List of Venezuelan ambassadors in France

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The Venezuelan Embassy is located at 11 rue Copernic in Paris .
Appointment / accreditation Surname Remarks appointed by accredited during the government of Leave post
1860 Fermín Toro Manuel Felipe de Tovar Napoleon III 1862
1883 Antonio Guzman Blanco Antonio Guzman Blanco Jules Grévy 1886
1895 Juan Pietri (September 28, 1849 in Río Caribe Sucre (Venezuela) ; † May 28, 1911 in Caracas ) was appointed envoy extraordinary and ministre plénipotentiaire in Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Rome and London. Joaquín Crespo Félix Faure 1897
1904 José Gil Fortoul (1861–1943) Consul General Cipriano Castro Émile Loubet
1917 José Gil Fortoul Envoy extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire , accredited in Bern at the same time . Juan Vicente Gomez Raymond Poincaré
1921 José Gil Fortoul (* 1861; † 1943) was also chargé d'affaires in Berlin. Juan Vicente Gomez Alexandre Millerand
1940 Luis Emilio Monsanto Chargé (* 1904, † 1969) 17 July 1948 Envoy Extraordinary and Ministre plénipotentiaire in Prague . Eleazar López Contreras Philippe Pétain Nov 26, 1942
1944 Caracciolo Parra Pérez Isaías Medina Angarita Charles de Gaulle
May 27, 1948 Juan Oropesa Rómulo Gallegos Vincent Auriol
26 Sep 1950 Antonio Chalbaud Cardona Germán Suárez Flamerich Vincent Auriol
Oct 13, 1953 Henrique Gil Fortoul Marcos Pérez Jiménez Vincent Auriol
Sep 11 1958 Juan Oropeza Wolfgang Larrazábal René Coty
Oct 9, 1959 Manuel Antonio Pulido Méndez Edgar Sanabria Charles de Gaulle
Nov 6, 1965 Luis Humberto Croce Orozco Rómulo Betancourt Charles de Gaulle
Oct 28, 1969 Marcel Granier-Doyeux Rafael Caldera Alain Poher
Aug 31, 1973 Edecio La Riva Araujo Rafael Caldera Georges Pompidou
Nov 21, 1974 José Luis Salcedo Bastardo Carlos Andrés Pérez Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Aug 25, 1976 Manuel Rafael Rivero Carlos Andrés Pérez Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Dec 13, 1979 Fernando Paredes Bello Luís Herrera Campíns Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Apr 10, 1986 Ramón Escovar Salom Jaime Lusinchi François Mitterrand
June 3, 1991 Adolfo Taylhardat Carlos Andrés Pérez François Mitterrand
Dec 6, 1995 Francisco Kerdel Vegas Rafael Caldera Jacques Chirac
Sep 10 1999 Hiram Abif Gaviria Rincon Hugo Chavez Jacques Chirac
July 3, 2002 Jésus Arnaldo Perez Jesús Arnaldo Pérez; Foreign Minister from February 2004 to October 2006 Hugo Chavez Jacques Chirac
17 Sep 2004 Roy Chaderton Hugo Chavez Jacques Chirac
Oct 13, 2006 Jesús Arnaldo Perez Hugo Chavez Jacques Chirac

Web links

Official website of the Venezuelan Embassy in France

Individual evidence

  1. Juan Pietri
  2. Caracciolo Parra Pérez
  3. Jésus Arnaldo Perez
  4. Jesús Arnaldo Perez