  7. Brand Activation ( Dutch ). Archived from the original on October 8, 2007. Retrieved June 27, 2007.
  8. Gay Marketing Seminar ( Dutch ) Archived from the original on July 12, 2007. Retrieved June 27, 2007.
  9. LGBT marketing: companies take a stand. Accessed June 12, 2019 (German).
  10. ^ Adam Smith: A New Ad Adage: Same Sex Sells . In: Time , July 30, 2006. Retrieved June 27, 2007. 
  11. Gay advertising | Gay Marketing | Gays in advertising. In: MIU24® advertising agency. March 21, 2016, accessed on June 12, 2019 (German).
  12. Gay and Lesbian (LGBT / LGBTQ) Social Networking, Marketing, Advertising, Community. Retrieved June 12, 2019 .
  13. LGBT Research | LGBTQ Marketing | LGBT consulting | LGBTQ Insights. Retrieved June 12, 2019 (American English).
  14. ^ "Corporate Equality Index 2013" .