List of listed objects in Sittersdorf

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The list of listed objects in Sittersdorf contains the 9 listed , immovable objects of the municipality of Sittersdorf .


photo   monument Location description
Catholic branch church hl.  Andreas
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Catholic branch church hl. Andreas ObjectID
KG: Altendorf
The small late Gothic building is located south of the village on a plateau. The year 1739 on two tower gables refers to the renovation after a lightning strike. Restorations took place in 1995/97: Reconstruction of the remarkable architectural polychromy with corner cuboids, jagged friezes, window frames, large round medallions with circular motifs of color from the middle of the 17th century. The church has polygonal buttresses at the choir and two-tiered buttresses at the nave. A groin vaulted baroque chapel adjoins the Gothic south tower with a pointed helmet. Round-arched Gothic south portal with iron plate door, profiled north portal with keel arch. The choir and nave are vaulted with mesh ribs, the sacristy vaulted with groin. The pulpit and altar in the south chapel date from 1700, the high altar with sacrificial portals and the right side altar from 1720, the left side altar from the end of the 18th century.
Catholic branch church hll.  Andreas and Ulrich
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Catholic branch church hll. Andreas and Ulrich ObjectID
KG: Rückersdorf
The church, a small, essentially Romanesque building with a turret, was mentioned in a document in 1154. On the west side of the nave is a brick porch with a Gothic pointed arch portal, the southern sacristy annex has a Gothic arched portal. On the southern outer wall is a St. Christopher fresco from the 19th century, labeled Skuk . Interior restoration 1999. Flat-roofed ship. Marked 1876 above the triumphal arch. Square, flat-vaulted choir. Two-bay sacristy, vaulted in baroque style. The altars with side tabs date from around 1700; there is also a late Gothic sculpture of St. Ulrich in the church.
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Karner ObjectID
KG: Sittersdorf
The Karner , located south of the parish church, is essentially a Romanesque building from the mid-12th century with a round domed vault. The original portal is now walled up and has been replaced by a southern entrance.
Catholic parish church hl.  Helena and cemetery
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Catholic parish church hl. Helena and cemetery ObjectID
KG: Sittersdorf
Mentioned in a document in 1154. The church is a medium-sized, Romanesque building at its core (mentioned in a document in 1154) with a Gothic reticulated vaulted choir. It is supported by mighty, wide sloping pillars, is surrounded by a cemetery wall and connected to the rectory by a bridge. In the 17th century, the originally single-nave church was rebuilt with three aisles. The presented western facade tower with the inscription 1690 was raised in 1865 and structured with wall templates. On the ground floor of the tower a round medallion from a Roman tomb with a portrait bust of a man (early second century AD; CSIR II / 2, 1972, 111). Ceiling paintings are labeled Jakob Brollo 1891 . The furnishings include four baroque altars from the 18th century.
Sonnegg castle ruins Upload file Sonnegg Castle Ruins ObjectID

since 2015

KG: Sonnegg
The castle, mentioned in the 13th century, was expanded into a castle with seven towers by the 16th century. After an earthquake and subsequent major fire, it was no longer built, but used as a quarry. Only small remains of the wall have survived.
Schloss Sonnegg monument complex Upload file Monument complex Schloss Sonnegg ObjectID

since 2015

Sonnegg 1, including
KG: Sonnegg
After the castle was abandoned in 1690, a farm yard at the foot of the castle hill was expanded into a two-storey castle, which is well equipped. The unadorned rectangular chapel opposite contains remarkable 18th century prayer stalls. The farm building to the west of the chapel is essentially a late Gothic building.
Orsini-Rosenberg crypt chapel
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Orsini-Rosenberg Crypt Chapel ObjectID
Pfannsdorf KG
: Sonnegg
The crypt for the Orsini-Rosenberg family, west of the Church of St. Filippen ob Sonegg , was built between 1812 and 1817. The figurative glass paintings are named Gottlob Mohn (Vienna) and date from 1819 and 1820.
Catholic parish church hl.  Philip / St.  Filippen above Sonnegg and Friedhof
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Catholic parish church hl. Philip / St. Filippen ob Sonnegg and Friedhof ObjektID
KG: Sonnegg
Elevated on the southern edge, surrounded by a cemetery wall. Mentioned in a document in 1329. Renewed in the 14th and 16th centuries, but the core of the building is Romanesque. 1994–96 overall exterior restoration. Restoration of the architectural polychromy of the 16th century. - Mighty west tower with coupled Romanesque sound windows, eight-sided pointed helmet. On the north side of the choir there is a two-storey baroque extension (sacristy and oratory). Walled up Gothic north portal to the nave. In the porch of the tower there is a fragment of a Gothic stone Madonna (head, shoulders and child added) from the middle of the 14th century.
Catholic branch church hl.  Maria
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Catholic branch church hl. Maria ObjectID
Pfannsdorf KG
: Sonnegg
In the center of Pfannsdorf. Small single-nave, late historical building 1881–82 by Johann Martinelle , consecrated in 1882. Presented west tower with eight-sided bell storey. Barrel vaulted nave, divided into three bays by belts and pilasters; Round apse. Gallery with straight parapet and painted balustrade; Choir painted with bandwork . - Column aedicular altar 19th century, late baroque tabernacle , late Gothic statue of the Virgin Mary (Madonna in ears of corn) around 1470, flanked by figures of Saint Barbara and Catherine. - Lecture cross with baroque colored crucifix .


The source for the selection of the objects are the monuments lists of the respective federal state published annually by the BDA. The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. Next to it are one or two symbols:
More pictures available The symbol means that more photos of the property are available. They are displayed by clicking the symbol.
Upload your own photo By clicking the symbol, further photos of the object can be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons media archive .
Monument: Name of the monument. The designation is given as it is used by the Federal Monuments Office (BDA) . The internal object identification number (ObjectID) is also given.
Location: The address is given. In the case of free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is usually given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. The cadastral community (KG) is indicated below this.
Description: Brief information about the monument.

The table is sorted alphabetically according to the location of the monument. The sorting criterion is the cadastral municipality and within this the address.

By clicking on "Map with all coordinates" (top right in the article) the location of all monuments in the selected map object is displayed.

Abbreviations of the BDA : BR… construction law , EZ… deposit number, GB… land register , GstNr. … Property number, KG… cadastral community, 0G … property number address

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Sittersdorf  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Carinthia - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of February 14, 2020.
  2. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 6f.
  3. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 696.
  4. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 883.
  5. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , pp. 882f.
  6. a b Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 886.
  7. a b Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 622.
  8. ^ Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 621f.
  9. § 2a Monument Protection Act in the legal information system of the Republic of Austria .