List of architectural monuments in the north

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Lower Saxony monument plaque from 2018.png

The list of architectural monuments in Norden contains the architectural monuments in the East Frisian community of Norden that are protected under the Lower Saxony Monument Protection Act . The basis is the district's published list of monuments (as of July 25, 2016).

Architectural monuments are "in the sense of the law ground monuments, movable monuments and monuments of geological history."


image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Memorial stone Comprehensive

Parcel: 030605-005-00001 / 000

Memorial stone

Erected in 1950 to commemorate the construction of the Störtebeker dike from 1947-50 on the dike crown, in the manner of a neo-baroque gable top with inscription stones. (see also: Störtebekerriede) Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG



image designation location description construction time Registered
Residential / farm building (former miller's house) Residential / farm building (former miller's house) Bargebur
Am Moortief 9

Parcel: 030105-039-00179 / 090

Residential / farm building (former miller's house)

1-sch. Residential house with stable part in brick construction. Curved residential gable with crown u. Eaves volutes. Built in 1807, (1804 above sea level), renovated in 1982, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Bargebur
Heerstrasse 39

Parcel: 030105-040-00053 / 004

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: tree population; Gulf house of the East Frisian type in a good state of preservation. 2-tier Residential part with gable-sided access. Around 1890. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Bargeburer Church (ev.-ref.)
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Bargeburer Church (ev.-ref.) Bargebur
Heerstrasse 52

Parcel: 030105-039-00219 / 128

Church (ev.-ref.)

Rectangular hall made of brick masonry with a basket arched entrance and keystone. 1680 . In the south low cultivation m. Block frame window and curved gable. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG



image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Dike (Schoonorther Polderdeich) Leybuchtpolder
north, city - Leybuchtpolder

Parcel: 030605-003-00056 / 000

Dike (Schoonorther Polderdeich)

with: Deichschaart Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.04 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for cultural and intellectual history Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Memorial stone Leybuchtpolder

Parcel: 030605-005-00001 / 000

Memorial stone

Erected in 1950 to commemorate the construction of the Störtebeker dike from 1947-50 on the dike crown, in the manner of a neo-baroque gable top with inscription stones. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Linteler March

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Residential / farm building (farm workers' house) Linteler March
Osterlooger Weg 9

Parcel: 030104-008-00021 / 001

Residential / farm building (farm workers' house)

Small farm workers house with recessed living area, towed to the west. Wi-gable with stable door. Preserved unchanged, e.g. Currently vacant. Around 1880/90. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Lifeboat shed, formerly (rescue shed (museum))
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Lifeboat shed, formerly (rescue shed (museum)) Linteler March
Tunnelstrasse 14

Parcel: 030104-004-00034 / 007

Lifeboat shed, formerly (rescue shed (museum))

Former Rescue shed of the German. Shipwrecked Rescue Society. Small brick building with pilaster strips, plastered, with accentuated eaves under a gable roof. 1885/90 Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential house (Westerlooger Grashaus, former.) Linteler March
Westerloog 4

Parcel: 030104-002-00089 / 083

Residential house (Westerlooger Grashaus, former.)

with: Wurt, Graft, tree population; Semi-detached house. The core of the 16th century, rebuilt in 1869, plastered in 1927. Meaning: historical, scientific, urban planning Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0021

BW Barn (Westerlooger Grashaus, formerly) Linteler March
Westerloog 4

Parcel: 030104-002-00089 / 083

Barn (Westerlooger Grashaus, formerly)

Gulf barn. Attached to residential building to NE. End of the 19th century; The structure and the outline of the building have been preserved. Meaning: historical, scientific, urban planning group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0021

BW Residential house (Westerlooger Grashaus, former.) Linteler March
Westerloog 5

Parcel: -

Residential house (Westerlooger Grashaus, former.)

with: Wurt, Graft, tree population; Semi-detached house. The core of the 16th century, rebuilt in 1869. Meaning: historical, scientific, urban planning Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0021

BW Barn (Westerlooger Grashaus, formerly) Linteler March
Westerloog 5

Parcel: 030104-002-00090 / 059

Barn (Westerlooger Grashaus, formerly)

Gulf barn. Attached to residential building to NE. 18th century, hardly changed in terms of building and room structure. Meaning: historical, scientific, urban planning Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0021



image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Sewer system (Leybuchtsiel) Neuwesteel
Am Leydeich

Parcel: -

Sewer system (Leybuchtsiel)

with: bascule bridge; in clinker a. Stone-built sewer system with a steel bascule bridge in its original condition from 1928/29. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0014

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Neuwesteel
Groß-Schulenburger Polderweg 1

Parcel: 030606-008-00008 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: Backhaus; East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building with 2-storey living area. Block frame and sliding windows preserved. Wi part in the north with extension. 1859 . Small bakery in the south Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Neuwesteel
Groß-Schulenburger Polderweg 3

Parcel: 030606-010-00011 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: Hofwurt; East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building m. magnificent 2-storey. Living part. Cast iron arched windows. Around 1860. Wi-part on the north side with expansion from 1905. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Kl. Schulenburger Polder)) Neuwesteel
Kreitlappereiweg 5

Parcel: 030606-011-00019 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Kl. Schulenburger Polder))

East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building with 2-story residential part under a hipped roof. Block frame and upper floor hinged window. Entrance on the gable side. New northern eaves wall. 1842 . Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG



image designation location description construction time Registered
Water tower Water tower Avenue street

Parcel: -

Water tower

Clearly structured brick building on a square floor plan under a flat roof. Banded base. "1939". Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / farm building ('Löwenhaus' (Gulfhof Seldenüst)) Residential / farm building ('Löwenhaus' (Gulfhof Seldenüst)) Alleestraße 20

Parcel: 030105-036-00107 / 023

Residential / farm building ('Löwenhaus' (Gulfhof Seldenüst))

East Frisian type gulf house. Curved gable with figure attachments (water gods). Lions as a coat of arms bearer to the side of the entrance. "1789"; Economic section around 1860. Significance: Historically, artistically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (duplex (Bummert)) Alleestraße 29

Parcel: 030105-036-00140 / 004

Residential / farm building (duplex (Bummert))

Semi-detached house (Bummert) in brick construction. Probably the end of the 19th century 29 ceiling beams with wooden mortise lock, Wi-part changed. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Mill (Westgaster Windmill)
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Mill (Westgaster Windmill) Alleestrasse 65

Parcel: 030105-035-00125 / 003

Mill (Westgaster Windmill)

3-story gallery Dutch. Hull on octagonal ground plan. Structure covered with tar paper. 1863. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0019

BW Residential house (Müllerhaus (Westgaster Mühle)) Alleestrasse 65

Parcel: 030105-035-00125 / 003

Residential house (Müllerhaus (Westgaster Mühle))

2-tier with plastered gable and arched windows. 1863. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0019

School, formerly (Sielschule (today social station)) School, formerly (Sielschule (today social station)) Am Alten Siel 1

Parcel: 030105-030-00156 / 006

School, formerly (Sielschule (today social station))

1-sch. 7-axis brick building with pilaster strips under a half-hipped roof, 1893. Today used as a social station. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Smithy, former Smithy, former Am Alten Siel 3

Parcel: 030105-030-00236 / 004

Smithy, former

1-sch. Brick building with a flat central projectile and a dwarf house. Profiled eaves cornice. Around 1890. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Gym (Norder Turnverein v. 1861 e.V.) Gym (Norder Turnverein v. 1861 e.V.) Am Alten Siel 5

Parcel: 030105-030-00237 / 001

Gym (Norder Turnverein v. 1861 e.V.)

1-sch. Gable-independent brick building under a gently sloping gable roof. Profiled eaves and gable cornices, suspected segmented arched windows. Around 1880. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Am Alten Siel 7

Parcel: 030105-032-00002 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. Gable-independent brick building under a gable roof. Profiled cornice strips and suspected segmental arched windows. 1892. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Packhouse / customs warehouse ('Norder Zollamt')
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Packhouse / customs warehouse ('Norder Zollamt') At the port 1

Parcel: 030105-031-00010 / 004

Packhouse / customs warehouse ('Norder Zollamt')

Magnificent 2–3-gesch. Elongated brick building with rich brick decorations on windows and cornices. Wall surfaces divided by arched windows and pilaster strips. "1857". Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0009

BW Harbor master's office, former At the port 6

Parcel: 030105-031-00005 / 010

Harbor master's office, former

Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0009

BW Residential house ('Villa Wilken') At the port 8

Parcel: 030105-030-00200 / 007

Residential house ('Villa Wilken')

1-sch. Plastered building with dwelling houses and porches. Most of the windows have been preserved. "1914". Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Kirchwurt On the market

Parcel: 030105-027-00018 / 000


with: churchyard, trees; Large mound on which the remains of the monumental St. Andrew's Church stood until 1756 . Some older tombstones surrounded by a low brick wall. Older trees. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Monument (Bismarck Monument)
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Monument (Bismarck Monument) On the market

Parcel: 030105-027-00020 / 001

Monument (Bismarck Monument)

A bronze Bismarck statue on a head-high granite ashlar plinth. Arnold Künne Altene, Berlin 1901. Group according to. Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Marketplace On the market

Parcel: 030105-027-00029 / 001


Newly paved square with younger tree plantings. Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Green area (Blücherplatz) On the market

Parcel: 030105-027-00029 / 001

Green area (Blücherplatz)

Green space surrounded by trees and bushes, laid out around 1865 on the southwest corner of the market. Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building Residential / commercial building At market 2

Parcel: 030105-016-00046 / 001

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Brick building under a mansard roof. Street front with plaster blocks and decorative elements. Profiled eaves cornice. Around 1900. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Hotel ('Hotel zur Post') At market 3

Parcel: 030105-016-00044 / 000

Hotel ('Hotel zur Post')

2-tier Brick building with plastered street facade. Main building with a curved gable. End of the 19th century. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0018

BW Stable building, formerly ('Hotel zur Post') At market 3

Parcel: -

Stable building, formerly ('Hotel zur Post')

with: Hoftor; To the side of the main building, with a courtyard gate. End of the 19th century. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0018

