List of imperial purveyors to the court 1866

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The coat of arms with the imperial double-headed eagle was allowed to carry the holders of the kk chamber and court title in public.

The names and dates of the imperial court purveyors for the year 1866 come from the official court calendar.

The total number of suppliers who carried the kk chamber title was five, all in Vienna. Two of them were women. August Schwarz and Johann Baptist Streicher were the only entrepreneurs who held the chamber and court titles at the same time.

Most of the suppliers were based in Vienna , outside of there there were suppliers in Linz , Pressburg , Pest and Ofen as well as in Prague . A delivery man was in London .

The Imperial and Royal Chamber Artists and the Imperial and Royal Court Artists are not considered purveyors to the court. Also not on the list are “court artists, suppliers and craftsmen” (p. 21). Although they supplied the court, they were not registered as chamber or court title holders.

Kk Chamber Title

Title page court calendar 1866
Page 14 Court calendar 1866
Page 15 Court calendar 1866
  • Benkowits Maria, chamber embroiderer
  • Körner Anton, chamber French horn and trumpet maker
  • Mirani Therese , chamber embroiderer
  • Schwarz August, personal furrier, at the same time court furrier
  • Strings Johann Baptist , chamber fortepiano manufacturer, at the same time court fortepiano and piano maker

Kk Hof title


  • Amler Anton, master plumber in Prague
  • Angeli JG, court wax dealer
  • Angerer Ludwig , court photographer
  • Arbesser Alois, court silk goods manufacturer


  • Bakacs Ludwig von, court pharmacist in oven
  • Baumann Carl, farm seed dealer
  • Bernhofer Carl, master bricklayer at the court
  • Beyer Jacob, court carpenter
  • Bohlinger Friedrich and Huber Albert, court fashion merchants
  • Bollinger Samuel, yard machine manufacturer
  • Braumüller Wilhelm , court bookseller
  • Braun Franz, court gold worker
  • Brix Emil, court bronze worker
  • Bühlmayer Conrad , court gilder
  • Burg Anton und Sohn, farm tool and machine manufacturers


  • Charasim Ferdinand, master bricklayer in Prague
  • Coignard Hippolyt Peter, court hairdresser
  • Czernohlawek Wilhelm, court wine merchant


  • Dittrich Adolph, yard canvas and tablecloth supplier in Prague


  • Ehrbar Friedrich , court fortepiano manufacturer
  • Erndt Franz, master potter
  • Exinger Ferdinand, court wild pret dealer


  • Fellner Jac. Jun., Master carpenter
  • Fischer JM, yard scrap
  • Fischer Johann von, court grocer in Pressburg
  • Fortmüller Heinrich, court hairdresser
  • Fraunbaum Joseph, court turner
  • Frese Josepha, court glove maker in Prague


  • Geyling Josef , court room painter
  • Gohde Friedrich, court locksmith
  • Greiner Moriz, court calligrapher
  • Grohmann Hieronymus, court jeweler in Prague
  • August pit , court lithographer


  • Haase Gottlieb Sons , Hof-Buchdruckerei in Prague
  • Haase Guido, Edler von Wranau, court glass merchant in Prague
  • Hahn Leopold, court footwear manufacturer
  • Hartinger Anton , court chromolithograph
  • Hasenauer Christoph, court carpenter
  • Haslinger Carl , court art and music dealer
  • Helia Johann, court shoemaker
  • Hilz Carl, court pharmacist in Salzburg
  • Hilzer Ignaz , court bell founder
  • Höcker Friedrich, master carpenter in Prague
  • Hofeneder Carl, court fishmonger
  • Hofer Peter, court tea merchant
  • Hoffmann Carl, yard supplier for children's clothes and children's linen
  • Hoffmann Leopold, court hat maker
  • Hofmann Anton, court violin maker
  • Hofmann Wilhelm, court glazier and court glassware dealer
  • Hollnsteiner Franz, court library bookbinder
  • Huber Albert, see Bohlinger


  • Jägermayer Samuel, court linen and knitwear dealer
  • Jagemann Carl von, court photographer
  • Janouschek Gabriel Franz, court locksmith in Prague
  • Janisch ’s (Franz) Sel. Widow, yard stucco master
  • Jauner Franz, court coat of arms engraver


