List of classical archaeologists at the Philipps University of Marburg

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In the list of classical archaeologist at the University of Marburg all university teachers are collected, at the University of Marburg taught and teach. As a rule, this includes all regular university professors who were allowed to give lectures, i.e. who had completed their habilitation . These are in particular full professors , non-scheduled professors , junior professors , visiting professors , honorary professors , chair representatives and private lecturers . In addition, academic councilors are considered permanent employees. Mid-level archaeologists (lecturers: assistants and employees ) are only included in justified exceptional cases.

The first approaches to archeological teaching in Marburg were made at the beginning of the 19th century by the classical philologist Friedrich Creuzer . The chair was established in 1888 and occupied by Ludwig von Sybel , who also founded the cast collection.

The first column shows the name of the person and their life data, the second column shows entry into the university, and the third column shows their departure. Column four names the highest position achieved at the University of Marburg. At other universities, the corresponding lecturer may have made an even more extensive scientific career. The next column lists special features, the career path or other information relating to the university or institute. The last column shows pictures of the lecturers, which is currently difficult due to the image rights.

scientist from to Functions Remarks image
Friedrich Creuzer (1771-1858) 1800 1804 Full professor Classical philologist, 1800 professor of Greek, 1802 professor of Eloqunz Friedrich Creuzer - Imagines philologorum.jpg
Karl Friedrich Hermann (1804–1855) 1832 1842 Full professor Professor of Classical Philology Karl Friedrich Hermann - Imagines philologorum.jpg
Ludwig von Sybel (1846–1929) 1876 1911 Full professor 1876 ​​associate professor, 1888 first holder of the chair for classical archeology and founder of the cast collection, 1898/99 dean of the philosophical faculty, 1906/07 rector of the university Ludwig von Sybel.jpg
Paul Jacobsthal (1880–1957) 1911 1935 Full professor Successor of Sybels, removed from the chair by the National Socialists, initiated the first chair for prehistory in Germany in Marburg
Guido Kaschnitz von Weinberg (1890–1958) 1937 1940 Full professor Successor to Jacobsthal
Friedrich Matz the Younger (1890–1974) 1941 1958 Full professor Successor to Kaschnitz von Weinbergs
Frank Brommer (1911-1993) 1946 1958 Associate professor 1951 Associate Professor
Heinrich Drerup (1908–1995) 1959 1973 Full professor Matz's successor
Ingo Pini (* 1936) 1965 2010 Honorary professor 1965 to 2010 member of the corpus of the Minoan and Mycenaean seals , 1987 honorary professor, 2009 honorary doctorate in Athens
Marianne Bergmann (* 1943) 1972 1990 Private lecturer 1972 employee, 1986 habilitation
Adolf Borbein (* 1936) 1974 1977 professor
Bernard Andreae (* 1930) 1978 1984 Full professor Successor to Drerups
Hans Lauter (1941-2007) 1986 2007 Full professor Successor of Andreaes
Rita Amedick 1990
Extraordinary professor since 1985 temporarily employed at the research company Corpus of Ancient Sarcophagus Reliefs, 2009 adjunct professor
Heide Froning-Kehler (* 1943) 1991 2009 Professor
Dagmar Grassinger 1991
Private lecturer 1991–1994 research assistant on the corpus of ancient sarcophagus reliefs , again 2000–2003, 2000 habilitation
Winfried Held (* 1964) 2008 Full professor Lauter's successor
Ulrich-Walter Gans Extraordinary professor 2001 private lecturer, 2008 adjunct professor
Torsten Mattern 1998 2009 Extraordinary professor 1998 research assistant, 2004 habilitation

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