BW Barn ('Hotel zur Post') At market 3

Parcel: 030105-016-00044 / 000

Barn ('Hotel zur Post')

Back to the main building. End of the 19th century. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0018

Post Office ('Post Office') Post Office ('Post Office') At market 4

Parcel: 030105-016-00042 / 007

Post Office ('Post Office')

Representative 2-tier Brick construction under a gable roof with stepped gables and 2 symmetrically arranged mid-houses. Facade structure through sandstone-framed windows. 1906. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Commercial building (former Grafensitz) At the market 6

Parcel: 030105-016-00041 / 000

Commercial building (former Grafensitz)

2-tier Brick / clinker construction. The rear wing of the building probably dates from the 16th century; Street front renewed. Currently used as a printing shop. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Residential building (former Easter pastore) At the market 7

Parcel: 030105-015-00004 / 000

Residential building (former Easter pastore)

1-tier, gable-independent plastered building under a crooked hip roof. In the core 1578, outer skin overmolded. Hermann Conring's birthplace (1606); Residential house of Johann Christian Reil (1770-82) single monument gem. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

Administration building ('Vossenhus' (city library)) Administration building (' Vossenhus ' (city library)) At market 8

Parcel: 030105-015-00006 / 001

Administration building ('Voss'sche Haus' (city library))

2-tier Brick building. Middle part from the 16th century with preserved relief arches and roof truss. Back wing "1792". Street wing with plastered facade, probably 1st half of the 19th century Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

Residential building, formerly (police) Residential building, formerly (police) At market 10

Parcel: 030105-029-00017 / 005

Residential building, formerly (police)

Renaissance building from "1617". Only the street gable has been preserved with a sandstone-walled entrance and a magnificent skylight. Rear outer walls newly bricked up. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Residential building At the market 11

Parcel: 030105-029-00015 / 001

Residential building

2-tiered, plastered eaves construction under a gable roof. Window frames and cornices are three-dimensional. Around 1905. Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

Residential / commercial building (Dree Süsters) Residential / commercial building ( Dree Süsters ) Dree Süsters (North, East Frisia)
Am Markt 12

Parcel: 030105-029-00014 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Renaissance building with a curved gable. Origin The window structure can still be seen through relief arches. Sandstone bands. 17th century, renovated. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

Residential / commercial building
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Residential / commercial building At the market 13

Parcel: 030105-029-00011 / 001

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Renaissance building with a curved gable. Origin Window structure readable. Sandstone bands. West eaves newly bricked up. In the core of the 17th century Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Part of (Tourist Office) ( Dree Süsters ) At the market 14

Parcel: 030105-029-00008 / 006

Component (tourist office)

New building group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Town Hall (New Town Hall)
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Town Hall (New Town Hall) At market 15

Parcel: 030105-029-00008 / 007

Town Hall (New Town Hall)

2-tier Brick building m. plastered facade in parallelism. Wrought iron balcony above the entrance portal. 1884. Extensions from various years of construction. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW kiosk At market 15a

Parcel: 030105-027-00029 / 001


Elongated flat roof building with rounded corners on the south side of the market square. Tiled outer skin. Around 1960 group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Church (Mennonite Church)
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Church (Mennonite Church) At the market 16

Parcel: 030105-029-00007 / 000

Church (Mennonite Church)

2-tier strictly symmetrical articulated brick building under a curved mansard roof m. Roof turret. Entrance m. curved outside staircase. "1662"; Additions from “1796” and “1835”. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

1662 452019.00060
School, formerly (district music school (today registry office)) School, formerly (district music school (today registry office)) At the market 19

Parcel: 030105-029-00001 / 003

School, formerly (district music school (today registry office))

2-tier 7-axis plastered construction under a hipped roof. Arched windows on the first floor with decorated parapet fields. Profiled eaves cornice. Built in 1861, later a district music school, today the registry office. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Residential building At the market 20

Parcel: 030105-029-00001 / 001

Residential building

2-tier 3-axis plastered construction under a gable roof with a two-storey extension on the side. Facade with imitation cuboid, end of the 19th century; older in the core: historical vaulted cellar single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building (pharmacy (formerly an inn)) At market 21

Parcel: 030105-028-00138 / 000

Residential / commercial building (pharmacy (formerly an inn))

2-tier Clinker brick building from 1777. 1924 Reconstruction. From 1885 inn to the "Golden Elephant", today a pharmacy. Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Residential building At the market 26

Parcel: 030105-028-00089 / 002

Residential building

2-tier Plastered construction with a new flat roof. End of 19th century Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 27

Parcel: 030105-028-00088 / 002

Residential building

2-tier Plastered building under a hip roof. Decorative facade with profiled window frames and triangular roofs. Heavily designed eaves cornice. 1882. New extension in the north. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 29

Parcel: 030105-028-00086 / 000

Residential building

2-tier 4-axis plastered construction with profiled segment arched windows. Corner pilaster strips pulled out over the eaves. End of 19th century Rear 1-layered Cultivation. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 30

Parcel: 030105-028-00085 / 001

Residential building

2-tier Brick building (in the core from 1610) with extension from the 19th century; Street facade at the end of the 19th century renewed in plaster. Historic vaulted cellar single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential house (former pastorate St. Ludgeri) Residential house (former pastorate St. Ludgeri) At market 33

Parcel: 030105-028-00081 / 000

Residential house (former pastorate St. Ludgeri)

2-tier, 4-axis brick building. Street and south facade plastered. Windows on the street side with profiled block frames, in the core from 1555 (historical vaulted cellar), expansion 1st half of the 18th century. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At market 34

Parcel: 030105-028-00080 / 001

Residential building ('Lütkehus')

New building. Only 1-sch. 3-axis gable-facing plaster facade preserved, end of the 19th century; beautiful entrance door with skylight, around 1800 group gem. Section 3.3 NDSchG

Town Hall (Old Town Hall (Local History / Tea Museum))
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Town Hall ( Old Town Hall ( Local History / Tea Museum)) At the market 36

Parcel: 030105-028-00069 / 000

Town Hall (Old Town Hall (Local History / Tea Museum))

Characterful 2-tier Brick building with a curved stepped gable. Wide stair tower to the square. The core was rebuilt in 1539-42, 1768/69 and 1870. Historic vaulted cellar single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Church (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri))
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Church (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri)) At market 37

Parcel: 030105-027-00018 / 000

Church (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri))

Largest East Frisian church building with a low nave from the 13th century, built in 3 construction phases; Transept in the core of the 14th century and steep basilica choir from 1445/81. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003, 452019Gr0015

BW Churchyard (St. Ludgeri) At market 37

Parcel: 030105-027-00018 / 000

Churchyard (St. Ludgeri)

Cemetery with tombstones, trees and surrounding wall. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0015

Bell tower (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri)) Bell tower (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri)) At market 37a

Parcel: 030105-027-00037 / 000

Bell tower (Evangelical Lutheran (formerly St. Ludgeri))

To the south of the church building, a massive tower of the closed type with a blind structure. Around 1250. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003, 452019Gr0015

Administration building (former tax office (police)) Administration building (former tax office (police)) At the market 38

Parcel: 030105-027-00016 / 002

Administration building (former tax office (police))

2- / 3-layered Brick building with plastered front sides. Ground floor with imitation cuboid. Upper floor segmented arched window with profiled plaster frames. Facade 1899; older in core (historical vaulted cellar) single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0003

BW Residential house, formerly (building management) At market 39

Parcel: 030105-027-00012 / 001

Residential house, formerly (building management)

2-tier Brick building under a gable roof. Storey and eaves cornices with toothed frieze. Around 1890. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Residential building At market 41

Parcel: 030105-027-00011 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Brick building with plastered street gable. Southern eaves side with preserved sliding windows in block frames. Middle of the 19th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building, former At market 43

Parcel: 030105-027-00009 / 000

Residential building, former

Vacant 1/2-tier Brick construction, e.g. Some with new clinker brick facades. Around 1900 group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Residential building At the market 45

Parcel: 030105-028-00061 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. gable brick building under saddle ach. Trimmed window frames. Around 1910. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At market 46

Parcel: 030105-028-00060 / 000

Residential building

2-tier 3-axis brick building (monastery format). Narrow pilaster strips m. Sandstone bands, relief arches on the upper floor. Nice skylight. In the core 1680 (historical vaulted cellar), extension 19th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building ('Haus Vienna') Residential building (' Haus Vienna ') At market 55

Parcel: 030105-025-00126 / 000

Residential building ('Haus Viena')

1-sch. Gable-independent brick building in monastery format, in the core of the 16th century (stone house?). Baroque gable v. "1792" with volutes and crown, remains of the Renaissance gable can still be seen. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 56

Parcel: 030105-025-00125 / 001

Residential building

Eaves clinker building from approx. 1955 group according to. Section 3.3 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 57

Parcel: 030105-025-00124 / 001

Residential building

Set back from the street, 1-stor. Plastered building under a mansard roof with a curved gable. Semicircular porch with column structure. 1912 (E. Raab, architect) individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building Residential / commercial building At the market 58

Parcel: 030105-025-00123 / 003

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Gable-independent plastered construction with imitation cuboids under a hipped roof. Most of the windows have been preserved. Facade end of the 19th century, in the core around 1600 (historical vaulted cellar) individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 59

Parcel: 030105-025-00119 / 005

Residential building

with: front garden, enclosure; 2-tier Eaves brick building with 6 axes from 1953. Historic vaulted cellar from the 14th / 15th century. Front garden with beautiful, older wrought iron fence. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At the market 60

Parcel: 030105-025-00118 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Gable-free brick construction with four axes under a gable roof. Segmented arc window. Facade end of the 19th century; historical vaulted cellar single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building At market 61

Parcel: 030105-025-00117 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Eaves brick building with profiled cornice (German band) and eaves cornice. Trimmed window frames. 1909. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Residential building At the market 62

