List of traditional Tibetan printing locations

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This is a list of traditional Tibetan printing locations . The three most important traditional Tibetan printing facilities include Dege Parkhang in Dêgê ( Kham ), the Potala in Lhasa and the Narthang Monastery in Shigatse .


See also

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Chin. Sichuan Dege yinjinyuan 四 川德格 印 经 院; in the Dege Gönchen monastery ( 更 庆 寺 , Gengqing si )
  2. Chinese Lasa Budala yinjingyuan 拉萨 布达拉宫 印 经 院
  3. Chin. Xizang Natang yinjingyuan 西藏 纳 塘 印 经 院, which is particularly known for its block print editions of the Kanjur and Tanjur from the Tibetan Tripitaka .
  4. a b Potala Palace, Sho and Pargo Kaling taken from Chakpori (found on November 23, 2009)