Franz Wanka

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Franz Wanka
legal form unknown
founding 1805
Seat Prague
management Wanka family
Branch brewery

The Franz Wanka brewery near Prague (around 1900)

The kuk Hof beer brewery Franz Wanka was an important brewery in Prague during the kuk monarchy .


The company was founded in 1805 by Franz Laurenz Wanka and has been family-owned for several generations. Because of their sense of progressive innovations in the field of brewing technology , they became very successful.

The founder of the brewery died in 1838, after which the brewery was passed on to his son Franz Wanka. He first used steam cooking under the pan in 1846 , which was something new and untried at the time. Franz Wanka obtained the first steam boiler from England and his brewery was in the true sense of the word the first steam brewery in Bohemia. At the beginning of the 1840s, he and his friend, a Bavarian brewer and specialist writer, Philipp Heiss, introduced underware fermentation . The Hof-Bierbrauerei was the first brewery not only in Prague, but in all of Bohemia to start brewing bottom-fermented beers. This was a new introduction, which was of great influence and value for the increasing development of the large Austrian company in the beer production.

It was the grandson of the founder and son of Franz Wanka, also with Franz Wanka as his name, who led the company to flourish. After completing his studies, he practiced for a year in his father's brewery, then for a longer period in Hütteldorf near Vienna, and far away with Pschorr and Sedlmayer in Munich . After getting to know the most important brewing methods theoretically and practically in detail, he set off on trips to study brewing in foreign countries. He first traveled to France and then spent a long time in London , Belgium and other places in the beer industry.

In 1860 Franz Wanka took over the management of his father's company and kept it until his death on October 31, 1892. Through his work and energy, he brought the brewery to a high level of development. He was the first to set up his brewery completely for machine operation. He made all important and proven innovations that appeared in the brewing technology field over the years available to his company. In the malthouse he introduced double kilns as early as 1860 , and new cellars were built in 1873.

As heir to progressive family traditions, Franz Wanka was always to be found in the front row of those men who fought for the interests of the domestic brewing industry. His name stood next to those of JM Schary and Ferdinand Urban at the head of the monstrepetition of the brewers of Bohemia, which was submitted to the Imperial Council on July 3, 1867 and which culminated in the request for the introduction of the malt tax .

In the approximate period from 1870 to 1900, the annual beer production of the kuk Hof beer brewery in Prague rose from 10,000 hectoliters to around 60,000 hectoliters. This went hand in hand with a steady expansion of the operating facilities until it had grown into a complex of buildings.

The total area was 2,000 square fathoms. The large-scale and elegant representation of the kuk Hof brewery was located in Stefansgasse, where full military bands performed concerts three times a week. Around 1898 the brewery employed six civil servants, 35 workers and eight apprentices. It produced draft beer , lager beer , bock beer and export beer . The products were awarded prizes at all exhibitions in which the Hof-Bierbrauerei took part, namely in Paris 1855 , Vienna 1856 and London 1862 . The reputation of the brewery was well known, and a large number of people in the brewing world worked there, partly as interns , visiting or touring the facilities, as well as teaching the brewing process.

After Franz Wanka's death, his son Dr. JU Franz Wanka and the daughters Isabella Brosche and Adele Geitler von Armingen are the owners. Adele Geitler von Armingen was appointed purveyor to the court. The house "Zum Primas" ( U Primasů ) stood on Prague's Wenceslas Square . It closed in 1924.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Wanka, in: Die Gross-Industrie Oesterreichs. Ceremony for the glorious fiftieth anniversary of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Josef I, presented by the Austrian industrialists in 1898. Volume 5. Weiss, Vienna 1898, pp. 276–277.
  2. Handbook of the Supreme Court and the Court of His K. and K. Apostolic Majesty . Kk Hof- und Staatsdruckerei , Vienna 1907, p. 245 .
  3. Pivovary. Prague - U Primasů. (No longer available online.) 2011, archived from the original on September 25, 2013 ; Retrieved on November 8, 2011 (Czech): "František Wanka ml., Isabela Broscheová a Adela Geitlerová z Armingenu" Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /