List of coats of arms in Bremen
This list shows the coats of arms in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen . It is only about Bremen and Bremerhaven as corporations bearing the coat of arms. Also listed here are historical coats of arms of Bremen and parts of Bremerhaven which were incorporated and which once had a coat of arms.
State coat of arms
Middle state coat of arms
Free Hanseatic City of BremenLarge coat of arms of the
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
probably since 1947
Historical coat of arms
In 1927 Geestemünde and Lehe were merged to Wesermünde, in 1939 the city of Bremerhaven was added, which was then renamed Bremerhaven in 1947:
Coat of arms before the merger (here versions by Otto Hupp ):
Former office of Vegesack
Flag crest

Large coat of arms of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen in the German Empire . In this form, it is the flag of Bremen today