Larry F.

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Larry F, 2009
Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Anyway with 2000
  CH 42 09/21/2014 (1 week)

Larry F , bourgeois Lars Badertscher , is a Swiss rapper , singer and songwriter .

The music project of the same name also includes Michael Schertenleib alias Impuls , who is responsible for the compositions, production and co-songwriting, and the audio engineer and co-producer Simon Gasser alias Konfus .

Larry F's music today is in the area of ​​urban electro-pop , mixing hip-hop with dubstep and a small amount of pop .


In the year Larry F released his first MC as MC Larry . The following year he got to know Modo (Ugur Gültekin), Lego (Roger Gübeli) and DJ Bensai (Benjamin Rüegg), the X-Chaibä , after a gig by them at the ZAK Jona. After freestyling together , the X-Chaibä invited Larry to join them in the band room. In 2002 he met Joker (Thomas Schertenleib) and Konfus (Simon Gasser) at a design school, where he completed the preliminary course. Together with Joker and his brother Impuls (Michael Schertenleib) he founded the Focus Family in 2003 . They won the band contest Band It at the Winterthurer Musikfestwochen . The formation broke up a short time later.

In 2006, the X-Chaibä took Larry F as a member. Numerous appearances followed. Larry came second at the My Coke Soundcheck at the Open Air St. Gallen. He had guest appearances on the Modo album Machs Dir Sälber with the song Quitz and on the compilation Schwiizer Rap Garde - Vol. 2 - Next Generation with the song Halbbatzig together with Baze ( Chlyklass ). He was also a backup rapper on Modo 's Machs Dir Sälber tour.

In 2007 Larry F began to produce his first solo album ( Ufojugend ) in close collaboration with Impuls . The night after Christoph Blocher was voted out of office, he wrote the song Bye Bye Chrigi with Impuls and Modo . In the following year, Larry met the Austrian rap group Die Vamummtn , with whom he recorded some songs. With Dä Larry hat Froid , he parodied the song American Boy by Kanye West together with Impuls , which for the first time attracted attention on a larger scale and aroused media interest. While working on the solo album, he released the mixtape Made In China with Joker in December .

In 2009 the solo album Ufojugend was released . Together with the video, the title song of the same name developed into a YouTube hit. The day the Blick newspaper reported on it, the video had 10,000 clicks. Larry F went on a club tour all over German-speaking Switzerland and was booked for numerous open airs. Universal Music included the song on their compilation The Greatest Swiss Hits - The Best 2009 . During the swine flu epidemic , he wrote the song Miss Piggy on impulse . Together with Impuls, Joker and Modo he founded the collective Futurekids .

The Ufojugend -Tour in 2010 was continuously expanded with new bookings. He played at the Openair Frauenfeld with the live band "Dubby Conquerors". The TV station 3+ used the song Ufojugend as the theme song for the docu-soap Jung, wild & sexy . The second video release from the Ufojugend album Dä Larry Hät Rächt (director: Joel Basman ) was released. EMI Music recorded the song Ufojugend on their compilation S'bescht Mundart Album wo's git 5 . Larry recorded a song with Nemo (Gaugehill) for the compilation Stägehuus Sessions Vol. 4 entitled Alles Us Em Buch .

In 2011 Futurekids released the album Schebegeil through EMI Music (distribution). The title song of the same name was released with a video. Together with Impuls, Larry started working on the second solo album.

In 2012 Larry was commissioned to write and interpret a song alongside Gölä and Florian Ast for the Swiss-German version of the movie Titeuf - Der Film . With D'Chats Verlore he parodied the song Got 2 Luv Ya by Sean Paul together with Impuls . They were working on the next solo project, which was due to appear in January 2013.

In 2013 Larry F contributed the title "D'Strass Vor Dim Hus" to the new Jack Stoiker album. After numerous appearances thanks to the internet success Ufojugend , Larry, Impuls & Konfus worked together on a new Larry F album in 2014. Impuls now acted as executive producer and Konfus as co-producer, Larry is still the face and voice of the project. The first single, Rägeboge , was released in May 2014 .


title Interpreter publication format
Unnamed MC Larry 2000 cassette
Made in China Joker & Larry F. 2009 Mixtape
UFO youth Larry F. April 17, 2009, Nation Music LP
Larry has avenge Larry F. April 2, 2010 EP
Schebegeil Futurekids March 4, 2011, EMI Music LP
Rägeboge Larry F. May 23, 2014, TBA Records single

Music videos

  • 2014: Rägeboge
  • 2013: D'Strass Before Dim Hus
  • 2011: Schebegeil (Futurekids)
  • 2010: Larry takes revenge
  • 2009: UFO youth


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chart sources: CH