Parcel: 030105-025-00116 / 000

Residential building

with: garden plot, enclosure; 2-tier Eaves brick building with a plastered facade under a hip roof. Segmented arched windows with profiled plaster frames. End of 19th century Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Superintendent (Evangelical Lutheran Church) At the market 63

Parcel: 030105-025-00115 / 002

Superintendent (Evangelical Lutheran Church)

2-tier Classicist brick building on the eaves under a half-hipped roof. Profiled eaves cornice. Block frame windows and wooden portal frame have been preserved. 1844. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building At the market 64

Parcel: 030105-025-00114 / 001

Residential building

with: enclosure, stairs; 2-tier Eaves brick building under a hipped roof. Wooden eaves cornice m. Tooth cut frieze. Block frame window. 1st half of the 19th century; Wrought iron front garden fence and sandstone staircase single monument gem. Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building, formerly (community office) Residential building, formerly (community office) At the market 66

Parcel: 030105-025-00102 / 002

Residential building, formerly (community office)

2-tier Gable-independent brick building under a hipped roof. Flat curved gable w. Sun disk in semicircle format. South and west facade plastered m. Block imitation. 1.H. 19th century individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building At the market 69

Parcel: 030105-025-00107 / 000

Residential / commercial building

1-sch. Gable-independent brick building with originally 4 axis. Gable triangle with volutes and crown. "1783". Ground floor severely dissolved through shop installation. Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW villa Am Zingel 3

Parcel: 030105-025-00055 / 001


1 1/2 st. free-standing plastered building on the corner of Brummelkamp. 2-story staircase risalit in Art Nouveau forms. Orig. Windows, shutters and interior fittings preserved. Around 1910. Significance: Historically, artistically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Portal ('entrance portal') Am Zingel 10

Parcel: 030105-020-00007 / 002

Portal ('entrance portal')

with: gate entrance; 4 plastered pillars on a brick base with a vase. Wrought iron gates between the pillars. 19th century. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0006

BW chapel Am Zingel 10

Parcel: 030105-020-00007 / 002


Origin 3-axis brick building with central entrance project under the dwelling. Pointed arch windows suspected. Extended to the west. End of 19th century Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0006

BW Cemetery (municipal cemetery) Am Zingel 10

Parcel: -

Cemetery (municipal cemetery)

Municipal cemetery from the 2nd half of the 19th century with a regular basic structure and bordered avenues of lime trees. Old tombstones. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0006

Cemetery (Jewish cemetery)
more pictures
Cemetery (Jewish cemetery) Am Zingel 10

Parcel: -

Cemetery (Jewish cemetery)

with: tree population; Cemetery with excellent tombstones. Access overcl. Wall with avenue of lime trees, 32 tombstones from the 18th century as well as another 277 tombstones from the 18th century until approx. 1938. Significance: Historically essential justification: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0013

BW Residential / farm building (Meyer zu Hörste courtyard) At the scour 3

Parcel: 030604-010-00029 / 001

Residential / farm building (Meyer zu Hörste courtyard)

with: Graft individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0033

BW Adjacent building (Meyer zu Hörste courtyard) At the scour 3

Parcel: -

Adjacent building (Meyer zu Hörste courtyard)

Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0033

BW avenue Barenbuscher Weg 21

Parcel: 030105-006-00089 / 001


Two-row avenue of linden trees to the former Burgplatz Barenbusch. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.02 historical significance in the context of regional history Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0028

BW Residential building Barenbuscher Weg 21

Parcel: 030105-006-00089 / 001

Residential building

Villa-like house, early 20th century with graft. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.02 historical significance in the context of Landesgeschichte Gruppe gem. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0028

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Barenbusch)) Barenbuscher Weg 22

Parcel: 030105-019-00019 / 026

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Barenbusch))

East Frisian type gulf house. Well-preserved brick building with original windows in the living area. Around 1880. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Barenbuscher Weg 23

Parcel: 030105-006-00089 / 004

Residential building

Villa-like house, plastered construction at the beginning of the 20th century with a medieval cellar and graft. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.02 historical significance in the context of Landesgeschichte Gruppe gem. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0028

BW Residential building Baumstrasse 42

Parcel: 030105-012-00149 / 000

Residential building

Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0008

Residential building Residential building Baumstrasse 44

Parcel: 030105-012-00144 / 000

Residential building

Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0008

Residential building Residential building Baumstrasse 46

Parcel: 030105-012-00138 / 000

Residential building

Meaning: Urban planning group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0008

BW Residential building Bleacher's wages 1

Parcel: 030105-016-00150 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Freestanding 2-tier Brick building with plastered fields under a hipped roof. Windows with plaster frames and roofs. 2-tier Winter garden. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0004

BW Residential building (semi-detached house) Bleacher's wages 2

Parcel: 030105-016-00151 / 000

Residential building (semi-detached house)

with: front yard; 1- / 2-sch. Brick construction under a gable roof with plaster structures and decorations. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0004

BW Residential building (semi-detached house) Bleacher's wages 2a

Parcel: 030105-016-00152 / 000

Residential building (semi-detached house)

with: front yard; 1- / 2-sch. Brick construction under a gable roof with plaster structures and decorations. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0004

BW Residential building Bleacher's wages 3

Parcel: 030105-016-00153 / 002

Residential building

with: front yard; Free-standing 1-2-tier Brick construction, saddle roof, segmented arched window m. Roofs, wooden winter garden and decorated wind springs preserved, inherited around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0004

BW Residential building Bleacher's wages 42

Parcel: 030105-016-00176 / 003

Residential building

Freestanding 2-tier Brick building with yellow contrasting and plastered dividing elements. Entrance projection with tower top. Scare heads on the lintels. Around 1905. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Brückstrasse 6

Parcel: 030105-014-00100 / 025

Residential building

Classicist 2-tier Brick building under a hipped roof. Block frame received. Entrance indented (new). Connected to the back gulf house. 1834 . Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Brückstrasse 7

Parcel: 030105-014 / 00105/000

Residential building

Two-storey, gable-independent residential building, built in the 1st half of the 19th century, remodeled around 1900. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building Residential / commercial building Brückstrasse 10

Parcel: 030105-014-00110 / 002

Residential / commercial building

Two-storey, gable-independent brick building with brick decor, around 1925. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Brückstrasse 22

Parcel: 030105-031-00062 / 002

Residential building

Two-storey brick building with plastered facade, built around 1880, eaves, 5 axes. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building (duplex) Brückstrasse 28

Parcel: 030105-031-00040 / 005

Residential building (duplex)

2-storey, eaves, built in the middle of the 19th century Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0009

BW Administration building (former health insurance company) Moat 46

Parcel: 030105-033-00279 / 004

Administration building (former health insurance company)

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Water tower, formerly (Doornkaat distillery) Doornkaat wages

Parcel: 030105-014-00023 / 008

Water tower, formerly (Doornkaat distillery)

Built in 1857. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

Storage (coal storage (Doornkaat distillery)) Doornkaat wages

Parcel: -

Storage (coal storage (Doornkaat distillery))

Built around 1870. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Speicher (granary (Doornk distillery)) Doornkaat wages

Parcel: 030105-014-00023 / 010

Speicher (granary (Doornk distillery))

Built around 1900. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Steam engine (Doornkaat distillery) Doornkaat wages

Parcel: 030105-014-00023 / 008

Steam engine (Doornkaat distillery)

Built in 1955. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Villa (manufacturer's villa van Hülst) Doornkaat wages 14

Parcel: 030105-014-00023 / 006

Villa (manufacturer's villa van Hülst)

with: garden plot; Brick building with plaster decor under a high attic. Built in 1897, expanded in 1928. Original room layout preserved throughout the building. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0031

BW Villa (Doornkaat Distillery) Doornkaat wages 14a

Parcel: 030105-014-00023 / 005

Villa (Doornkaat Distillery)

Built in 1950 (Arch. Eduard Raab), extended in 1957. Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0031

BW Plaza Fräuleinshof

Parcel: 030105-026-00019 / 000


with: trees, fountains Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0032

BW Residential building Fräuleinshof 8

Parcel: 030105-026-00015 / 000

Residential building

Eaves solid construction, built around 1900 Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0032

Monastery, former (district office) Monastery, former (district office) Fräuleinshof 11

Parcel: 030105-026-00026 / 001

Monastery, former (district office)

1-sch. Solid construction, e.g. Partly stone-sighted, with a partially expanded attic. NE wing in the core probably around 1600, the rest of the building probably 19th century; West wing with vaulted cellar. Meaning: Historically, artistically individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0032

County house Fräuleinshof 12

Parcel: 030105-026-00022 / 015

County house

Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0032

BW School (formerly Countess Theda School) Gartenstrasse 1

Parcel: 030105-023-00035 / 004

School (formerly Countess Theda School)

2-storey built in the style of the neo-renaissance Clinker building m. Pilaster structure. The gable of the side wings is designed as a volute gable. 1912 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Gartenstrasse 11

Parcel: 030105-024-00105 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. Gable-independent plastered construction with plaster structures under a high pitched roof with a jamb floor. Central polygonal gable bay window. Built in 1914. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Gartenstrasse 12

Parcel: 030105-024-00104 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. Gable-independent plastered construction under a steep pitched roof. Polygonal parterre bay window. Original wooden window preserved. Single-storey part of the house positioned transversely to the rear. Built in 1910. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Gartenstrasse 13

Parcel: 030105-024-00103 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. Easily plastered building under the mansard roof with cross-positioned 2-tier. Side elevation with parterre bay window and balcony. Window replaced. Built in 1911, glass vestibule on the south side of 1999 single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Gartenstrasse 14

Parcel: 030105-024-00102 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Eaves brick building with plastered structure under a mansard roof and side projection with a bell gable in front. Mostly original wooden windows. Built in 1912, individual monument in accordance with Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Gartenstrasse 15

Parcel: 030105-024-00099 / 000

Residential building

1-sch. Eaves-standing plastered building with cross-positioned 2-tier. gabled side projection with polygonal ground floor bay window and balcony. Half-hip roofs. Original wooden windows. Built in 1910, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Gaswerkstrasse 3

