Lieselotte Prehn

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Lieselotte Prehn , b. Nottrott (born August 13, 1954 in Grüssow , Röbel / Müritz district ; † November 8, 2019 ), was a German politician ( SED , PDS , later Die Linke ).

Prehn attended the Polytechnische Oberschule in Walchow and then worked as a business clerk and card punch in the computing station of the VVB Forestry in Waren / Müritz . From 1974 on she worked for the city council of Röbel / Müritz as the mayor's secretary, as a management and department head in health and social services. From 1990 onwards, she performed other activities, but was temporarily unemployed. In 1998 she began as a project coordinator for the Röbel / Müritz school and youth development association, of which she was also deputy chairwoman. She was also the first spokeswoman for the round table for youth work in the city of Röbel.

Prehn joined the SED in 1980, which became part of the PDS in 1990. There she sat on the board of the local association Röbel. In 1990 she moved there to the city council, was deputy chairman of the joint faction of the PDS and Open List and sat on the finance committee. In 1998 it moved into the district council of the Müritz district . There she was also vice-chairman of her parliamentary group and sat on the committees for culture, youth and sport as well as youth welfare. On August 1, 2001, she succeeded Johann Scheringer in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state parliament and was a member of it until the end of the election period in autumn 2002.

Prehn was married and the mother of two sons.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice , accessed on November 19, 2019