Lederer & Nessényi

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Lederer & Nessényi factory in Floridsdorf (around 1898)

Lederer & Nessényi was a fireclay , stoneware pipes and pottery factory in Vienna - Floridsdorf .


The company was founded in 1870 by Carl Otto Lederer and his brother-in-law Hans Nessényi in Floridsdorf near Vienna and produced until it was dissolved after Austria was violently annexed by the National Socialists on March 12, 1938; In 1938 there was still a branch in the Krems district. The company was taken over by the National Socialist Othmar Graf Aichelburg, went bankrupt in 1946 and was continued by Vladimir Slechta for a few years until it was closed - also because of the environmental problems with the rapidly increasing population in Floridsdorf.

At that time mainly stoneware from Germany and England came to Austria-Hungary . The company's beginnings were modest: A small basic complex with a floor-to-ceiling building and a shed formed the original area of ​​the establishment and a locomobile with 6 hp provided the initial operating power. A single kiln , which was set up to produce the goods on a trial basis, completed the fundus instructus of that time .

The manufacture of the goods encountered manifold difficulties in the provisional establishment, partly because of the poor training of the workers, partly because of the diversity of the raw materials used.

The difficulty in selling the products to those interested in building, consumers and the like was even greater . a. who viewed these new articles with little confidence and sometimes rejected them entirely.

After the successive improvement and further familiarization of the products, which mainly consisted of stoneware pipes and refractory chamotte brick materials, they found some acceptance in the building and industrial circles, and over time, the earlier opponents came to realize the practical advantages of the stoneware pipes compared to the makes of other brands used up until then Materials for various construction and industrial trades.

Hans Nessényi died in 1876, but the company was continued by the current owner and co-founder Carl Otto Lederer under the previous company and expanded according to the needs of the time.

Through unremitting efforts, the customer base increased. The demand for the articles grew, which is why the first facilities no longer met the requirements.

With the growth of the company, the motor power increased more and more, buildings were carried out and the staff increased accordingly. In order to free itself from the clay manufacturers and mine owners, the company bought a few clay pits itself until it finally succeeded in producing usable raw materials in various provinces of the monarchy.

By 1900 the company had several large mining operations, partly with open surface mining , partly by mining operated and employed Steiger , miners , laborers u. a. that were managed by their own administrators.

In Floridsdorf, where the factories existed, the raw materials delivered from the pits were processed. The motor power was provided by two steam engines with three steam boilers . The Fabriks areal was constantly enlarged and included a three streets limited area. There were four officials' houses, a canteen and the necessary factory objects.

The headquarters of the company, as well as the commercial and technical offices, which took on various orders for water supply and sewerage work , as well as paving , bathing facilities and the production of wall coverings , were located in Vienna .

Otto Lederer as owner received the title of imperial purveyor to the court , the company was awarded the addition " kk privilegirt " and was given the right to lead the imperial eagle. At major exhibitions she received honorable awards by awarding honorary diplomas and first medals and in 1874 she was awarded the silver club medal by the Lower Austrian Trade Association for the successful introduction of factory-made stoneware products in Lower Austria.

Advertisement from Lederer & Nessényi (around 1900)

At the turn of the last century, the company was known and valued in building circles as well as in industry and agriculture, civil and kk military building authorities and corporations because of its products and the high quality of its work. The products for building purposes and chemical engineering companies, as well as the material, were well valued and used. As an outstanding specialty, the company stood out through its technical office through the planning and implementation of water pipes and sewer systems made of stoneware pipes of all sizes and it had acquired a dominant position through the large and numerous work that she had already carried out. The headquarters in Vienna also had its own office for paving, wall cladding, bathing facilities with tile cladding and employed a corresponding staff of workers, fitters and technical officials.

In 1898 it employed around 22 civil servants , 250 workers of various categories, 10 miners and other staff. The workers who lived in Floridsdorf and the surrounding area were mostly recruited from Lower Austria and Bohemia . At welfare institutions there was a support fund , endowed annually by the boss , which could be used in necessary cases to help those who had become needy due to illness or misfortune.

Tonfabrikgasse in Strebersdorf was named in 1985 in honor of Lederer & Nessényi.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lederer & Nessényi . In: Presented by the industrialists of Austria under the high protectorate of His K. and K. Highness of the Most Serene Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Hrsg.): Die Groß-Industrie Oesterreichs . Festival ceremony for the glorious fiftieth anniversary of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Josef I. Volume 2 . Leopold Weiss, Vienna 1898, II. Stone, clay, porcelain and glass industry, p. 60-61 .
  2. ^ Jewish businesses in the Krems district in 1938 . http: //judeninkrems.at.+ Retrieved on July 13, 2019.
  3. die-frau.at ( Memento of the original from December 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / die-frau.at
  4. ^ Source: Hans Smital, Geschichte der Großgemeinde Floridsdorf, Vienna 1903
  5. Handbook of the Supreme Court and the Court of His K. and K. Apostolic Majesty . Kk Hof- und Staatsdruckerei , Vienna 1899, p. 359 .