Parcel: 030105-030-00215 / 000

Residential building

Gable, 1-stor. Building on a high basement, jamb, half-timbered bay window, around 1900. Individual monument gem. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Large back wages 7

Parcel: 030105-014-00186 / 003

Residential building

2-tier Brick building, built around 1825; Extension in the former barn area around 1900 with a new gable and corner tower. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Packhaus (former warehouse) Large back wages 8

Parcel: 030105-014-00188 / 002

Packhaus (former warehouse)

Directly on the street, elongated eaves 2-tier. Brick building under a flat hip roof. Facade structure d. Pilaster strips, cornices, etc. Tooth cut frieze. Around 1870 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Large back wages 10

Parcel: 030105-014-00026 / 005

Residential building

Two-storey house with corner tower and expanded farm buildings, decorative brick building with plastered fields, around 1900. Individual monument gem. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Grosse Mühlenstrasse 15

Parcel: 030105-017-00065 / 003

Residential building

with: rear building; Enclosed, gable-independent, small brick building (monastery format) with Westerstr. 80 last example of an older craftsman's house (16th century), with a rear building. Significance: Historically, scientifically essential reason: 1.09 historical significance due to the testimony and display value for the history of settlement and urban construction. Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Grosse Mühlenstrasse 19

Parcel: 030105-017-00071 / 004

Residential building

1-storey, 3-axis gable house with plastered facade, end of the 19th century Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Grosse Mühlenstrasse 20

Parcel: 030105-017-00071 / 003

Residential building

Stone house from the 16th century with cellar, jamb, sandstone lion heads on the lower gable triangle. Significance: historically, artistically, urban development essential reason: 1.05 historical significance due to the testimony and display value for building and art history individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Grosse Mühlenstrasse 67

Parcel: 030105-017-00056 / 000

Residential building

1-tiered brick building with jamb, plastered gable, around 1600. Significance: Historically, urban planning, essential reason: 1.05 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for the history of architecture and art. Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building ('Kupferpfanne' and 'Sirtaki' restaurants) Residential / commercial building ('Kupferpfanne' and 'Sirtaki' restaurants) Grosse Mühlenstrasse 68

Parcel: 030105-017-00061 / 000

Residential / commercial building ('Kupferpfanne' restaurant)

Eaves, single-storey brick building with jamb, plastered facade, around 1600. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.05 historical significance due to the testimony and display value for the history of architecture and art. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Grosse Neustraße 9

Parcel: 030105-015-00111 / 000

Residential / commercial building

Single-storey, eaves-standing building around 1900, above the central entrance of the mid-house. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Grosse Neustraße 12

Parcel: 030105-030-00009 / 000

Residential building

Significance: Substantial urban planning reasons: 4.1 Individual monument acc. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0010

Grosse Neustrasse 013.jpg 45201900232
Residential / commercial building Residential / commercial building Grosse Neustraße 13

Parcel: 030105-030-00012 / 000

Residential / commercial building

1-sch. Brick building under a gable roof m. rare exposure bricks. Gable m. Sandstone volutes u. late baroque crowning, "1812". Door skylight with built-in lantern; Ground floor shop installation Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0010

BW Residential / commercial building (former residential building) Grosse Neustraße 15

Parcel: 030105-030-00015 / 000

Residential / commercial building (former residential building)

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Packhouse ( Conerusspeicher ) Heringstrasse 4

Parcel: 030105-030-00110 / 001


Narrow, elongated 3-tier Brick building. "1808". Built by Mayor Peter Friedrich Conerus. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Brewery, formerly ('Beck'sches Haus') Heringstrasse 28

Parcel: 030105-030-00069 / 004

Brewery, formerly ('Beck'sches Haus')

with: ice cellar; 2-tier Classicist brick building on a high basement under a hipped roof. 5-axis street front m. high two-flight flight of stairs. "1832". Currently Restaurant. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (farm workers' house) High guests 11

Parcel: 030105-036-00213 / 000

Residential / farm building (farm workers' house)

Cross-locked farm workers' house. Brick construction. Around 1900. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Speicher ('Speicher Amsterdam' (Reichshof)) Hooge Thun

Parcel: 030105-014-00069 / 000

Speicher ('Speicher Amsterdam' (Reichshof))

Elongated 3-tier Brick building under a gable roof. Even structure through three-row segment arched windows. At the south gable top with loading hatch. Around 1900. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary expression of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (duplex (Bummert)) In the Hooker 6

Parcel: 030105-010-00056 / 007

Residential / farm building (duplex (Bummert))

with: barn extension; Empty but still well-preserved brick building. Probably 2nd half of the 19th century; barn extension in the south. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

Mill (Gnurre-Mühle Frisia (windmill))
more pictures
Mill (Gnurre-Mühle Frisia (windmill)) In the Gnurre 40

Parcel: 030105-031-00047 / 015

Mill (Gnurre-Mühle Frisia (windmill))

Former Weerdasche mill. 4-storey mill stump with translocated wooden octagon (the former Renken windmill from Löningen-Neuenbunnen, Ldkrs. Cloppenburg). Grand piano + gallery new! Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Small back wages 13

Parcel: 030105-014-00009 / 010

Residential building

Brick building around 1900, one-storey above the central entrance to the mid-house. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0031

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 8

Parcel: 030105-024-00014 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1-sch. Brick building with 2-stor. gabled side projection under a gable roof. Rusticated plaster / stucco structures (corner blocks, window frames). Construction time. Interior fittings fixed to the wall. 1906 Significance: historical, artistic, urban planning essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 43

Parcel: 030105-020-00038 / 003

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 to 2-tier Brick building with plastered windows and ornamented fields above the lintels. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 44

Parcel: 030105-020-00037 / 006

Residential building

with: front yard; Large 2-tier Plastered construction on a high basement with sandstone blocks. Gable curved to the street with sandstone framing. Single flight of stairs. Wall-mounted interior. Around 1905. Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 45

Parcel: 030105-020-00035 / 002

Residential building

with: front yard; 1-sch. Gable-independent brick building m. Jumble. Street gable above the fighting zone with ornamented plastered surfaces. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 46

Parcel: 030105-020-00033 / 006

Residential building

with: front garden, enclosure; Large 2-tier Brick building on a high basement under a half-hip roof. Plastered window frames and cornices. 2-tier Entrance porch. 1902 . Cast iron fence Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 47

Parcel: 030105-020-00032 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 cut Brick building under a hipped roof with plastered windows. Entrance porch new. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 48

Parcel: 030105-020-00029 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1-sch. Solid construction with jamb and changing plaster and brick surfaces. Massive entrance porch in the north. Small covered window balcony facing the street. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 49

Parcel: 030105-020-00028 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1-sch. eaves brick building m. Jumble. Decorative outline by yellow bricks. Wooden entrance porch on the north side. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 50

Parcel: 030105-020-00027 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 cut eaves brick building m. plastered window frames and cornices. At the back there is a wooden winter garden. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 51

Parcel: 030105-020-00026 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 to 2-tier Brick construction on an L-shaped floor plan. Window frames and cornices plastered. Open wooden entrance porch. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 52

Parcel: 030105-020-00023 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 to 2-tier Brick construction on an L-shaped floor plan. Building corners, cornices and window frames plastered. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 53

Parcel: 030105-020-00022 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; 1 1/2 to 2-tier Brick construction on an L-shaped floor plan. Plain ceilings, cornices and window frames. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Linteler Strasse 54

Parcel: 030105-020-00019 / 000

Residential building

with: front garden, enclosure; 1 1/2 cut Brick building on an L-shaped floor plan with plastered windows and cornices. Wrought iron fence facing the street. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0007

BW Residential building Mackerrie 1

Parcel: 030105-034-00026 / 006

Residential building

1-sch. gable-independent plastered construction. Richly structured street gable with pilaster strips, parapet panels with. Wreaths and profiled window frames. Around 1885. Brick extension to the rear. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building Residential / commercial building New way 1

Parcel: 030105-015-00158 / 002

Residential / commercial building

2-tier plastered corner building under hipped roof. Ground floor with renewed arcade. Upper floor with richly decorated window frames. Roof zone with 3 small houses m. Hatches. End of 19th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Packhouse New way 9

Parcel: 030105-015-00150 / 000


2-tier Brick building, built in the 1st half of the 19th century, with an older building of 3 former packing houses. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building (Adler pharmacy) Residential / commercial building (Adler pharmacy) New way 23

Parcel: 030105-015-00135 / 001

Residential / commercial building (Adler pharmacy)

2-tier Classicist brick building with a plastered facade in imitation cuboid under a hipped roof. Mid 19th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Hotel ('German House') New way 26

Parcel: 030105-015-00130 / 001

Hotel ('German House')

Street-defining, three-story, eaves-standing building, plastered facade with decor, around 1900. Individual monument gem. Section 3.2 NDSchG

Bank building (Sparkasse ('Löwenhaus')) Bank building (Sparkasse (' Löwenhaus ')) New way 47

Parcel: 030105-014-00059 / 005

Bank building (Sparkasse ('Löwenhaus'))

2-tier Solid construction under a mansard roof. Street front in brick masonry, through wall pillars m. Articulated stone capitals. Intermediate fields in ashlar. Accented entrance. Around 1910 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building New way 57

Parcel: 030105-014-00079 / 002

Residential / commercial building

2-tiered, gable-independent brick building with plastered facade, dated 1861. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building New way 66

Parcel: 030105-030-00058 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier, gable-independent brick building with plaster decor, built 1900-1910. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Speicher, formerly ('Speicher de Hoop') New way 71

Parcel: 030105-030-00054 / 004

Speicher, formerly ('Speicher de Hoop')

Building description follows through Rothlübbers individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building New way 73

Parcel: 030105-030 / 00051/001

Residential / commercial building

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with rear extensions, street-side frontispiece, built in the 18th century, raised, early 19th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building New way 76

Parcel: 030105-030-00048 / 003

Residential building

Single-storey, gable-independent building around 1,900 with a rear extension. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Packhouse New way 77