  • Kachler Johann, court seed dealer
  • Klaftenberger Ignaz, court watchmaker in London
  • Klein August, Hof-Leder, wood and bronze goods manufacturer
  • Klinkosch , see Mayerhofer
  • Klitsch , Heinrich, court meerschaum turner
  • Kobek Franz, court jeweler
  • Köchert and son , court jeweler
  • Noise Robert, court clothing manufacturer
  • Krahl Barbara (formerly Stein), court coat of arms painter
  • Kranner Anton, yard linen goods and linen dealer
  • Krickl Ernst, yard silk and church cloth supplier
  • Kristian Ignaz, court hat maker
  • Kudlaczek Jos., Court builder in Prague
  • Kuppitsch '(Matth.) Blessed widow , court library-antiquarian-bookseller


  • Lamberti Johann, court silk and velvet goods manufacturer
  • La Vigne August, court sculptor
  • Leibenfrost Franz, wine supplier to the court
  • Lobmeyr Ludwig , court glazier and court glassware dealer
  • Praiseworthy Franz , court coppersmith
  • Löschner Carl, court clothing dealer in Prague



  • Nowotny Franz, Hof fashion goods supplier
  • Nuglisch AC and AG Thies , court perfumery suppliers


  • Colonel Carl, master coppersmith at the court
  • Anton oil tent | Oelzelt Anton, court builder
  • Ohligs Bernhard Wilhelm, court builder


  • Petzl Johann Baptist, court rope master
  • Pichler Ludwig, court gold worker in Prague


  • Raab Johann, court dance master
  • Radnitzky Jos., Court coat of arms engraver
  • Raymann , see Regenhart
  • Regenhart Alois and Raymann Alois , court tableware suppliers
  • Regner Anton, farm wild pret dealer
  • Reiss August, Hof-Spängler
  • Radish Johann, court watchmaker
  • Rint Johann, court carver in Linz
  • Knight Joseph, court Nuremberg grocer
  • Rodeck Emil and Alois, court suppliers for leather, wood and bronze haberdashery
  • Römisch Carl, court clothes maker in Prague
  • Rospini Anna, court Drechsler's widow
  • Rothe Christian Friedrich , court gold worker
  • Rozet Ignaz Franz , court clothing dealer
  • Rupp Wilhelm, court photographer in Prague
  • Ržiwnatz Fr. Sohn, master furrier in Prague


  • Schebelka Joseph, court wax maker in Prague
  • Sleep Franz, Hungarian court clothes maker
  • Schmidt Philipp, court carpenter
  • Schober Anna, court clothes maker
  • Schrems Bernhard, yard blind manufacturer
  • Black August, as above
  • Schwarz Theresia, court artificial flower maker
  • Seitz Joseph, court cloth shearer
  • Simon Joseph, court parchment maker
  • Singer Heinrich, court stone engraver
  • Sintenis Otto, court bookseller
  • Spina Carl A., court art and music dealer
  • Spitra Wenzel, court mechanic and optician in Prague
  • Stehle Johann, court wind instrument maker
  • Stöger Friedrich, court upholsterer
  • Strings Johann Baptist, court fortepiano and piano maker
  • Stunzer Thomas, court blanket maker
  • Stuwer Anton, court fireworker
  • Swoboda Carl, master stonemason in Prague
  • Syré AF und Neffe, yard suppliers of paper, writing and drawing materials


  • Daily Barth., Master baker in Prague
  • Exchange Joseph, Hof-Müller
  • Theyer Franz, yard supplier for wooden haberdashery and church objects
  • Thies , see Nuglisch
  • Timmel Johann, yard silk and silk hand supplier
  • Türk Joseph, court jeweler


  • Uhl Roman, farm baker
  • Ulrich Christian, court mirror and chandelier manufacturer


  • Valerio Angelo, farm chocolate manufacturer in Trieste
  • Varges Christine and Anna, court clothing makers
  • Viehweider Peter, white goods and lace dealer
  • Vogl Emanuel, court and Viennese university bandagist


  • Wanka Franz , court brewer in Prague
  • Wasserburger Anton, master stonemason
  • Wasserburger Moriz, court carpenter
  • Wells Wilhelm, Edler von, Hof defeat of natural mineral waters
  • Weisse Albert, yard supplier for Japanese, Chinese and other luxury items
  • Wertheim Franz, knight of , court tool manufacturer
  • Wieser Joseph, court jeweler
  • Winkler von Forazest Joseph and Franz, court iron dealers
  • Winkler ’s (Mathias) blessed widow, court carpenter
  • Wissmann Franz, court glazier


  • Zeyer Eleonore, court carpenter in Prague
