Lisa Kosok

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Lisa Kosok (born April 23, 1955 in Bottrop ) is a German historian, museum director and university lecturer.


Lisa Kosok studied history, German language and literature and education at the Ruhr University Bochum and did her doctorate in 1989 under Hans Mommsen on leisure culture in the Ruhr area . After working at the Ruhr Museum in Essen , she was appointed deputy director and collection manager at the Hamburg Museum of Labor in 1993 , which she took over in 2004.

On July 1, 2008, she took over the post of Scientific Director at the Museum for Hamburg History (MHG) as the successor to Gisela Jaacks . At the same time, she was appointed provisional director of the Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation, which was newly established at the time and which brings together the Hanseatic city's four urban and cultural history museums (in addition to the MHG, the Altona Museum , Helms Museum , and Museum of Labor). From April 1 to October 2015, Lisa Kosok was director of the European Hanseatic Museum in Lübeck . Since July 1, 2016, she has been Professor of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at HafenCity University Hamburg .

Kosok has overseen numerous exhibitions and research projects in the areas of leisure and popular culture, photography, industrial and urban history.

She has a grown son.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lisa Kosok is supposed to manage the Hanseatic Museum. Lübecker Nachrichten, February 26, 2015, accessed on March 15, 2015 .
  2. Surprising change in the Hansemuseum ( Memento from September 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), NDR online from September 25, 2015, accessed on September 25, 2015
  3. ^ Biography page of the HCU
  4. ^ Director on the march: A woman from Hamburg for the Hansemuseum. Lübecker Nachrichten, February 26, 2015, accessed on March 15, 2015 .