List of stumbling blocks in Hellenthal

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In the list of the stumbling blocks in Hellenthal those memorials are listed in the framework of the project pitfalls of the artist Gunter Demnig in Hellenthal were laid. So far, four stumbling blocks have been laid. First on October 20, 2013 (4), October 27, 2014 (9) and October 9, 2015 (9) in the districts of Hellenthal (10), Kirschseiffen (5), Blumenthal (3) and Ramscheid (4). Six stones, which were also to be set in Kirschseiffen on October 20, 2013, found asylum in the neighboring Evangelical parish church. The fourth laying date followed on November 4, 2017. On this date, too, not all 10 planned stones could be set. Two of the residents refused to give their consent.

A municipal council resolution of September 2013 states that the basis of the local implementation of the Stolperstein project is: "To remember the victims of National Socialist violence with the Stolpersteine ​​project and to lay stumbling blocks by the artist Günter Demnig on the community's own sidewalks, provided that the neighboring property owners agree." . The initiative Juden im Tal Hellenthal (JudiT.H) is trying to overturn this decision and to end the previous church asylum of unsettled stones. The two stones that were not laid in November 2017 were taken to the Catholic St. Anna in Hellenthal.

Laying stumbling blocks

address Surname inscription Laying date image annotation
Kölner Str. 27 ( location )
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 27 Image 1.jpg
Leonhard Bauer
Leonhard Bauer,
born in 1893, lived here . Arrested in the
Aachen prison
Ban on preaching and teaching
Escape to death
1945 Waldkirch
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 27, Stolperstein Pastor Leonhard Bauer.jpg Leonhard Bauer was pastor of the parish of St. Anna in Hellenthal from 1936 to 1941. According to the handbook of the diocese of Aachen, he was arrested on September 22, 1941 and expelled from the country.
Kölner Str. 66 ( location )
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66.jpg
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66, Stolpersteine, Gesamt, Erna, Gottfried, Sara and Selma Löwenstein.jpg
Erna Löwenstein Here lived
Erna Loewenstein
Jg. 1907
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
murdered 03/05/1942
Chelmno / Kulmhof
20th October 2013 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66, Stolperstein for Erna Löwenstein.jpg
Gottfried Löwenstein Here lived
Gottfried Lowenstein
Jg. 1871
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
murdered 03/05/1942
Chelmno / Kulmhof
20th October 2013 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66, Stolperstein for Gottfried Löwenstein.jpg
Sara Lowenstein
Sara Löwenstein
nee lived here . Hofmann
born in 1876 moved
1939 Cologne
deported 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
murdered May 3, 1942
Chelmno / Kulmhof
20th October 2013 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66, Stolperstein for Sara Löwenstein.jpg
Selma Löwenstein Here lived
Selma Lowenstein
Jg. 1909
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
murdered 03/05/1942
Chelmno / Kulmhof
20th October 2013 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 66, Stolperstein for Selma Löwenstein.jpg
Hohenbergringstr. 7th
Hellenthal, Hohenbergring 7.jpg
Hellenthal, Hohenbergring 7, Stolpersteine ​​total.jpg

( Location )

Adolf Kaufmann This is where
Adolf Kaufmann,
born in 1922, lived .
Escape 1938
Arrested in 1940
Brussels prison.
Shot dead May 19, 1940 in
St. Gilles prison
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Hohenbergring 7, Stolperstein Adolf Kaufmann.jpg
August Kaufmann This is where
Adolf Kaufmann,
born in 1893, lived .
Escape 1938
Arrested in 1940
Brussels prison.
Shot dead May 19, 1940 in
St. Gilles prison
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Hohenbergring 7, Stolperstein August Kaufmann.jpg
Fanny Kaufmann
born Jacobs

Fanny Kaufmann
nee lived here . Jacobs
Born 1893
Escape 1938
lived in hiding
liberated / survived
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Hohenbergring 7, Stolperstein Fanny Kaufmann.jpg
Im Kirschseiffen 27 ( location )
Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 27, house entrance with a stumbling stone in front of it for Wilhelm Hermann.jpg
Wilhelm Hermann Here lived
Wilhelm Hermann
Jg. 1902
In resistance
task of the pastor
involuntarily moved
in 1937 Wuppertal
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 27 Stolperstein Wilhelm Hermann.jpg
Kölner Str. 32 ( location )
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 32 - with stumbling blocks in front of the gate.jpg
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 32, Stolpersteine, Gesamt, Samuel Heumann and N. Goldstein.jpg
NN Goldstein Here lived
N.N. Goldstein,
born 1919,
housekeeper at
Mr. Heumann's
fate unknown
0October 9, 2015 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 32, Stolperstein for N. Goldstein.jpg
Samuel Heumann
Samuel Heumann,
born in 1858, lived here .
Escape 1939 Holland
interned Westerbork
deported 1943
murdered April 30 , 1943
0October 9, 2015 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 32, Stolperstein for Samuel Heumann.jpg The small trader in agricultural products (cow dung) and 1934 deputy representative of the synagogue community Samuel Heumann was born on June 1, 1858 in Hellenthal as the second-born and eldest son of the trader and representative of the Jewish community, Joseph Heumann (born on September 9, 1823 in Oberdollendorf ; died Born on February 10, 1894 in Hellenthal) and his wife Henrietta (Jetta) Baum (born on May 10, 1824 in Gymnich ; died on July 20, 1879 in Hellenthal). After he married Cäcilia Schmitz in Wollersheim on October 15, 1889 (born on October 27, 1861 in Wollersheim; died on June 28, 1924 in Euskirchen ), the couple had five sons and four daughters in Hellenthal from 1890 to 1904. Their two oldest sons Julius and Adolph died during the First World War . Rudolph, Johanna and Karl were victims of the Holocaust with their families . Joseph, Karoline and Helena managed to emigrate to the USA with their families. Pauline emigrated to Argentina with her husband Ernst Katz .

