List of Brixen cathedral preachers

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Pulpit in Brixen Cathedral with the representation of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the Jakobsbrunnen ( Joh 4,5-26  EU ), created by the Brixen sculptor Josef Wieser. It shows the relief

On Brixen Cathedral a place of the first time around 1441 Dompredigers donated.

The cathedral preachers in Brixen were:

Surname from to
Johannes Nas OFM 1571 1572
Philipp Tallmann around 1702
Johann Baptist Platzer around 1707
Thomas Villanova Gerster OFMCap
* 1869; † 1940
around 1900 ? ( Guardian in Brixen, 20 years confessor of Bishop Simon Aichner )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anton Schmid: The beginnings of the cathedral predicatures in the German-speaking dioceses. In: Roman quarterly for Christian antiquity and church history 89 (1994), issue 1–2, pp. 78–110, here p. 83.
  2. ^ Hans Hochenegg: Baroque pilgrimage songs from Tyrol. Brixen, p. 181f, PDF on ZOBODAT
  3. Anselm Sparber: From the life and work of Prince-Bishop Dr. Simon Aichner from Brixen. P. 651, PDF on ZOBODAT