State Medical Association of Brandenburg

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State Medical Association of Brandenburg
Organizational form Public corporation
founding year 1990
Seat Potsdam
president Frank-Ullrich Schulz
Associated 14,191 (as of December 31, 2019)
General Assembly 92
Bureau 1 president + 1 vice president + 6 assessors

The Brandenburg State Medical Association is the medical association for the state of Brandenburg . It is a corporation under public law with its seat in Cottbus . It has offices in Potsdam and Cottbus.


According to § 8 Heilberufsgesetz (HeilBerG) of the State of Brandenburg, organs of the State Medical Association of Brandenburg are:

  1. the Chamber Assembly (currently 92 elected delegates)
  2. the board of directors (president, 1 vice-president and 6 assessors)
  3. the president


House of the Brandenburg State Medical Association in Potsdam 2016

The Brandenburg State Medical Association is the self-governing body of the Brandenburg medical community. Members of the Brandenburg State Medical Association are all doctors who practice their profession in the State of Brandenburg or, if they do not practice their profession, have their habitual residence, as well as specialists in medicine according to Section 2, Section 3 (2) HeilBerG. The tasks of the State Medical Association are regulated in Section 2 (1) HeilBerG. This includes:

  • Protection of interests
  • Professional supervision
  • Promotion of quality assurance in healthcare
  • Public Health Service Support
  • Ensuring a medical on-call service
  • Dispute settlement
  • Creation of welfare and utility institutions
  • Submission of statements to authorities
  • Transmission of registrations, de-registrations and changes from chamber members to the responsible health authorities
  • Issuance of health professional cards
  • Issuance of European professional cards


On May 5, 1990, an initiative group “Chamber Education” with 15 participants was formed in Cottbus around Roger Kirchner and met in Cottbus on May 22, 1990 with 30 delegated doctors from the Cottbus district. On 16./28. June 1990 the foundation of the "Ärztekammer Land Brandenburg eV" in Cottbus; 41 representatives from the districts of Potsdam, Frankfurt / Oder and Cottbus elect Roger Kirchner as chairman of the board. On July 21, 1990, the assembly of the Medical Association in Potsdam resolved to hold chamber elections. On August 30, 1990, the Minister of Health of the GDR confirmed the "Medical Association of the State of Brandenburg" as a corporation under public law in accordance with the "Chamber Act". The constituent chamber assembly took place on September 29, 1990 in Cottbus.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. laekb: Statistics
  2. Heilberufsgesetz (HeilBerG). Retrieved November 4, 2018 .
  3. ^ Deutscher Ärzteverlag GmbH, editorial office of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Archive "1989/1990 - 2009/2010 - 20 Years of German Unity: A New Beginning After the Wende" (April 16, 2010). Retrieved November 7, 2018 .