Parcel: 030105-030-00047 / 003


Elongated 2-tier Brick building under a gable roof. Northern eaves side with 2 small houses and loading hatches. Changed some wall openings. Around 1870 Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 77

Parcel: 030105-030-00047 / 003

Residential / commercial building

Gable 2-tiered Brick building with plaster structures under a mansard roof. Large hall with stucco ceiling and tiled stove on the first floor. Staircase with stencil painting. Built around 1890. Significance: Urban planning group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW School, formerly ('Neuer Weg School') New way 78

Parcel: 030105-030-00046 / 002

School, formerly ('Neuer Weg School')

One-storey hall building from 1886. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 Historical significance in the context of local history Individual monument in accordance with § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 81

Parcel: 030105-030-00043 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Eaves brick construction with rich, z. T. painted brick structures. Around 1880. 2-layered backwards. Brick wing, probably 1st half of the 19th century Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 82

Parcel: 030105-030-00041 / 002

Residential / commercial building

2-storey, e.g. Partly plastered brick building under a mansard roof. Ground floor shop installation. 1914. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reasons: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 85

Parcel: 030105-030-00037 / 004

Residential / commercial building

Significance: historically, artistically, urban planning essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history individual monument acc. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 89

Parcel: 030105-030-00030 / 000

Residential / commercial building

with: warehouse; 2-tier 3-axis brick building on a high basement under a hipped roof. Around 1800. Storage building converted to the rear. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential building New way 91

Parcel: 030105-030-00028 / 002

Residential building

2-tier Easily plastered construction under a gable roof. 5-axis, pilaster structure. Pronounced eaves cornice. End of 19th century Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential building New way 92

Parcel: 030105-030-00026 / 001

Residential building

with: garden pavilion; 2-tier 5-axis classical brick building w. Corner cuboid and strong eaves cornice. Block frame window. 1805. In the garden, a beautiful, massive pavilion on a polygonal floor plan Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 93

Parcel: 030105-030-00025 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Plaster construction under hipped roof with pre-blinded eaves attachment. Upper floor window plaster-framed and decorated. Ground floor shop installation. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 95

Parcel: 030105-030-00020 / 001

Residential / commercial building

In the core of the 16th century; Northern eaves wall walled up original window, with rear annex 18th century. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential Reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 96

Parcel: 030105-030-00011 / 004

Residential / commercial building

Two-storey building, early 19th century; Cornice, core around 1600. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 99

Parcel: 030105-030-00003 / 002

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Gable-independent clinker construction under a gable roof. Well designed building with contemporary shop fittings and bay windows on the first floor. 1925/30. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 100

Parcel: 030105-015-00126 / 001

Residential / commercial building

Two-story, gable-independent building, early 20th century; older at heart. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 102

Parcel: 030105-015-00120 / 004

Residential / commercial building

Gable-independent, two-story building around 1900, ground floor older building fabric. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 103

Parcel: 030105-015-00115 / 003

Residential / commercial building

Two-storey, gable-independent house around 1900. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 105

Parcel: 030105-015-00090 / 002

Residential / commercial building

Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 107

Parcel: 030105-015-00085 / 000

Residential / commercial building

At the top of the gable / two-storey / around 1900 with brick decor. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 109

Parcel: 030105-015-00070 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier yellow brick building under a hipped roof. Above the side entrance there is a cast iron balcony on cast columns. Decorative elements with red bricks and shaped stones. Around 1910. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban development: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building New way 110

Parcel: 030105-015-00066 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Brick building under a mansard roof. Ground floor with plaster blocks and contemporary shop fittings. Around 1915. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Residential / commercial building (former residential building) New way 111

Parcel: 030105-015-00065 / 002

Residential / commercial building (former residential building); 2-tier Gable-free plastered building, built around 1900

Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0011

BW Packhaus, II (tobacco factory Steinbömer and Lubinus) New way 119

Parcel: 030105-015-00037 / 004

Packhaus, II (tobacco factory Steinbömer and Lubinus)

2-tier Brick building under a gable roof with predominantly preserved window structure. On the eastern side of the eaves inscription plate ("... Steinbömer and Lubinus / Anno 1786 (ü) 1801") Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary expression of a style and / or building type individual monument acc. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0034

BW Packhaus, I (tobacco factory Steinbömer and Lubinus) New way 119

Parcel: 030105-015-00037 / 004

Packhaus, I (tobacco factory Steinbömer and Lubinus)

2-tier Brick building under a large mansard roof. On the north gable inscription plate ("Steinbömer und Lubinus / Erbauet ... 1869"). Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0034

BW Residential / commercial building (formerly 'Behrend'sche Haus') New way 120

Parcel: 030105-015-00036 / 003

Residential / commercial building (formerly 'Behrend'sche Haus')

2-tier Eaves brick building with sandstone cornice under a half-hipped roof. Back eaves with remains of the original window. In the core around 1600; 19th century reconstruction; Ground floor shop installation. Reverse Extension of a single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

School (Ulrichs-Gymnasium)
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School (Ulrichs-Gymnasium) Norddeicher Strasse 2

Parcel: 030105-026-00022 / 014

School (Ulrichs-Gymnasium)

2-tier yellow brick building with red trimmed eaves under a hipped roof. Wide entrance plan. Arched windows with a fighter emphasis and a narrow roof. 1877. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 5

Parcel: 030105-023-00059 / 000


Villa type. Residential house with knee stick in a form element. of homeland built. Plaster construction m. Brick limbs. The original interior fittings (stucco ceilings, overhangs) have been preserved. Orig. Window. Around 1905. Significance: Historically, artistically significant reasons: 1.05 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for the history of architecture and art. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 6

Parcel: 030105-023-00060 / 000

Residential building

One-storey, gable-free brick building with a gable roof. Plaster structure in neo-renaissance forms. Around 1900. To the south-east, a younger extension with a roof balcony. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 7

Parcel: 030105-023-00063 / 000

Residential building

One-storey, gable-free brick building with a gable roof. Plaster structure. Side entrance with veranda. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 8

Parcel: 030105-023-00064 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-free plastered building, around 1900. Window openings completely changed. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 9

Parcel: 030105-023-00067 / 000


One-story, eaves-sided brick building; two-story corner projectile with gable. A three-arched wooden veranda in front of the facade. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 10

Parcel: 030105-023-00068 / 000


with: front yard; 2-tier Brick villa m. Saddle roof, corner risalit m. Gable triangle plaster structure in neo-renaissance forms. In front of the entrance on the facade there is a 1-storey wooden veranda. Around 1900. Extension from 1982 Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 11

Parcel: 030105-023-00072 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-independent brick building with a gable roof. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 12

Parcel: 030105-023-00073 / 000

House with: front garden; Two-story plastered building with a hipped roof. In the ground floor bay window. Structure influenced by Art Nouveau. Around 1905/10.

Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 13

Parcel: 030105-023-00074 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Two-story brick building with a hipped roof. Corner risalit with gable. Economical plaster structure. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 14

Parcel: 030105-023-00075 / 004

Residential building

with: front yard; Corner house on Feldstrasse. One-storey, gable-free plastered building with brick structure. Roof overhang changed. Around 1900/05. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 15

Parcel: 030105-023-00080 / 002

Residential building

with: front yard; Corner house on Feldstrasse. 1-sch. Plaster construction with 2-tier Risalites to Norddeicherstrasse and Feldstrasse as corner emphasis. In the corner in between there is a new one-story extension with a roof balcony. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 16

Parcel: 030105-023-00081 / 000


with: front yard; Two-story brick building with a gable roof, corner projectile with a triangular gable. Plaster structure with neo-renaissance forms. In front of the facade, modified, two-story wooden veranda. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 17

Parcel: 030105-023-00086 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-free brick building with a gable roof. Plaster structure. Around 1900. Largely identical to house no. 11. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 18

Parcel: 030105-023-00087 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-story, gable-free plastered building with a crooked hip roof. On the ground floor side bay window. Outline brick and plaster. Echoes of reform style. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 19

Parcel: 030105-023-00088 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-free plastered building, related to the "Oldenburg dog house". Around 1900. New extension on the side, roof overhang changed. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 20

Parcel: 030105-023-00091 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Two-story plastered building with a mansard hipped roof. Side risalit with tail gable. One-story veranda extension on the street side, changed. Art Nouveau elements. Around 1910. Single monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 21

Parcel: 030105-023-00094 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Two-storey plastered building with corner projections. The previous two-story veranda on the facade was massively replaced. Next to it, a one-story porch with a curved half-gable. Around 1910. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 22

Parcel: 030105-023-00095 / 000


with: front yard; One-story, gable-free plastered building; Side staircase extension with gable and one-story wooden veranda with a sloping roof. Art Nouveau structure made of brick. Around 1910. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban development: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 23

Parcel: 030105-023-00096 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-story plastered building with a mansard hipped roof. Two-story bay window at the corner of the facade. Around 1910/15. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 24

Parcel: 030105-023-00097 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-independent house from 1911, completely rebuilt in 1991 and newly faced. Originally plastered construction. Preserved the shape of the roof influenced by Art Nouveau. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 26

Parcel: 030105-023-00099 / 006


with: front yard; 1-sch. Brick building, facade m. Central risalit u. Zwerchhaus. Plaster structure m. New Renaissance elements. Original windows on the facade. Reverse Zwerchhs., Side. Commercial cultivation. Around 1900 constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Norddeicher Strasse 105

Parcel: 030105-004-00102 / 010

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

Small gulf house of the East Frisian type. 1-sch. Living part with corner pilasters, eaves turrets, gable coronation and strong cornice. Segmented arched window with roofing. Around 1890. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 119

Parcel: 030105-021-00003 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey plastered building with gable roof, eaves around the gable. In the center of the facade there is a convex oriel structure, above it a dwarf house with a tail gable. Art Nouveau elements. Around 1915/20. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 120

Parcel: 030105-021-00002 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey plastered building on the eaves; Corner risalit with gable. Changed veranda in front of the facade. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 121

