Ottilie Arndt

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Lena Bloom signing in the Pellerhof in Nuremberg

Ottilie Arndt (née Hofmann; * 1951 in Amberg ) is a German writer who writes detective novels under the pseudonym Lena Bloom . She is a qualified social scientist and member of Altstadtfreunde Nürnberg .


Ottilie Hofmann grew up in Amberg and attended the Gregor-Mendel-Gymnasium in Amberg with her twin sister Lydia from 1961 to 1970 . After graduating from high school, she studied pedagogy at the University of Regensburg .

In 1974 she married Hans-Jürgen Arndt and moved to Nuremberg with him. She worked as a teacher and wrote for the magazine Freund der Kinder . Arndt became more and more interested in foreign school systems and studied them during numerous stays abroad, including from 1987 to 1991 in Colombia . At the same time, she published a number of scientific articles on this.

In 1992 the Arndt family moved into a house on the Pegnitz in the Johannisviertel, which is only a few hundred meters away from the Johannisfriedhof. At the Institute for Elementary School Research Nuremberg of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg , she wrote her dissertation on the topic: The Spanish school reform of 1990. Investigation of a systemic reform concept . In 1999 she was appointed professor by the university.

In 2000, she finished her teaching position in order to devote herself to her writing career under the pseudonym Lena Bloom .

I've always enjoyed reading crime novels from other cities to get a picture of the city, then I thought to myself, why shouldn't there be something like this for Nuremberg? "

- Ottilie Arndt : Amberger Zeitung of December 11, 2004
The grave in the Johannisfriedhof (Nuremberg)



The main character in the crime novels is chief inspector Johanna Uhl .


  • The Spanish school reform of 1900. Investigation of a systematic reform concept . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-412-08999-0 (also dissertation, University of Erlangen 1999).

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Roßner: crime scene Nuremberg, place of birth Amberg. In: Amberger Zeitung . December 11, 2004, accessed April 22, 2009 .
  2. Information on the tomb in the Johannisfriedhof