Lajas Merced

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Lajas Merced
Basic data
Residents (state) 580 pop. (2012 census)
height 2044  m
Post Code 06-0501-0100-5001
Telephone code (+591)
Coordinates 21 ° 23 ′  S , 64 ° 45 ′  W Coordinates: 21 ° 23 ′  S , 64 ° 45 ′  W
Lajas Merced (Bolivia)
Lajas Merced
Lajas Merced
Department Tarija
province Province of Eustaquio Méndez
Climate diagram Tarija
Climate diagram Tarija

Lajas Merced is a town in the Tarija Department in the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

Lajas Merced is the second largest town in the district ( Bolivian : Municipio ) San Lorenzo in the province of Eustaquio Méndez . The village is located at an altitude of 2044  m on the right, western bank of the Río Nuevo Guadalquivir , 18 kilometers north of Tarija , the capital of the department.


Lajas Merced is located on the southeastern edge of the plateau of the Bolivian Altiplano on the transition to the lowlands. Because of the inland location, the climate is dry for more than half of the year, but far less harsh than the plateau and has a typical daytime climate, in which the temperature fluctuations between day and night are usually significantly greater than the seasonal fluctuations (see climate diagram Tarija).

The annual average temperature of the region is 19 ° C and fluctuates only slightly between 15 ° C in June / July and 22 ° C from December to February (see Tarija climate diagram). The annual precipitation is about 550 mm, with a strongly pronounced dry season from April to October with monthly precipitation below 30 mm, and a humidity period from December to February with over 100 mm monthly precipitation.


The population of the village has increased by almost two thirds in the past two decades:

year Residents source
1992 361 census
2001 565 census
2012 580 census

Transport network

Lajas Merced is located eighteen kilometers by road north of Tarija , the capital of the department of the same name.

The asphalted highway Ruta 1 leads through Tarija, which crosses the entire Bolivian highlands in a south-north direction from Bermejo in the south on the Argentine border to the Peruvian border at Desaguadero and, besides Tarija, also passes the metropolises Potosí , Oruro and El Alto . Twelve kilometers north of Tarija, a paved country road branches off at Rancho Norte to the north and leads via San Lorenzo to Laja Merced and on to Canasmoro .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 1992
  2. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2001
  3. INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2012 ( Memento of the original from July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links