Parcel: 030105-021-00001 / 003

Residential building

with: front yard; Corner house. One-storey, gable-free plastered building in the style of the "Oldenburg dog house". New baroque stucco structure. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 122

Parcel: 030105-021-00117 / 002

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; One-story new building. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 123

Parcel: 030105-023-00001 / 001

Residential building

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-free brick building. Plaster structure. Roof overhang changed. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Pharmacy (duplex)
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Pharmacy (duplex) Norddeicher Strasse 124

Parcel: 030105-023-00004 / 002

Pharmacy (duplex)

with: front yard; One-storey brick building with a large central dwarf house, arched windows. Around 1900. Originally possibly an inn. A younger pharmacy installation at the SE corner, adapted to the overall picture. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 126

Parcel: 030105-023-00007 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; Completely remodeled. Originally a one-story brick building with corner projections, around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 127

Parcel: 030105-023-00008 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; Completely remodeled. One-story brick building with corner projections. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 128

Parcel: 030105-023-00009 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-free plastered building with brick structure. Roof overhang changed. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 129

Parcel: -

Residential building

with: front yard; One-story, gable-free plastered building with a mansard roof. Convex bay porch. Art Nouveau elements. Around 1910/15. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building (Sparkasse Norden))
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Component (residential building (Sparkasse Norden)) Norddeicher Strasse 130

Parcel: 030105-023-00011 / 002

Component (residential building (Sparkasse Norden))

with: front yard; 1-sch. House m. Gable roof; Corner risalit m. Zwerchhaus. Around 1900. Completely changed by reconstruction around 1965 and plastered. 1995 new veneering and partial reconstruction; 1996 Steel and glass extension. Non-constituent part of a group in a group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 132

Parcel: 030105-023-00012 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-independent brick building with plaster structure. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 133

Parcel: 030105-023-00013 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-free plastered building in the style of the "Oldenburg dog house". Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential / commercial building
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Residential / commercial building Norddeicher Strasse 134

Parcel: 030105-023-00014 / 002

Residential / commercial building

with: front yard; Corner house on Feldstrasse. Plastered building with high brick plinth, hipped roof. Original shop fitting with Art Nouveau decor above shop door and shop windows. Around 1905. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 135

Parcel: 030105-023-00019 / 002

Residential building

with: front yard; Corner house on Feldstrasse. Two-story brick building with plaster structure and hipped roof. On the north-west side central projection with entrance. Neo-Renaissance elements. Around 1900. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 136

Parcel: -

Residential building

with: front yard; One-story brick building, at the gable. Plaster structure. Window openings e.g. T. changed. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 137

Parcel: -

Residential building

with: front yard; Single-storey, gable-free plastered building in the style of the Oldenburg dog house . Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 138

Parcel: 030105-023-00028 / 000


with: front yard; One-storey plastered building on the eaves; Corner risalit with gable. Heimatstilformen. Around 1900. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 139

Parcel: 030105-023-00029 / 000


with: front yard; Two-storey brick villa, eaves, corner projectile with gable. Wooden veranda with roof balcony on the facade. Plaster structure in Art Nouveau forms. Remarkable Art Nouveau windows. Around 1905. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 140

Parcel: 030105-023-00031 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; Originally a one-story, gable-independent brick house, around 1900. Heightened around 1950 (above sea level). Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

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villa Norddeicher Strasse 141

Parcel: 030105-023-00032 / 000


with: front yard; 1-sch. Brick building m. Gable roof; 2-tier Corner risalit with gable. Cleaning member. in neo-renaissance forms. Ornate wooden veranda in front of the facade. Reverse simultaneous commercial cultivation. 1901. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban development: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 142

Parcel: 030105-023-00033 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-free brick building; Outlined by yellow brick bands. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 143

Parcel: 030105-023-00034 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-storey, gable-free brick building; Plaster structure in neo-renaissance forms. Around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Component (residential building)
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Component (residential building) Norddeicher Strasse 144

Parcel: 030105-023-00038 / 000

Component (residential building)

with: front yard; Extensive reconstruction around 1960/65. Originally a one-story brick building with corner projections, around 1900. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 145

Parcel: 030105-023-00039 / 000

Residential building

with: front yard; One-story, gable-free plastered building with a high brick base. Plaster structure influenced by Art Nouveau. Around 1905/10. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

Residential building
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Residential building Norddeicher Strasse 146

Parcel: 030105-023-00040 / 002

Residential building

with: front yard; 1-sch. Corner building to Brummelkamp. Both street facades with 2-tier. Risalit, originally with tail gables. Corner shop installation with an elaborate portal. Brick building with plaster structures. 1900 constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0029

BW Parish hall, ev. Norddeicher Strasse 159

Parcel: 030105-025-00023 / 000

Parish hall, ev.

1-tiered gable. Brick construction. Eaves sides round arched cast iron lattice windows, replaced by plastic windows on the street gable. Built in 1909. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential / commercial building ('Schöningh's House') Residential / commercial building (' Schöningh's House ') Osterstrasse 5

Parcel: 030105-016-00006 / 001

Residential / commercial building ('Schöningh'sches Haus')

Stately former patrician house in renaissance style. 3-tier Brick construction m. Sandstone incorporation. Gable wall dissolved in windows m. Stepped gable u. rich figural ornamentation. "1576" individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

1576 45201900112
BW building Osterstrasse 6

Parcel: 030105-016-00009 / 000


Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Packhouse, formerly ('Hermanns Zoo') Osterstrasse 11

Parcel: 030105-016-00033 / 000

Packhouse, formerly ('Hermanns Zoo'); Brick building, built at the end of the 19th century, on the rear property

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building (OLB-Landesbank) Osterstrasse 14

Parcel: 030105-016-00020 / 001

Residential / commercial building (OLB-Landesbank)

Eaves, five-axis building, built in the middle of the 19th century, facade at the beginning of the 20th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building (CEKA) Osterstrasse 15

Parcel: 030105-016-00022 / 001

Residential / commercial building (CEKA)

Elongated, two-story building around 1900, plastered facades. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Osterstrasse 17

Parcel: 030105-016-00096 / 000

Residential / commercial building

2-tier Corner building in brick construction with plaster divisions. Emphasis on the attic with curved gables. Large shop window on the ground floor. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Church (St. Ludgerus, cath.)
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Church (St. Ludgerus, cath.) Osterstrasse 21

Parcel: 030105-016-00102 / 004

Church (St. Ludgerus, cath.)

Single-nave brick building with transept and semicircular apse. South gable with a profiled round arch portal and narrow bell tower (round arch style). 1895 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Bank building (Landeszentralbank) Osterstrasse 30

Parcel: 030105-016-00123 / 000

Bank building (Landeszentralbank)

2-tier Solid construction m. low jamb floor under a hipped roof. Facade ashlar masonry, first floor plastered. Window framed in stone. Balcony on consoles with arkanthus leaves. Around 1910. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Osterstrasse 33

Parcel: 030105-016-00182 / 003

Residential building

2-tiered, plastered building on the eaves, built around 1860, former administrative building of the iron foundry north. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Villa (director's villa iron foundry north) Osterstrasse 34

Parcel: 030105-012-00056 / 002

Villa (director's villa iron foundry north)

Free standing 1-stor. Plastered building on a nested floor plan under an attractive roof landscape. Particularly high quality Heimatstil forms. Original windows replaced since capture. 1912 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential house ('Haus Sandmann') Osterstrasse 37

Parcel: 030105-012-00128 / 002

Residential house ('Haus Sandmann')

with: enclosure; Free-standing yellow brick building with decorative elements in red bricks and plastered windows. Around 1905. Property enclosed by a lattice fence on a wall base. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Church (Baptist Church)
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Church (Baptist Church) Osterstrasse 139

Parcel: 030105-015-00204 / 000

Church (Baptist Church)

Single-aisle hall building in brick construction with pointed arched windows. Profiled eaves u. Gable cornice. Cultivation in the north and east. Around 1900. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

1900 45201900116
BW Residential / commercial building Osterstrasse 140

Parcel: 030105-015-00172 / 000

Residential / commercial building

Small 1-sch. Gable-independent brick building with 3 axes. Segment arch window received. 2nd half of the 19th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building (Cafe 'Ten Cate') Osterstrasse 153

Parcel: 030105-015-00015 / 000

Residential / commercial building (Cafe 'Ten Cate')

Two-storey, gable-independent building with corner turrets, plastered building around 1900, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Osterstrasse 157

Parcel: 030105-015-00008 / 003

Residential / commercial building

2-tier gable-facing massive building, probably 16th century; Masonry z. T. in monastery format. Groin vault in the cellar. Top floor probably original flooring, roof structure renewed. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Osterstrasse 158

Parcel: 030105-015-00007 / 002

Residential / commercial building

2-storey residential house on the eaves with a rear extension, in the core of the 16th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Osterstrasse 159

Parcel: 030105-015-00002 / 000

Residential / commercial building

Two-story, gable-independent building in the core around 1600, facade around 1900, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building ('Schwanenapotheke') Osterstrasse 160

Parcel: 030105-015-00001 / 000

Residential / commercial building ('Schwanenapotheke')

2-tier Classicist brick building under a hipped roof on the corner of the market square. Magnificently carved skylight on the ground floor, as well as semicircular lattice windows in the flat gable. 1835 group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Parkstrasse 7

Parcel: 030105-021-00052 / 005

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

Gulf house from "1865" with a passage leading to the residential gable. Brick building with modified residential gable. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Manor house (Gut Lintel) Parkstrasse 12

Parcel: 030105-021-00049 / 014

Manor house (Gut Lintel)

Classicist brick building from the 1st half of the 19th century With modern attachments. Significance: Historically, artistically essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument acc. § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0016

Parkstrasse 12

Parcel: -

Hereditary funeral (Gut Lintel)

Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0016

BW Park (Gut Lintel) Parkstrasse 12

Parcel: -

Park (Gut Lintel)

with: avenue; Park lot with an elongated avenue in the south and an inheritance burial. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0016

