Lea Fleischmann

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Lea Fleischmann (born March 23, 1947 in Ulm ) is a German-speaking German - Israeli author living in Jerusalem .


Lea Fleischmann was born as a child of Jewish parents who survived the Holocaust in a camp for displaced persons near Ulm and grew up in the Föhrenwald camp in Wolfratshausen . She studied pedagogy and psychology in Frankfurt am Main , started a family and taught from 1973 to 1979 in the Hessian school service at the vocational school .

In 1979 she gave up her secure position as a college teacher and emigrated to Israel without her husband but with two children. In 1980 she published her book “This is not my country”, which has become a bestseller at home and abroad, in which she settled accounts with Germany and showed why Jews could no longer live there after the Holocaust , at the time also under the influence of the Professional bans after the radical decree . In Jerusalem she discovered Judaism for herself, learned Hebrew in order to be able to read the Torah, and became religious. In the meantime, Israel has become her home, she regularly travels to Germany and is asked there as a conversation partner in the Judeo-Christian dialogue.

In 1992 she set up a cultural meeting place, which had to be closed in 2001 due to the second Intifada .

On January 8, 2019, she received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for her educational work on international understanding .


  • This is not my country. A Jewish woman leaves the Federal Republic , Leʾah Flaishman, Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1980, ISBN 3-455-08849-X .
  • I am Israeli. Experiences in an oriental country (= books on the matter ), Hoffman and Campe, Hamburg 1982, ISBN 3-455-08717-5 .
  • Nothing is what it seems to us. Jewish stories (with watercolors by Dudu Barnis), Hamburg / Zurich 1985, ISBN 3-89136-051-7 .
  • Abraham's homecoming. Stories about the Jewish Holidays , Hamburg 1989,
  • Gas - Diary of a Threat. Israel during the Gulf War , Göttingen 1991
  • Shabbat. Judaism made understandable for non-Jews , Hamburg 1994
  • Rabbi Nachman and the Torah. Judaism made understandable for non-Jews , Scherz, Bern / Munich / Vienna 2000. ISBN 3-502-15206-3 .
  • My language lives elsewhere. Thoughts on Germany and Israel (with Chaim Noll ), Scherz, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 978-3-502-15023-7 .
  • Holy food. Judaism made understandable for non-Jews. Scherz, Frankfurt am Main first edition 2009, ISBN 978-3-502-15147-0 .
    • Holy food: Judaism made understandable for non-Jews, Scherz, Frankfurt am Main 2010, ISBN 978-3-502-15147-0 .


  • Katharina L. Ochse: Fleischmann, Lea. In: Andreas B. Kilcher (Ed.): Metzler Lexicon of German-Jewish Literature. Jewish authors in the German language from the Enlightenment to the present. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02457-2 , pp. 139f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Writer Lea Fleischmann receives the Cross of Merit on ribbon. In: Israelnetz .de. January 9, 2019, accessed January 19, 2019 .