List of Classical Archaeologists at the University of Rostock

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In the list of classical archaeologist at the University of Rostock all university teachers are classical archeology collected, at the University of Rostock taught and teach. As a rule, this includes all regular university professors who were allowed to give lectures, i.e. who had completed their habilitation .

Classical archeology broke away from classical philology in Rostock in 1881 when Gustav Körtes was appointed to a newly established chair . Until Gottfried von Lücken retired , the subject was represented for more than 60 years by not infrequently well-known specialist representatives in Rostock. In the GDR, however, the subject quickly lost its importance and for a long time Konrad Zimmermann was the only representative of a subject that had become dependent. It was not until 1992 that Zimmermann became a full professor and Classical Archeology became independent again alongside Classical Philology and Ancient History in the Heinrich Schliemann Institute for Classical Studies .

The first column shows the name of the person and their life data, the second column shows the entry into the university, and the third column shows the departure. Column four names the highest position achieved at the University of Rostock. At other universities, the corresponding lecturer may have made an even more extensive scientific career. The next column lists special features, the career path or other information relating to the university or institute. The last column shows pictures of the lecturers, which is currently difficult due to the image rights.

scientist from to Functions Remarks image
Richard Foerster (1843-1922) 1875 1881 Full professor Professor of Philology and Archeology, moved to Kiel and later to Breslau Richard Foerster.jpg
Gustav Körte (1852-1917) 1881 1903 Full professor First holder of the chair after the subject was detached from Classical Philology in 1881
Carl Watzinger (1877-1948) 1905 1909 Associate professor
Arnold von Salis (1881–1958) 1910 1916 Associate professor
Rudolf Pagenstecher (1879–1921) 1916 1921 Full professor
Gottfried von Lücken (1883–1976) 1921 1972 Full professor Full professor in 1921, retirement in 1954, teaching on the basis of an individual contract until 1968, lecturing until he left for Munich in 1972; until 1965 director of the Archaeological Institute, then senior specialist representative within the Institute for Classical Studies created in the course of the third university reform
Konrad Zimmermann (* 1940) 1964 2005 Full professor 1964 research assistant, 1972 senior assistant, 1975 Facultas Docendi, 1987 university lecturer, 1992 professorship
Lorenz Winkler-Horaček (* 1963) 1993 2007 Private lecturer 1993 university assistant, 2000 research assistant, 2004 private lecturer; 1993–2008 curator of the Antikensammlung
Detlev Wannagat (* 1958) 2006 Full professor
Jutta Fischer (* 1952) 2006 Scientific Associate Successor to Winkler-Horaček; 2008–2017 curator of the Antikensammlung
Christian Russenberger 2018 scientific Assistant Successor to Fischer; Curator of the Antikensammlung

Holder of the professorship :

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