Liesbeth Krzok

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Liesbeth Hilde Gertrud Krzok (born October 4, 1909 in Bautzen , † unknown) was a nurse in the Ravensbrück concentration camp .


Liesbeth Krzok, a trained nurse, was a member of the NSDAP since 1928 and in the NS sisterhood from 1935 . From May 1939 she did duty in the Lichtenburg concentration camp and in the summer of 1939 was deployed in the newly established Ravensbrück concentration camp until September 1940. After three years, on August 15, 1943, she was deployed again to the Ravensbrück concentration camp until September 1944. Here she was also involved in experimental operations on prisoners. Krzok then worked in the infirmary in the Ravensbrück subcamp in Neubrandenburg until April 1, 1944.

After the end of the war, Krzok was charged with the mistreatment of Allied nationals in the HamburgCuriohaus ” before a British military court in the fourth Ravensbrück trial and sentenced to four years in prison. This judgment was confirmed on July 3, 1948.

Liesbeth Krzok was released early on February 3, 1951 for good conduct. Nothing is known about her further life.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernhard Strebel : The Ravensbrück concentration camp. History of a camp complex , dissertation 2001 at the University of Hanover: The camp complex of the Ravensbrück concentration camp , Paderborn; Munich; Vienna; Zurich: Schöningh, 2003, ISBN 3-506-70123-1 ; P. 247; Table of contents can be downloaded as a PDF document
  2. Ulrich Herbert , Karin Orth , Christoph Dieckmann (ed.): The National Socialist Concentration Camps. Development and structure. Volume 1, Wallstein, Göttingen 1998 ISBN 3-89244-289-4 , p. 812.