Rheinquelle lighthouse

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Rheinquelle lighthouse
Oberalppass lighthouse.jpg
Place: Oberalp Pass
Location: Graubünden , Switzerland
Geographical location: 694335 Price  /  168 217 coordinates: 46 ° 39 '30.7 "  N , 8 ° 40' 16.2"  O ; CH1903:  694335 Price  /  168,217
Height of tower base: 2046  m above sea level M.
Fire carrier height : 10 m
Rheinquelle lighthouse (canton of Graubünden)
Rheinquelle lighthouse
Construction time: 2010

The Rheinquelle lighthouse is a tourist attraction on the Oberalp Pass in the Swiss canton of Graubünden .

The ten meter high tower was built in 2010 as part of a touristic marketing campaign near the source of the Rhine and is intended as an original campaign to promote the attractiveness of the holiday region. It is a replica of the former underfire Hoek van Holland ( Dutch: Lage licht van Hoek van Holland ), which marked the mouth of the Rhine into the North Sea for 70 years and has been in the Maritime Museum Rotterdam since 1990 .

The Rheinquelle Lighthouse Foundation is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the tower . Every year she appoints a celebrity as an "honorary guard", e.g. B. 2019 Nik Hartmann . According to the foundation, it should be “the highest lighthouse in the world”, but Faro de Puno on Lake Titicaca is another 1,764 meters higher above sea ​​level .

Web links

Commons : Leuchtturm Rheinquelle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Lighthouse and cargo ship on the Oberalp Pass. SWI swissinfo.ch , October 13, 2010, accessed on September 24, 2019 .