Franz Albert Heinen

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Franz Albert Heinen , also FA Heinen or Franz-Albert Heinen , (* 1953 in Schleiden ) is a German journalist and non-fiction author . He presented various publications on regional historical topics of the North Eifel . In doing so, Heinen stood out above all with documentation on the system of the NSDAP order castles , in particular the NS order castle Vogelsang .


Franz Albert Heinen was born in Schleiden in 1953 , where he grew up and attended elementary school and the municipal grammar school. After graduating from high school in 1974, he initially signed up for two years as a contract soldier and then studied German and history for four semesters in Bonn . In 1978 he started as a reporter for the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , for which he has been working as an editor in the Euskirchen local editorial office since 1981 . In addition to regional history , politics and criminal cases are his preferred subject areas.

Heinen had great success in 1998 with the biography of the Muslim Kosovar Albanian Schukrana McFadyen, who grew up in the Eifel and which he published together with her under the title The Two Faces of Love . The book was subsequently translated into Danish and Bulgarian . After the documentation on the history of the former armaments factory " Espagit " in Hallschlag under the title The Death Factory (2000), Heinen intensively accompanied the founding phase of the first North Rhine-Westphalian national park , the Eifel National Park . He paid special attention at an early stage to the area around the former order castle, which was located in the middle of the national park area and was then used as the Belgian Vogelsang military training area. Under the title Vogelsang. From the NS-Ordensburg to the military training area , in 2002 he presented a critical documentation about the Ordensburg, one of the few almost completely preserved ensembles of National Socialist architecture , and its post-war history. This triggered an extensive debate about possible subsequent uses of the site and the Ordensburg, which has been accessible to the public since 2006 after the military left. The main reason was the question of how to deal appropriately with the historically burdened Nazi ensemble. Heinen was committed to developing the former Ordensburg into a “Vogelsang Learning Place” center, accompanying visitor groups through the extensive area on a voluntary basis as a speaker and also wrote a visitor booklet, which was first published in 2006. The journalist is convinced: "From my point of view, Vogelsang is one of the most important exhibits on Nazi ideology that we have in Germany."

Heinen underpinned this view with the portrayal of godless, shameless, unscrupulous. On the eastern deployment of the Ordensburg teams (2007). He had found after reviewing documents, lists of names and protocols from Belgian archives that the trained between 1936 and 1939 on Vogelsang Nazi future leaders in World War II was used not only as soldiers, but often referred to as civil administrator in the occupied eastern territories and some of these " Ordensjunker ”are said to have played a leading role in the war crimes committed there.

Heinen also publishes in yearbooks and anthologies.

The non-party journalist is a member of the Eifel National Park Association, the Verein Gegen Vergessen - For Democracy and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Eifel National Park Community Foundation. He received the Horst Konejung Prize in 2011 for his research on the castles of the Order .

Franz Albert Heinen is married and has two children. He lives in Schleiden.


  • with Schukrana McFadyen: The two faces of love. Bergisch Gladbach 1998. (2nd, full paperback edition. Bergisch Gladbach 2001, ISBN 3-404-25597-6 )
  • The death factory. Espagit - the secret grenade forge. A documentation. Aachen 2000, ISBN 3-933608-14-7 .
  • Vogelsang. From the NS-Ordensburg to the military training area. A documentation. Aachen 2002, ISBN 3-933608-46-5 .
  • with Werner Rosen: Schleiden. (The archive images series). Sutton, Erfurt 2005, ISBN 3-89702-924-3 .
  • Vogelsang. In the heart of the Eifel National Park. An accompanying booklet through the former "NS-Ordensburg". (Leisure guide Rhineland). Düsseldorf 2006, ISBN 3-935873-11-5 .
  • Godless, shameless, unscrupulous. For the eastern deployment of the Ordensburg teams. Düsseldorf 2007, ISBN 978-3-935873-27-7 .
  • with Christina Threuter: Vogelsang. In the heart of the Eifel National Park. An accompanying booklet through the former NS “Ordensburg”. 5th updated edition. Gaasterland-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-935873-11-6 .
  • NS-Ordensburgen Vogelsang, Sonthofen and Krössinsee. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86153-618-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Brief portrait of the Helios publishing house ; Retrieved November 25, 2007.
  2. quoted from Andreas Fasel: Where the hatred of Jews was taught. In: Welt am Sonntag. No. 47/2007 of November 25, 2007, NRW part, p. 4.
  3. a b c Brief curriculum vitae at "Lernort Vogelsang" ( Memento from October 17, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Horst Konejung Prize 2011

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