Langenhainer Karthauser

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The Langenhainer Karthauser , also simply Kartaus, is 351 meters above sea level. NHN one of the highest areas of the highest Hofheimer district Langenhain im Taunus. Only the location of the Bahai Temple (360 meters) and the Canon Forest , which reaches 403.7 meters and is almost 1000 meters south of the Lorsbacher Judenkopf , are higher up . The name Karthauser can be traced back to Carthusian monks. For example, there is also a Karthaus in Koblenz , which used to be a Karthaus monastery. The Wiesbaden district of Breckenheim and the Hofheim district of Wallau border the Karthauser . The Karthaus begins with a very flat section through which the Kasernbach runs, which rises in Langenhain and later flows into the Weilbach . To the west, however, the Karthaus becomes higher.


As a water protection area, the Karthaus is excluded from any development. Existing houses enjoy grandfathering. The usage is very diverse. There are paddocks and pastures here, as well as fields on which grain and maize are grown. The Karthaus also has a high proportion of forest and litter. The forest is deciduous and mixed forest used for forestry. Apple, cherry and mirabelle plum can be found among the fruits. Below the slope is the facility of the small animal breeding club H 76 Langenhain . The area of ​​the Presidium for Logistics, Technology and Administration of the State of Hesse is located on the summit plateau of the Langenhainer Karthauser . There is a police radio tower and a radio tower for the mobile networks of Vodafone , Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica . In addition, the mast is used for the directional radio network from Funknetz-HG. There are also some allotments on the Karthauser. For leisure activities , the Karthaus is particularly popular with walkers and mountain bikers , especially since the Panoramaweg Langenhain was inaugurated in January 2014 , which also leads over the Karthaus.


The Karthaus is one of the most species-rich areas in Langenhain. In addition to the wild animals such as foxes, deer, ducks and various songbirds, which are common in Germany, you can also encounter rare species here, such as the brown hare, which is threatened with extinction in Germany . Grass snakes, toads and sometimes also lizards can also be found. In the back there is a butterfly sanctuary. The fact that lizards are at home on the Karthaus is due not least to the Kasernbach, which runs below the Karthaus and the water protection area of ​​level 2 connected to it. Renaturation measures on the creek started in summer 2011 are intended to ensure the protection of these species. Meadows and fields that have not been mown by owners, on which wildflowers such as cornflowers, poppies, the red poppy flower, bellflower or the red carnation grow, benefit many butterflies.

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Coordinates: 50 ° 6 '  N , 8 ° 23'  E