BW Residential / office building (slaughterhouse) Schlachthausstrasse

Parcel: 030105-032-00025 / 001

Residential / office building (slaughterhouse)

1-storey brick building from 1890. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0005

BW Slaughterhouse (slaughterhouse) Schlachthausstrasse

Parcel: 030105-032-00025 / 001

Slaughterhouse (slaughterhouse)

1-sch. Brick building under a flat roof m. Changes. 1890 group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0005

BW Stable building (slaughterhouse) Schlachthausstrasse

Parcel: 030105-032-00025 / 001

Stable building (slaughterhouse)

1-storey brick building with a raised middle section from 1890. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0005

BW Residential building (duplex) Schulstrasse 1

Parcel: 030105-018-00025 / 006

Residential building (duplex)

1-storey located back from the street. Eaves brick building under a gable roof. 8 axes, restrained structure. 1890. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Schulstrasse 4

Parcel: 030105-011-00167 / 003

Residential building

with: enclosure; 1- / 2-sch. Plastered building on corner lot with cast iron entrance porch. Rich plaster divisions. Around 1890. Iron grating preserved. Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Schulstrasse 24

Parcel: 030105-012-00213 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Classicist brick building with eaves under a hipped roof. Clogged some window openings. Built in 1773 by the merchant Johann Hinrich Finel. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW school Schulstrasse 25

Parcel: 030105-012-00212 / 001


2-tier Brick building under a half-hip roof with 2-tier. Entrance porch, pilaster structure, etc. Brick decoration. Around 1895 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Schulstrasse 26

Parcel: 030105-012-00210 / 001

Residential building

2-tier Plaster construction under a gable roof m. 1-sch. Side wings. Pilaster structure, plaster framing, etc. Cornice banding. Around 1890 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building (duplex) Schulstrasse 28

Parcel: 030105-012-00207 / 003

Residential building (duplex)

1-sch. Easily plastered construction of 6 axes with central entrances. Windows, entrances and building corners are set off in bricks. Around 1890. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Schulstrasse 31

Parcel: 030105-012-00202 / 002

Residential building

1 1/2 cut freestanding plastered construction under saddle ach. Brick-framed windows, entrance and building corners. Beautiful open wooden entrance porch. Around 1890 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential house (former Schatthaus (Ekeler Vorwerk)) Residential house (former Schatthaus (Ekeler Vorwerk)) Schulstrasse 33

Parcel: 030105-012-00080 / 007

Residential house (former Schatthaus (Ekeler Vorwerk))

Former Schathues of the disgusting Vorwerk. 2-tier Plastered classicist brick building under a crooked hip roof. Block frame and sliding window (upper floor) preserved. 1st third of the 19th century (ü) Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Memorial (former synagogue)
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Memorial (former synagogue) Synagogenweg 1

Parcel: 030105-015-00071 / 001

Memorial (former synagogue)

with: Remnants of fences Meaning: historical, urban planning Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0012

BW Residential building ('Restaurant Klütje') Synagogenweg 2

Parcel: 030105-015-00072 / 008

Residential building ('Restaurant Klütje')

with: enclosure fragments; 1-sch. Brick building under a gable roof. Eaves u. Verge cornice in brick decoration. Window received. 1891. Former Apartment of the jew. Cantor. Significance: Historically essential justification: 1.04 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for cultural and intellectual history, individual monument in accordance with § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0012

BW Residential building Synagogenweg 3

Parcel: 030105-015-00072 / 002

Residential building

1-sch. Brick building under a gable roof with a dwelling. Eaves and verge cornices in brick decoration. 1891. Former Apartment of the jew. Teacher. Significance: Historically essential justification: 1.04 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for cultural and intellectual history, individual monument in accordance with § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0012

School (formerly Jewish school) School (formerly Jewish school) Synagogenweg 4

Parcel: 030105-015-00067 / 000

School (formerly Jewish school)

with: school garden, enclosure; 1-sch. Brick building with pilaster structure from 1871. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.04 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value for cultural and intellectual history Individual monument in accordance with § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0012

BW Residential / commercial building, formerly (tea museum) Westerstrasse 1

Parcel: 030105-028-00070 / 000

Residential / commercial building, formerly (tea museum); 1-sch. Gable-independent brick building around 1600, facade around 1900

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Westerstrasse 2

Parcel: 030105-028-00072 / 000

Residential / commercial building

1-storey, gable-independent brick building plastered, in the core 16th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Westerstrasse 10

Parcel: 030105-028-00105 / 001

Residential / commercial building

1-sch. gable brick construction. Plastered street gable with volutes and gable crown. Ground floor shop installation. "1800". Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 35

Parcel: 030105-034-00046 / 000

Residential building

4-axis brick building, plastered, around 1880. Group according to. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 36

Parcel: 030105-034-00045 / 000

Residential building

3-axis brick building, around 1880. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 37

Parcel: 030105-034-00044 / 000

Residential building

5-axis brick building, plastered, around 1880. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 38

Parcel: 030105-034-00041 / 002

Residential building

4-axis brick building, around 1880. Group according to. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential building (duplex) Westerstrasse 39

Parcel: 030105-034-00040 / 002

Residential building (duplex)

8-axis brick building, around 1880. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 40

Parcel: 030105-035-00170 / 002

Residential building

3-axis brick building, around 1880. Group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0002

BW Residential / commercial building Westerstrasse 80

Parcel: 030105-028-00012 / 000

Residential / commercial building

1-tiered, gable-independent, small brick building (monastery format), rear extensions, with size. Mühlenstrasse 15 last example of an older craftsman's house, facade renewed around 1900. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 89

Parcel: 030105-028-00043 / 000

Residential building

2-tier Renaissance building with restored street gable. Western eaves with remains of the original sandstone-framed windows. "1656". To the north older 1-stor. Cultivation. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential building Westerstrasse 90

Parcel: 030105-028-00044 / 000

Residential building

2-tier, eaves brick building, 5 axles, loading hatch, full hip, rear extension, built 1820-30. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / commercial building Westerstrasse 92

Parcel: 030105-028-00067 / 000

Residential / commercial building

1-tier, gable-independent brick building with sandstone volutes, early 19th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Inn Westerstrasse 96

Parcel: 030105-028-00062 / 002


Elongated 1-tier Brick building in monastery format from the 17th century with a new front gable. Basement window with relief arches received. Northern extension at the end of the 19th century. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (Gulfhaus) Westlinteler Weg 48

Parcel: 030105-003-00022 / 004

Residential / farm building (Gulfhaus)

Smaller Gulf facility. Front building: brick building under a gable roof, early 20th century; Gulf barn with original framework, mid / late 19th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Easter March

image designation location description construction time Registered
War memorial Easter March
Country Road

Parcel: 030106-004-00060 / 008

War memorial

Cenotaph for the fallen of the two world wars. Sandstone panel embedded in the wall of the house w. Name inscriptions. In front of it made of natural stone stairs with side plant beds. Significance: Historically essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (stone house (Petersbörg / Sleenhus)) Easter March on
Landstrasse 7

Parcel: 030106-002-00110 / 040

Residential / farm building (stone house (Petersbörg / Sleenhus))

with: Gulfscheune; Kreuzelwerk. South part with vaulted cellar and up chamber, brick in monastery format; North part 2-storey. Fireplace u. Slug removed. In the core of the 16th century; Gulf barn extension with intermediate wing 18th century Significance: historically, scientifically essential reason: 1.01 historical significance in the context of local history, individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Easter March on
Landstrasse 9a

Parcel: 030106-002-00111 / 069

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

East Frisian type gulf house. Brick construction. Outer skin renewed around 1900, northern eaves wall still made of old masonry. Wi part with full hip. Doors w. Block frame. Probably still 18th century Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Altendeich)) Easter March on
Landstrasse 11

Parcel: 030106-002-00101 / 073

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Altendeich))

East Frisian type gulf house. Well-preserved brick building under a gable roof m. hipped Wi-gable. 2-tier Living part with suspected segmental arched windows. Around 1890. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Easter March on
Landstrasse 28

Parcel: 030106-009-00090 / 013

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

East Frisian type gulf house. Well-preserved, simple brick building under a gable roof. Wi-gable w. semicircular cast iron windows. Living part with segmented arched windows. Around 1880. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Uhlenwarf)) Easter March on
Landstrasse 56

Parcel: 030106-006-00105 / 031

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Uhlenwarf))

with: Hofwurt; Gulfhaus d. East Frisian type. Brick building under a half-hipped roof in ruinous condition. 1-sch. Residential part with up-chamber, block frame and sliding window mostly preserved. Beginning of the 19th century Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Sieltocht)) Easter March March
path 3

Parcel: 030106-010-00020 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Sieltocht))

with: Wurt, Graft; Large gulf house with two-storey residential part from the early 19th century. and part of the barn from around 1935. Landscape-defining location on the enclosed Wurt. Significance: historically, scientifically, urban planning essential reason: 1.05 historical significance due to the testimony and display value for building and art history individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG


Süderneuland I

image designation location description construction time Registered
Engine shed (north station) Engine shed (north station) Süderneuland I
Am Bahnndamm

Parcel: 030607-001-00539 / 039

Engine shed (north station)

Brick building with large gate u. Window openings between pillars, in the south with essays. Profiled eaves cornice. Openings z. T. bricked up. Around 1890. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Factory building (Onno Behrens Tee) Factory building (Onno Behrens Tee) Süderneuland I
Am Fridericiussiel 5

Parcel: 030607-001-00008 / 023

Factory building (Onno Behrens Tee)

Elongated 2 1/2-cut. Plastered construction under flat roof. Strict facade structure m. Pilaster strips. Small windows. Relief plate with year over the entrance. "1925". Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Signal box, mechanical (north station, signal box 'Ns') Süderneuland I

Parcel: -

Signal box, mechanical (north station, signal box 'Ns')

Signal box on a single-storey brick substructure. FW upper floor with windows and a hipped roof. Signal box mechanics still in operation. Around 1925. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Mill (windmill (dyke mill))
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Mill (windmill ( dyke mill )) Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 1

