Lidia Burska

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Lidia Burska, née Lidia Rola (born September 27, 1953 in Radom , † August 8, 2008 in Jeleńcz ), was a Polish literary historian and literary critic . She was married to the poet and journalist Tomasz Burski .


Burska attended high school in Radom and passed the Abitur there in 1972. She then studied Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw , where she obtained her master's degree in 1977 . After graduating, she worked at the Instytut Badań Literackich of the Polish Academy of Sciences . In addition, she studied the history of philosophy at the Academy for Catholic Theology in Warsaw until 1983 . She also gave lectures for teachers, students and doctoral students. In 1982 she was employed as a research assistant at the Badań Literackich Institute. She did her doctorate with the thesis Ludzie i dzieje. Literackie ujęcie procesu historycznoliterackiego we współczesnych narracjach o dziejach and was later promoted to research assistant . From 2003 to 2005 she was a member of the jury for the Nike Literature Prize .

She was buried in Warsaw.


  • Kłopotliwe dziedzictwo. Szkice o literaturze i historii , 1998
  • Awangardia i inne złudzenia. O pokoleniu '68 w Polsce , 2012 (unfinished habilitation thesis that was prepared for printing by Alina Brodzka-Wald and Burska's daughter)
  • Cytaty z życia i literatury , 2012 (edited by Marek Zaleski )

Web links

  • Marlena Sęczek: Lidia Burska. In: Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Retrieved October 14, 2018 (Polish).