Samuel Heumann emigrated to the Netherlands in January 1939 , where he initially lived with his son Rudolf in Venlo , before they both moved to Naarden on September 11, 1939 . On April 27, 1943, Samuel Heumann was deported from Westerbork to Sobibor , his son Rudolf and his wife Regina Jacob followed in a transport on May 4, 1943. By this time, Samuel had already been murdered (April 30, 1943). Rudolf and Regina's lives ended there on May 7, 1943.

Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32 ( location )
Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 31 (left) and 32 (right) .jpg
Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32, total, Stolpersteine ​​for Alexander, Emil, Karl and Martin Haas.jpg
Alexander Haas
Alexander Haas,
born in 1885, lived here,
humiliated / disenfranchised.
Dead April 11, 1936,
Cologne Hospital
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32, Stolperstein for Alexander Haas.jpg
Emil Haas Here lived
Emil Haas
Vol. 1880
involuntarily moved
escape 1938 Belgium
Intern Mechelen
deported in 1943
murdered in
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32, Stolperstein for Emil Haas.jpg
Karl Haas
Karl Haas,
born in 1890, lived here .
'Schutzhaft 1938'.
Prison Udenbreth
Flucht 1938
Belgium / France
Interned Gurs
Flucht 1942
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32, Stolperstein for Karl Haas.jpg
Martin Haas
Martin Haas,
born in 1878
, lived here . Arrested 1936
Aachen prison.
Dead October 4, 1936.
Circumstances never resolved
October 27, 2014 Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 29, 31 and 32, Stolperstein for Martin Haas.jpg

Im Kirschseiffen 27 ( location )
Hellenthal, Im Kirschseiffen 27.jpg
Leopold Rothschild Here lived
Leopold Rothschild
born. 1884
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1942
murdered 21/12/1943
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Johanna Rothschild Here lived
Rothschild, Johanna
Jg. 1879
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1942
murdered 05/15/1944
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Ella Rothschild Here lived
Ella Rothschild
born. 1912
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1941
murdered in
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Siegfried Rothschild Here lived
Siegfried Rothschild
born. 1916
'protective custody in 1938'
involuntarily moved
in 1939 Cologne
deported in 1941
Riga / Stutthof
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Julius Rothschild
Julius Rothschild,
born in 1898, lived here .
Escape 1938 Survived
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Arno Rothschild
Arno Rothschild
born in 1899 lived here .
Escape 1938 Belgium
interned Drancy
deported 1942
Murdered in
20th October 2013
The stumbling block found asylum on October 20, 2013 in the Evangelical Church in Kirschseiffen.
Alte Schulstrasse between No. 6 and 8 ( location )
Hellenthal-Blumenthal, back Schleidener Str. 10, left.  Alte Schulstr.  8, right  Alte Schulstr.  5 - the stumbling block.  lie vdjpg
Hellenthal-Blumenthal, Alte Schulstrasse between No. 6 and 8, Stolpersteine ​​total.jpg
Walter Rothschild
Walter Rothschild,
born in 1901
, lived here, deported and
murdered in
0October 9, 2015 Hellenthal-Blumenthal, Alte Schulstrasse between No. 6 and 8, Stolperstein Walter Rothschild.jpg
Berta Rothschild
Berta Rothschild
nee lived here . Grüneberg,
born 1907, moved
deported 1942
murdered in
0October 9, 2015 Hellenthal-Blumenthal, Alte Schulstrasse between No. 6 and 8, Stolperstein Berta Rothschild.jpg
Maud Rothschild Here lived
Maud Rothschild
born. 1934
involuntarily moved
deported in 1942
murdered in
0October 9, 2015 Hellenthal-Blumenthal, Alte Schulstrasse between No. 6 and 8, Stolperstein Maud Rothschild.jpg
Kölner Straße 96 ( location )
Hellenthal, Kölner Strasse, stumbling blocks between lantern and gate, in the background Kölner Strasse 98.jpg
Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Stolpersteine, overall A.jpg
Salomon Kaufmann Here lived
Salomon Kaufmann
Jg. 1855
involuntarily moved
in 1938 Cologne
deported in 1942
murdered 01/10/1942
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Kaufmann, Salomon.jpg
Sara Kaufmann
Kaufmann lived here , Sara
b. Meyer
born in 1860
involuntarily moved
1938 Cologne
deported 1942
murdered July 19 , 1942
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Kaufmann, Sara.jpg
Karl Kaufmann Here lived
Karl Kaufmann
Jg. 1890
'protective custody' in 1938
involuntarily moved
in 1938 Cologne
deported in 1942
Maly Trostinec
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Kaufmann, Karl.jpg
Arno Kaufmann
Arno Kaufmann,
born in 1899, lived here .
'Protective custody 1938'
Sachsenhausen moved
1938 Cologne
deported 1942
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Kaufmann, Arno b.  1899.jpg
Johanna Kaufmann Here lived
Johanna Kaufmann
married. Leiser
born in 1888,
fate unknown
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96, Kaufmann, Johanna.jpg
Joseph Kamp
Joseph Kamp,
born in 1905, lived here,
fled 1938
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96 Kamp, Joseph.jpg
Olga Kamp
Olga Kamp
nee lived here . Kaufmann
born in 1898,
Argentina in 1938
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96 Kamp, Olga.jpg
Edith Kamp
Edith Kamp,
born in 1933, lived here .
Escape 1938
04th November 2017 Hellenthal, Kölner Str. 96 Kamp, Edith.jpg
Kölner Straße 23 ( location )
St. Anna (Hellenthal) (07) .jpg
Lina Rothschild Here lived
Lina Rothschild
born. 1886
04th November 2017
The Stolperstein found asylum on November 4, 2017 in the Catholic Church of St. Anna in Hellenthal. Lina (born March 14, 1886) and her sister Auguste lived without a trade as the unmarried daughters of Berta Rothschild, née Kaufmann (born June 20, 1857; died September 8, 1938 in Hellenthal) on Kölner Strasse in Hellenthal (on Height of house number 13). Presumably after the death of their mother they moved to Cologne, where they last lived in the ghetto house Mauritiussteinweg 11. Lina Rothschild was deported from there on October 11, 1941, first to Litzmannstadt and from there to the Kulmhof (Chelmo) extermination camp, where she was also murdered. May 12, 1942 is documented as the date of her death.
Auguste Rothschild Here lived
Rothschild, Auguste
Jg. 1891
04th November 2017
The Stolperstein found asylum on November 4, 2017 in the Catholic Church of St. Anna in Hellenthal. There are two different versions of Auguste Rothschild (born on August 18, 1891) after her stay in the ghetto house Mauritiussteinweg 11 in Cologne. She was either deported to Litzmannstadt with her older sister on October 22nd, 1941, or on October 7th / 8th. December of the same year to Riga. The place and date of her death are not documented. On May 8, 1945, she was declared dead retrospectively.