Parcel: 030607-001-00007 / 013

Mill (windmill (dyke mill))

4-story gallery Dutch. Brick hull on an octagonal floor plan with a passage. "1900". Significance: Historically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0017

BW Residential house (Müllerhaus (Deichmühle)) Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 1

Parcel: 030607-001-00007 / 013

Residential house (Müllerhaus (Deichmühle))

Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0017

BW Magazine building (Deichmühle) Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 1

Parcel: 030607-001-00007 / 013

Magazine building (Deichmühle)

3 1/2 sheathed Magazine construction on windmill. Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0017

BW Machine house (Deichmühle) Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 1

Parcel: 030607-001-00007 / 013

Machine house (Deichmühle)

with: diesel generator; Brick building with an older diesel generator. Constituent part of a group according to Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0017

Residential building Residential building Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 2

Parcel: 030607-001-00008 / 011

Residential building

with: barn extension; 1-sch. Solid construction with jamb. Wall surfaces made of white bricks with red contrasting structuring and decorative elements. On the back barn extension in a similar construction. Around 1895. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 9

Parcel: 030607-001-00186 / 034

Residential building

Freestanding 2-tier Brick building under a protruding hipped roof. Cornice zones and window frames in plaster. Supported on pillars above the balcony entrance. Around 1905. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Residential building Residential building Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 10

Parcel: 030607-001-00528 / 033

Residential building

with: barn extension; 1-storey brick building with a gable roof. Pilaster structure u. Brick decoration. Nice cast iron balcony. Barn extension on the back. Around 1895. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

Villa ('Schöningh's House') Villa ('Schöningh's House') Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 24

Parcel: 030607-001-00209 / 029

Villa ('Schöningh's House')

Free-standing 1/2-tier Brick building m. plastered outline elements. Well-preserved winter garden. Around 1905. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban development: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0027

BW villa Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 26

Parcel: 030607-001-00192 / 028


1 1/2 cut Brick building m. plastered dividing elements from the early 20th century; Maintain spatial structure: elaborate stone floors, stairs from the construction period, tiled stoves and wall / ceiling stucco Significance: artistic, urban group according Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0027

villa villa Süderneuland I
Bahnhofstrasse 28

Parcel: 030607-001-00207 / 027


Group acc. Section 3.3 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0027

BW Residential / farm building (Gulfhof Ricklefs) Süderneuland I
Groß-Südercharlottenpolder 1

Parcel: 030607-003-00057 / 002

Residential / farm building (Gulfhof Ricklefs)

Probably rebuilt after the flood of 1825. The original interior structure, room structure and very beautiful classicist door have been preserved. Windows have been changed. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (Gulfhof Smidt) Süderneuland I
Groß-Südercharlottenpolder 4

Parcel: 030607-003-00020 / 001

Residential / farm building (Gulfhof Smidt)

Scaffolding parts from the late 17th century (probably first building) have been preserved. Further construction phases in the 18th and early 19th centuries; inscribed dated 1749 . Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (Addinggaster Sielhaus (Bummert)) Süderneuland I
Leysander Polder 3

Parcel: 030606-001-00022 / 002

Residential / farm building (Addinggaster Sielhaus (Bummert))

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Pekelhering)) Süderneuland I
Pekelheringer Weg

Parcel: 030607-002-00063 / 019

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Pekelhering))

with: garden, trees; Gulf house of the East Frisian type with 2-storey. living area with a basement (plastered). Arched windows with roofs. Overall in good condition. Around 1865. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Sielanlage (Addinggaster Fridericus-Siel) Süderneuland I

Parcel: 030607-001-00002 / 050

Sielanlage (Addinggaster Fridericus-Siel)

System suspended from the north low. Brick barrel vault with sandstone square corners. Sandstone parapets with volute-like end stones. Inscription plaque on the western parapet. "1776" individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm buildings Süderneuland I
Raiffeisenstrasse 1a

Parcel: 030607-001-00007 / 003

Residential / farm buildings

1-sch. House m. Attached part of the barn in brick construction. Plastered residential gable. Around 1870. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (Addinggaster grass house (domain)) Süderneuland I
Wurzeldeicher Straße 43

Parcel: 030607-003-00055 / 000

Residential / farm building (Addinggaster grass house (domain))

Very telling example of a new domain building from 1911, which is representative of its size . Inside and outside almost in original condition. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Süderneuland II

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Gerdes)) Süderneuland II
Bundesstrasse 22

Parcel: 030608-003-00107 / 005

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Gerdes))

with garden; East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building with style elements from the beginning of the 19th century; northern eaves side of the Wi-part renewed. 1903 . Significance: Historically, essential reason for urban planning: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Süderneuland II
Bundesstrasse 25

Parcel: 030608-005-00027 / 003

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: row of trees (avenue); Gulfhaus d. East Frisian type. Well-preserved large brick building with 2-storey standing parallel to the street. Living part. Suspected segmental arched windows. Around 1900. Significance: Historically, essential reasons for urban planning: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Süderneuland II
Nadörster Strasse 8

Parcel: 030608-005-00113 / 017

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building in good condition with minor changes to the window shapes. 1-sch. Living area with a basement with an up chamber. 1809 . Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential house (miller's house (oil mill)) Süderneuland II
Ölmühlenweg 30a

Parcel: 030608-001-00023 / 005

Residential house (miller's house (oil mill))

2-tier m. Brick building under a gable roof connected to the converted mill. Ground floor arched window, upper floor block frame window. East gable with crown u. ornamented eaves. Around 1800 individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Western March I

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Westgaste-Mahnland)) Westermarsch I
Alleestraße 38

Parcel: 030105-001-00082 / 007

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Westgaste-Mahnland))

with: Hofwurt, tree population; East Frisian type gulf house on grafted Wurt with older trees. Wi-part probably 1860; Residential part around 1912. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Bridge (road bridge (Neulander Tief)) Westermarsch I

Parcel: 030604-010-00071 / 001

Bridge (road bridge (Neulander Tief))

Single arch bridge over the Neulander Tief with parapet in brick from "1897". Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Westermarsch I
Altendeichsweg 38

Parcel: 030604-006-00071 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: barn, trees; East Frisian type gulf house. 2-tier Residential part with towing. Gable with block frame window u. Gable crown. 1791 , north eaves end of the 19th century; Barn m. Cross entrance, around 1900 Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0020

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Belvedere)) Westermarsch I
Buschhauser Drift 1

Parcel: 030604-012-00054 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Belvedere))

with: Hofwurt, Graft; Former Manninga Manor. Gulfhaus d. East Frisian type. 1-sch. Residential part with preserved triangular gable. 1716 ; Ground floor renewed around 1900. Wi- part around 1920. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Friederikenpolder)) Westermarsch I
Buschhauser Drift 2

Parcel: 030604-016-00023 / 002

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Friederikenpolder))

East Frisian type gulf house. Brick building with 2-tier. Living part. Facade structure and window shapes largely preserved. Around 1880. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Bridge (road bridge (Langhauser Tief)) Westermarsch I
main street

Parcel: 030604-013-00089 / 005

Bridge (road bridge (Langhauser Tief))

Bridge over the Langhauser Tief. Brick vault from 1875 Significance: Historically, scientifically single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (Terp Tromschlag) Westermarsch I
Tromschlag 2

Parcel: 030603-008-00017 / 002

Residential / farm building (Terp Tromschlag)

with: Terp, trench system, individual monument according to § 3.2 NDSchG; in group of structures: 452019Gr0025

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (courtyard Großlanghaus)) Westermarsch I
Westermarscher Strasse 1

Parcel: 030604-014-00046 / 005

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (courtyard Großlanghaus))

with: garden area; Significance: Historically, artistically, urban planning essential reason: 1.06 historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type individual monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Kleinlanghaus)) Westermarsch I
Westermarscher Strasse 3

Parcel: -

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (Hof Kleinlanghaus))

Living part with Gulf barn. 2-storey, plastered living area with arched windows. Residential gable with central entrance and sandstone coat of arms of the von Klooster family. Built around 1850, remodeled around 1890. Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Western March II

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Westermarsch II
Deichrichterweg 2

Parcel: 030603-001-00124 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

with: graft; Semi-grafted gulf house of the East Frisian type m. 2-tier residential part. Wi- part under half-hipped roof with cast-iron arched windows. Living area with a wooden winter garden. Around 1880. Significance: Historically, essential urban planning reasons: 1.06 Historical significance due to the testimony and display value through exemplary characteristics of a style and / or building type Individual monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gasthaus (Former Norddeich Radio) Westermarsch II
Deichstrasse 21

Parcel: 030603-003-00010 / 004

Gasthaus (Former Norddeich Radio)

1-sch. L-shaped plastered building under a flat gable roof. Elongated structure m. indented wall surfaces u. paired window arrangement. Gable m. strong vertical windowing single monument acc. Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Terp facility (Kugelwarft) Westermarsch II

Parcel: 030603-001-00111 / 005

Terp facility (Kugelwarft)

Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus) Westermarsch II
Kugelweg 1

Parcel: 030603-003-00039 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus)

Former Stone house from the 16th century integrated in the newer gulf house. East gable and south long side with remains of the original window structure. Partly basement. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG

BW Residential / farm building (farm workers' house) Westermarsch II
Osterwarfer Weg 1

Parcel: 030603-003-00096 / 005

Residential / farm building (farm workers' house)

Farm workers house with cross-connected Wi-Fi part. Brick building with thatched Wi part. Living part with cast-iron arched windows. Around 1880 individual monument according to § 3.2

BW Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (large grass house)) Westermarsch II
Ziegeleistraße 11

Parcel: 030603-004-00028 / 001

Gulfhaus (Gulfhaus (large grass house))

Very large Gulf house from 1909/1911 with an architecturally sophisticated living area in Art Nouveau forms. Almost unchanged except for the apartment installation above the former horse stable. Single monument according to Section 3.2 NDSchG


Web links

Commons : Monuments in the North  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lower Saxony Monument Protection Act (NDSchG), § 3 (1) [1]