Labeo coubie

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Labeo coubie
Labeo coubie, drawing from The fishes of the Nile by George Albert Boulenger.

Labeo coubie , drawing from The fishes of the Nile by George Albert Boulenger .

Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Subfamily : Labeoninae
Genre : Labeo
Type : Labeo coubie
Scientific name
Labeo coubie
Rüppell , 1832

Labeo coubie , engl. African Carp, is a carp fish from Africa . It is the most common specieswithin the Labeo genus.


Labeo coubie is widespread in tropical Africa between latitudes 6 ° N – 6 ° S. She lives from Senegal to Ethiopia . The species occurs in the river system of the Nile (also Blue Nile , Albertsee ) down to the lower reaches of the river in Egypt , mainly in West Africa in Chad , in the Niger , Benin River, in the Volta , Gambia River , the rivers of Senegal , the Cross River and various Coastal rivers of Cameroon . Furthermore, the species occurs in East Africa and in the middle reaches of the Congo from Stanley Pool to Kisangani . It is also suspected in the Zambezi , but this has not been confirmed.


Labeo coubie is 75 centimeters long on average and weighs five kilograms. The largest fish caught weighed seven kilograms and was 80 centimeters long, and was caught in Cameroon in 2004. Labeo coubie lives mainly in rivers. The fish has the following fin formula: dorsal 11–13, anal 8 and 31–33. The outer lip has a fold. There are small barbels in the corner of its mouth . The barbels recede with age. The body is mostly dark. The back and sides are colored blue-gray or black-violet, sometimes also silvery, the underside of the abdomen is lighter. Some of the scales have a purple or red-purple center and are more bluish to black on the outside.

Way of life

Labeo coubie shows a benthopelagic way of life and migratory behavior at spawning time. The fish live mainly in rivers or in sheltered bays in lakes. They mainly look for food on the bottom of the water and feed on dead organic material, plant remains and algae. The spawning season is from spring to summer.

Hazardous situation

Labeo coubie is considered widespread in Central and West Africa and is not currently endangered. Due to a lack of data on species distribution, population size and threats, the species in East and Northeast Africa was classified as a “data deficient”. It is considered to be threatened in northern Africa. Their stocks are threatened by high fishing pressure, water pollution (agricultural biocides, domestic and industrial wastewater), the construction of dams, lowering of the groundwater level and drought.

Economical meaning

Labeo coubie is an important food fish , especially in West Africa, and is kept in ponds. The fish is known for its slightly sweet taste with a nutritious protein pattern. The month of catch and the quality of the meat vary over the year.

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. Trans. African carp
  2. a b c d Labeo coubie on (English)
  3. a b c d e Labeo coubie in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species .
  4. Labeo from Latin labeo - lips
  5. World Records Labeo coubie  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. / Catch Rate, Distribution, Trophic and Reproductive Biology of the African Carp Labeo coubie in the Agbokim Waterfalls, Nigeria Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Vol. 2012: FAJ -38
  7. Gabriel Ujong Ikpi and Irom Bassey Okey: Estimation of Dietary Composition and Fecundity of African Carp, Labeo Coubie, Cross River, Nigeria , J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. December, 2010