Leptospirosis in Pigs

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The leptospirosis of pigs is a bacterial disease of pigs . The serovar Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona, which can also be transmitted to ruminants and vice versa, is of greatest importance . Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Tarassovi is only adapted to pigs , but is currently of little importance. Also Leptospira kirschneri serovar Mozdok has to be considered because of its natural herd prevalence. Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava and Leptospira interrogans serovar Munich have recently been detected in connection with conception disorders and abortions .


The natural focus is an important reservoir of pathogens: the rodent species brown rat , fire mouse and other mice and hamster species should be mentioned here in particular . Leptospira can survive for a long time in humid and warm surroundings (contaminated water!). The pathogens then actively penetrate the body through the mucous membrane ; Cover infections are also possible. This leads to bacteremia , the formation of endotoxins and damage to the red blood cells , the central nervous system , the blood vessels and other organs. Even fruits can be damaged. When the immune defense system sets in, almost all pathogens are killed, but remain in the kidney tubules and are excreted in the urine for a long time. Pregnant sows are particularly at risk, and low numbers of pathogens can have serious consequences.


The main symptoms are abortions and the birth of weak piglets. Due to the lengthy course of the disease, the fruits die one after the other in the womb, which is why various stages of development and decomposition can be seen in the litters. The fruits have liver - necrosis and bloody, gelatinous subcutaneous infiltration on.

Infections in fattening pigs often go unnoticed, which is a major zoonotic risk.


The pathogen is cultured and detected by dark field and phase contrast microscopy. Serological detection is also possible.

Therapy and prophylaxis

Effective antibiotics are penicillin , aminopenicillin , dihydrostreptomycin, and tetracycline . Vaccination is possible, but currently not necessary in Germany due to the low prevalence .

Animal Disease Act

Swine leptospirosis is a notifiable animal disease . Leptospirosis is one of the zoonoses . The control is based on serological monitoring programs. When examining meat , white spots on the kidney are an important indicator of leptospirosis.


  • Medical microbiology, infection and epidemic theory von Rolle / Mayr, Enke Verlag Stuttgart (2007)