Li Dazhao

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Soviet postage stamp on the occasion of Li Dazhao's 100th birthday (1989)

Lǐ Dàzhāo ( Chinese  李大钊 / 李大釗 , Pinyin Lǐ Dàzhāo ; born October 28, 1889 in the vicinity of Laoting , Hebei Province ; †  April 28, 1927 ( execution )) was a Chinese politician with a Marxist orientation.


From a family of small farmers, Li Dazhao grew up as an orphan under the supervision of his grandfather and went through the usual school career, classic basic training, then a modern middle school. At the age of 16 he also lost his grandfather and sold the modest family property to finance a degree at the Beiyang College of Political Science in Tianjin . In 1913 he received his degree in political economy . He decided to continue his studies and went to Japan to Waseda University in Tokyo .

Li Dazhao called himself a Bolshevik in 1918. He was the first to receive the messages of the Russian party with interest and had a great influence on Peking University. He was Chen Duxius' "teacher" and had a major impact on Mao Zedong , who was an assistant librarian at the time. Li played an enormous role in the theoretical development of the May Fourth Movement and its consequences. In response to Yuan Shikai's attempt to become Emperor of China , he responded by founding a Chinese Study Society. He published a first book in which he criticized Yuan Shikai and Japan's efforts to influence China's domestic politics. As he neglected his studies as a result, he was de-registered in 1916. Li Dazhao then returned to China, took a job as the secretary of a leader of the Progressive Party, became editor-in-chief of the party organ, and thereby campaigned for the promotion of a democratic form of government. He was a librarian at Peking University in 1918 and Mao’s supervisor, took an active part in the May Fourth Movement and also in the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. In 1920 he was promoted to professor and secretary of the university chancellor, taught and taught held lectures on Marx's main work " Das Kapital ". As a professor, he also contributed to the spread of communist ideas by organizing study groups devoted to Marxism. On the occasion of the 5th Congress of the Comintern in 1924, he traveled to Moscow and accepted a professorship at the university there.

During the civil war in China, as a result of renewed criticism of Japan, he was forced to take refuge in the embassy of the Soviet Union . During a raid by the gendarmes of the warlord Zhang Zuolin , Li Dazhao was arrested on April 6, 1927 and hanged on the 28th of the same month .

See also


  • W. Kriwzow, W. Krasnowa, Li Dazhao from revolutionary democrat to Marxist-Leninist. Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
  • Thomas Weyrauch: China's neglected republic. 100 years in the shadow of world history . Volume 1: 1911-1949 . Longtai, Giessen (ie) Heuchelheim 2009, ISBN 978-3-938946-14-5 .

Web links

Commons : Li Dazhao  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. According to other sources as early as 1888.
  2. ^ William Scott Morton, Charlton M. Lewis: China. Its history and culture . (4th edition). McGraw-Hill, Boston 2004, p. 189.