Web links


  • Walter Hanf: Jews in the Upper Oleftal , ed. Heimatverein Rescheid eV / JUDIT.H (Working Group History of the Jews in the Valley, Hellenthal), Hahne & Schloemer, Düren 2014, ISBN 978-3-942513-29-6 , and a. P. 390–401 on the history of the laying of the Stolperstein in the area of ​​the municipality of Hellenthal.

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Lieser: First stumbling blocks laid in Hellenthal. Moving ceremonies after a long discussion on site - guests from Mexico and the USA , on, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  2. ↑ Laying of the Stolperstein in Hellenthal , press release of October 30, 2014 on, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  3. FA Heinen : Stolpersteine ​​memorials for the victims in Hellenthal Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from October 13, 2014, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  4. FA Heinen: Stolpersteine ​​in Hellenthal The victims of the Nazis thought , Kölnische Rundschau of October 28, 2014, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  5. Stephan Everling: Remembrance in Hellenthal Stolpersteine ​​laid in memory of persecuted Jews Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from October 11, 2015, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  6. Stephan Everling: A stove that owes life to published in GrenzEcho of October 14, 2015, reproduced on, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  7. Bernd Kehren: Stolpersteine ​​Irritations from the world cleared , Kölnische Rundschau from September 6, 2013, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  8. Stephan Everling: Memorials in Hellenthal Further discussion of stumbling blocks , Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from September 20, 2013, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  9. Nathan Warszawski: Hellenthal: Renewed Memory of the Murdered Jewish Roommates , on huffingtonpost of April 14, 2014, accessed on June 18, 2017.
  10. a b c d Stephan Everling: Murdered Jews: Stumbling blocks for the Kaufmanns in Hellenthal relocated , Kölnische Rundschau from November 6, 2017, accessed on December 30, 2019.
  11. Stephan Everling: Stolpersteine: Jewish working group demands general permission for relocation , Kölnische Rundschau from March 25, 2018, accessed on December 30, 2019.
  12. Handbook of the Diocese of Aachen. 3rd edition, published by the Bischöfliches Generalvikariat Aachen, Aachen 1994, ISBN 3-87448-172-7 , p. 531.
  13. ^ Walter Hanf: Jews in the upper Oleftal pp. 417-422.
  14. a b c d e f Walter Hanf: Jews in the upper Oleftal , pp. 393–400, figs. 115, 117 u. 118.
  15. Walter Hanf: Jews in the upper Oleftal , p. 223.
  16. ^ A b Walter Hanf: Jews in the upper Oleftal , p. 232.