Lusatian Sports School Cottbus

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Lusatian Sports School Cottbus
Lusatian sports school building
type of school All day school
founding 1954
place cottbus
country Brandenburg
Country Germany
Coordinates 51 ° 44 '26 "  N , 14 ° 20' 32"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 44 '26 "  N , 14 ° 20' 32"  E
student > 500
Teachers 72
management Wolfgang Neubert

The Lausitzer Sportschule Cottbus is a sport - oriented all - day school , an elite school of sport and became the first elite school of football in 2006 . It belongs to the Brandenburg Olympic Training Center. The school was opened in 1954 as a children's and youth sports school (KJS) in Forst (Lausitz) . In 1975 she moved to a newly built building in Cottbus .

The school offers the following sports: BMX , soccer (men), gymnastics (men), athletics , handball (men), cycling , trampoline gymnastics , volleyball (women) and disabled sports.

Olympic champions such as Karin Janz (horse jump and uneven bars, 1972), Rosemarie Ackermann (high jump, 1976), Lothar Thoms (1000 m time trial), Lutz Heßlich (sprint, 1980 and 1988), Karsten Brannasch (four-man bobsleigh, 1994), Olaf Pollack (4000 m team pursuit, 2000) and Robert Harting (discus throw, 2012) and other successful participants in World and European Championships as well as the Olympic Games attended this school.

Web links

Commons : Lausitzer Sportschule Cottbus  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files