List of Classical Archaeologists at the University of Graz

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In the list of classical archaeologist at the University of Graz all university teachers are collected, at the Karl-Franzens University Graz taught. As a rule, this includes all regular university professors who were allowed to give lectures, i.e. who had completed their habilitation . In particular, these are full professors , non-scheduled professors , junior professors , guest professors , honorary professors , chair representatives and private lecturers . Mid-level archaeologists (lecturers: assistants and employees ) are only included in justified exceptional cases.

In 1865 an "archaeological cabinet" was set up at the university, which was initially supervised by classical scholars. In 1877, a "Chair for Classical Art Archeology" was set up, an extraordinary professorship that was converted into a full professorship in 1890. Since 1894 it has been allowed to call itself "Institute". The chair was occupied without major interruptions until 1945. After the war in 1948 only an associate professorship was restored. In 1963 it became its own chair again. From 1999 to 2008 it was not filled due to appointment problems.

The first column shows the name of the person and their life data, the second column shows entry into the university, and the third column shows their departure. Column four names the highest position achieved at the University of Graz. At other universities, the corresponding lecturer may have made an even more extensive scientific career. The next column lists special features, the career path or other information relating to the university or institute.

scientist from to Functions Remarks image
Karl Schenkl (1827–1900) 1863 1875 Full professor Classical philologist, involved in setting up the university "archaeological cabinet" Karl Schenkl.jpg
Max Theodor von Karajan (1833–1914) 1857 1904 Full professor Classical philologist, involved in setting up the university "archaeological cabinet"
Wilhelm Gurlitt (1844–1905) 1877 1905 Full professor 1877 associate professor, 1890 professorial professor; First holder of an archaeological professorship and later first holder of a chair
Franz Winter (1861–1930) 1905 1908 Full professor Gurlitt's successor Franz Winter.jpg
Hans Schrader (1869–1948) 1908 1910 Full professor Successor to Winters
Rudolf Heberdey (1864–1936) 1911 1933 Full professor Schrader's successor
Arnold Schober (1886-1959) 1936 1945 Full professor Heberdey's successor; 1936 associate professor, 1940 full professor
Erna Diez (1913-2001) 1948 1983 Ordinaria Successor to Schober; 1948 Extraordinaria, 1963 Ordinaria
Gerda Schwarz (1941–2015) 1963 2007 Associate Professor
Erwin Pochmarski (* 1943) 1970 Associate professor 1970 university assistant, 1983 private lecturer, 1997 associate professor
Thuri Lorenz (1931-2017) 1984 1999 Full professor Successor to Diez
Bernhard Hebert (* 1960) University lecturer 1992 habilitation
Diether Kramer (1942-2016) 2001 2016 Honorary professor Privatdozent, honorary professor for prehistoric archeology and Mediterranean archeology
Ursula Schachinger (* 1968) 1995 Private lecturer Numismatist, 2006 private lecturer
Erwin M. Ruprechtsberger (* 1952) 2006 2016 Visiting professor Provincial Roman archaeologist
Peter Scherrer (* 1958) 2008 Full professor Successor to Lorenz

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