Lepidopsetta bilineata

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Lepidopsetta bilineata
Rock sole tomelleri.JPG

Lepidopsetta bilineata

Order : Carangiformes
Partial order : Flatfish (Pleuronectoideo)
Family : Plaice (Pleuronectidae)
Genre : Lepidopsetta
Type : Lepidopsetta bilineata
Scientific name
Lepidopsetta bilineata
Ayres , 1855

Lepidopsetta bilineata is a flatfish from the plaice family, whichinhabitsthe seabeds of the coasts of the Pacific from Baja California via Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the southeastern parts of the Bering Sea . In Germany this species is often encountered in the form of frozen fish dishes thatare marketedas consisting of Pacific plaice .

Taxonomy and nomenclature

Before 2000, Lepidopsetta polyxystra and Lepidopsetta bilineata were considered a single species in the genus Lepidopsetta , but researchers Orr & Matarese published a new division of the genus into three different species in 2000.

Due to this reclassification, when using the common English name " Rock sole ", a distinction should be made between a " 'Southern' rock sole " ( L. bilineata ) and a " 'Northern' rock sole " ( L. polyxystra ).


Like almost all clods, the species has its eyes on the right side of the body. The body surface varies in color between gray and olive as well as dark brown and black, is more or less strongly marbled and occasionally shows yellow or red spots. The underside is light. The dorsal and anal fins show dark spots or stripes, near the tail the fins can be yellowish. The caudal fin is convex - rounded or roughly V-shaped. The fish has a small mouth with fleshy lips in which the teeth are more clearly formed on the underside.

Role in the ecosystem

L. bilineata occupies a middle position in the food web of their biotopes.


The species feeds mainly on benthic animal organisms such as molluscs , crustaceans , brittle stars , worms and also other fish.


Marine mammals and other fish such as sharks , pacific pollack , pacific dab , pacific halibut, and pacific cod are predators of Lepidopsetta bilineata .


The animals reach spawning maturity between 4 and 7 years of age. Spawning takes place in winter and early spring. The spawn sticks to the ground at the place of deposit, the larvae hatch after 6 to 25 days.

Commercial importance

The species is commercially fished and forms an important part of trawl catches in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska . The stocks were overfished in the 1960s but have recovered since then. In 2008, the estimated population mass of Lepidopsetta bilineata in the Gulf of Alaska was 161,617 tons. Previously, 1,468 tons were removed from this stock in 2004 and 4,260 tons in 2007. Alaska has the largest share of global catches of this fish, in 2008 it was more than 52,000 tons.

supporting documents

  1. a b c Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly: Lepidopsetta bilineata . In: Fishbase . July 15, 2009. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  2. James W. Orr, Matarese, Ann C .: Revision of the genus Lepidopsetta Gill, 1862 (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae) based on larval and adult morphology, with a description of a new species from the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea . (PDF) In: Fishery Bulletin . 98, No. 3, July 2000, pp. 539-82. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  3. a b c d Rock sole . In: FishWatch . National Marine Fisheries Service . January 22, 2016. Archived from the original on April 3, 2008. Retrieved November 18, 2009.
  4. Rock sole . Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Archived from the original on November 4, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2016.

Web links

Commons : Lepidopsetta bilineata  - collection of images, videos and audio files