Lionel Galand

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Lionel Galand

Lionel Galand (born May 11, 1920 in Aluze , Saône-et-Loire department ; † October 28, 2017 ) was a French Berberologist .


Galand graduated from the École normal supérieure (1941, classical philology ). From 1946 to 1948 he worked at the École française in Rome ; Subsequently he taught in Rabat at the Institut des hautes études marocaines . He then represented the subject of Berberology in Paris at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales (INLCO) as the successor to André Basset from 1956 to 1977 . Until 1979 he taught Berberology at the IV. Department (History) of the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE, in the Sorbonne building ).

In 1999 Galand became a corresponding member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres . In 2001 he became an external member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences .

Since 1944 he was married to Paulette Galand-Pernet (* 1919; † May 5, 2011), a specialist in Berber literature.

Research priorities

The linguist Galand dealt with the Old Libyan and modern Berber languages . Due to its longer stays in Morocco can Shilha language of Schlöh / Schelha are considered to be linguistic focus, but he also Kabyle (Algeria) and the dialects of the Tuareg taught. The research into the Tamahaq (Tuareg des Hoggar in southern Algeria) in particular owes a great deal to him in connection with his studies of the texts recorded by Charles de Foucauld . It concerns the correspondence between de Foucauld and the Amenokal (local chief of the tribe) Musa ag Amastan.

The common approach of his Berberological research was comparative linguistics.


  • Inscriptions antiques du Maroc - Inscriptions libyques Inscriptions antiques du Maroc - Inscriptions libyques, Paris 1966, Éditions du CNRS
  • L'alphabet libyque de Dougga in Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée , No. 13-14, 1973, pp. 361-368
  • Langue et literature berbères. Vingt-cinq ans d'études , Paris 1979, Éditions du CNRS, ISBN 2-222-02401-3
  • Lettres au marabout. Messages touaregs au Père de Foucauld, (Ed.) Paris 1999, Belin, ISBN 2-7011-2102-7
  • Études de linguistique berbère , Louvain / Paris 2002, Peeters, ISBN 90-429-1180-8
  • Regards sur le berbère , Milan 2010, Centro Studi Camito-Semitici. ISBN 978-88-901537-2-3

Festschriften dedicated to him and his wife

  • A la croisée des études libyco-berbères . Mélanges offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet and Lionel Galand, Paris, Geuthner, 1993. ISBN 2-7053-1310-9
  • Langue et literature amazighes. Cinquante ans de recherche . Homage to Paulette Galand-Pernet & Lionel Galand. Rabat - 27 juin 2006, Rabat, Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe, 2006 ISBN 9954-439-63-3
  • Berberes course . Edited by Mettouchi, Mélanges offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet et Lionel Galand pour leur 90ᵉ anniversaire, Cologne, Köppe Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89645-933-6

Individual evidence

  1. Pauelette Galand-Pernet nous a quittés (2011).