List of biographies / Kih

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  • Kihn, Albert (1932–1974), American cinematographer
  • Kihn, Berthold (1895–1964), German psychiatrist and neurologist and T4 expert
  • Kihn, Georg († 1639), Abbot of the Bildhausen Monastery
  • Kihn, Heinrich (1833–1912), German Catholic theologian
  • Kihn, Karl (1854–1934), German doctor and historian and local researcher
  • Kihn, Karl Alfred (1887–1976), German lawyer, administrative officer and politician (CSU), Member of the Bundestag
  • Kihn, Valentin (1822–1901), German politician (Patriot Party)
  • Kihneman, Louis (* 1952), American clergyman, Bishop of Biloxi
