Lebuinus Church (Deventer)

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Lebuinus Church (2007)

The Lebuinus Church (Dutch: Grote of Lebuïnuskerk ) is the main church in the Dutch city ​​of Deventer and was one of the most important churches in the medieval diocese of Utrecht .

Church meaning

In 768 the Anglo-Saxon missionary Lebuin built the first church in Deventer. A monastery chapter was founded at the church, which was probably replaced by a stone building in the 9th century . With the elevation of the diocese of Utrecht to an archbishopric in 1559, the diocese of Deventer was set up, and the Lebuinus Church to its cathedral . It lost this status again in 1580 as a result of the Reformation.

Today the church belongs to the Protestant Church in the Netherlands , the steeple is owned by the city of Deventer. As in many Dutch cities, the Roman Catholic community in Deventer has adopted the name of the main Protestant church today. The Broederenkerk (Brethren Church) used by them , formerly the monastery church of the Franciscans , bears the official name Roman Catholic St. Lebuinus Church . The relics of St. Lebuin kept and venerated.

Building history and architecture

No archaeological traces were found of the first three churches from the years 770 (still founded by Lebuinus), shortly after 775 and from 881 onwards.

From 1046 there was a large, flat-roofed early Romanesque basilica , of which many components are still in today's late Gothic hall church. In particular, the crypt , in which there is a hole with a connection to the IJssel , was preserved. The wall paintings in the crypt are, however, only from the 15th century.

In the early 13th century, the basilica was extensively modified: the choir was enlarged and, apart from the nave of the nave, all parts of the church interior were vaulted with six-part ribbed vaults.

It is not known how great the damage to the structure was caused by the city fire of 1234. A dark spot on the floor is attributed to a burning beam that fell into the church at that time.

The conversion to the hall church began with the construction of today's southern aisle 1450-1459 and was completed in 1525. During the renovation, brick was used for the load-bearing parts. The outer skin consists of tuff from the Vulkaneifel , portals, window frames, pinnacles , tracery and other decorations are made of sandstone . The Eiffeltuff comes from parts of the basilica that were removed during the renovation. The tower was erected at the end of the 16th century and crowned with a lantern at the beginning of the 17th century .


The organ was built in the years 1836–1839 by the organ builder Johann Heinrich Holtgräve (Deventer). A large part of the pipe material from the previous organ from the 16th century was reused. In 1890-1892 the wind turbine and windchest were renewed. From 1972 to 1975 the organ was completely restored. The instrument has 45 registers on three manuals and a pedal . 17 registers date back to 1722.

I main work C – f 3
1. Prestant 16 ′
2. Bourdon 16 ′
3. Octav 8th'
4th Reed flute 8th'
5. Octav 4 ′
6th Gemshorn 4 ′
7th Fifth 3 ′
8th. Octav 2 ′
9. Mixture IV-VIII
10. Sesquialtera IV
11. Cornet V 8th'
12. Bassoon 16 ′
13. Trumpet 8th'
II Rückpositiv C – f 3
14th Prestant 8th'
15th Hollow flute 8th'
16. Quintadena 8th'
17th Octave 4 ′
18th Reed flute 4 ′
19th Fifth 3 ′
20th Octav 2 ′
21st flute 2 ′
22nd Mixture III-IV
23. Trumpet 8th'
24. Dulcian 8th'
III Oberwerk C – f 3
25th Baarpijp 8th'
26th Hollow flute 8th'
27. Viola di gamba 8th'
28. Octave 4 ′
29 Open flute 4 ′
30th Fifth flute 3 ′
31. Forest flute 2 ′
32. third 1 35
33. Sifflet 1'
34. Trumpet 8th'
35. Vox Humana 8th'
Pedal C – f 1
36. Prestant 16 ′
37. Sub bass 16 ′
38. Octavbass 8th'
39. Flute bass 8th'
40. Fifth 6 ′
41. Octave 4 ′
42. flute 4 ′
43. Bazuin 16 ′
44. Trumpet 8th'
45. Trumpet 4 ′

Web links

Commons : Lebuinuskirche (Deventer)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organ

Coordinates: 52 ° 15 ′ 6 ″  N , 6 ° 9 ′ 17 ″  E