List of streets in Niederhäslich

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Location of Niederhäslich in Freital

The list of streets in Niederhäslich contains all named streets of the Niederhäslich district of the large district town of Freital in the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district .

The most important traffic connection in Niederhäslich is Poisentalstraße, which runs through the district from northwest to east. In the narrower Poisental in the eastern part of the village, the buildings are very much oriented towards the course of the road, there are short access roads . In the western part the district expands, the traffic development (with the bus line of the city ​​traffic Freital ) is ensured here additionally mainly by the street Am Dorfplatz – Niederhäslicher Straße – Am Stieglitzberg – Wilhelm-Müller-Straße – Am Hexenberg (Schweinsdorf). This leads through the middle of the Raschelbergsiedlung and is the starting point for further access roads.


The following table gives an overview of the streets and squares in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Image: Photo of the street.
  • Name / Location: Current designation of the street or the place as well as under 'Location' a coordinate link via which the street or the place can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle of the street.
  • Name origin: origin or reference of the name.
  • Notes: More information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, cultural monuments, etc.

Street directory

image Name / location Origin of name Remarks
At the book light
It branches off as a short access road from Wilhelm-Müller-Strasse.
photos At the village square
Niederhäslicher Dorfplatz The road branches off from Poisentalstraße and continues south into Niederhäslicher Straße. On the old Niederhäslicher Dorfplatz, several stable houses are listed, such as No. 1 and 4 as well as No. 2a. The western part of the street is also used by the Freital city bus service.
photos Am Steigerhaus
Steigerhaus southern junction from Poisentalstrasse
Am Stieglitzberg
Stieglitzberg , nearby elevation connects Wilhelm-Müllerstrasse and Niederhäslicher Strasse
Am Wachtelberg
Wachtelberg , nearby elevation Junction of the street Zum Poisenwald
photos Miner's settlement
Settlement origin as a place to live for miners southern junction from Poisentalstrasse
photos Clemens-Hanusch-Weg
Clemens Hanusch, municipal councilor Two stable houses on Clemens-Hanusch-Weg, which runs essentially parallel to the village square, are listed as historical monuments.
Heilborngraben southern junction from Poisentalstraße along the eponymous trench
connects Poisental and Rotkopf-Görg-Strasse
photos Müller's way
Müller's path branches off from Poisentalstraße and follows the course of the Poisenbach up to Leßkestraße, in the last part as a footpath and bike path.
Niederhäslicher Strasse
Niederhäslich, district of Freital Niederhäslicher Strasse is part of the Freital city bus system between Wilhelm-Müller-Strasse and Dorfplatz.

See also: Niederhäslicher Straße in Schweinsdorf

connects Niederhäslicher Straße with the district boundary to Schweinsdorf

See also: Oststraße in Schweinsdorf

photos Poisentalstrasse
Valley of the Poisenbach Poisentalstraße is designated as State Road 36 as the most important traffic connection in the district . It also opens up a significant part of Niederhäslich for local public transport. Some representative buildings of the former community are located on Poisentalstrasse: the old town hall (no. 75), the school with gym (no. 77/79) and the Gasthof Poisental on the corner of the village square (no. 97).

See also: Poisentalstraße in Schweinsdorf and Deuben

photos Rotkopf-Görg-Strasse
Legendary figure Rotkopf Görg Branching off from Poisentalstrasse, it continues, following the topography of the Windberg, to Burgker Strasse in the Burgk district. The Volkspark Rotkopf-Görg, a park created in the 1920s, is located along Rotkopf-Görg-Straße.

See also: Rotkopf-Görg-Straße in Burgk

Ernst Robert Rudelt (1860–1935), Deuben mayor and member of the Saxon state parliament Junction of Poisentalstraße and then a parallel course to the boundary to Schweinsdorf

See also: Rudeltstrasse in Schweinsdorf

Forest view
Access road between Niederhäslicher Strasse and the village square
more pictures
Wilhelm Müller (1928–1999), painter and graphic artist There is a listed residential and business complex on Wilhelm-Müller-Straße (No. 7-11). Not far from there, the sculpture of a steel worker created in 1953 reminds of the origins of the Raschelbergsiedlung as a place of residence for the workers of the stainless steel plant .

Wilhelm-Müller-Strasse is used by the Freital city bus system between the district boundary and Niederhäslicher Strasse.

Windberg , the local mountain of the city of Freital, partly located on Niederhäslicher Flur northern branch of Poisentalstraße up the Windberg
photos To the Poisenwald
Poisenwald , piece of forest east of the village Branch from the village square towards Obernaundorf
To Hope
northern branch of Poisentalstraße up the Windberg

Web links

Commons : Streets in Niederhäslich  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files