List of words in different languages ​​with the meaning "Church"

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The Christian church is referred to in most languages ​​- mostly homonymous for the community of the baptized and for the church building  - with words that either come from the Greek ἐκκλησία ( ekklesía  - "people's assembly") or from the Greek κυριακòν or κυριακή ὀικία ( kyriakón or kyriaké oikía  - "House of the Lord") are derived. The first word, which is also the biblical, originally had a stronger personal meaning, the other had a stronger structural-architectural meaning.

by ekklesía

by kyriaké

different origin

french église
greek εκκλησία
italian chiesa
portuguese igreja
spanish iglesia
turkish kilise

danish kirke
german church
english church
dutch kerk
russian церковь
Scots kirk
serbo-Croatian црква / crkva

Lithuanian / Latvian bažnyčia / baznīca
Maltese knisja
Polish kościół
Romanian biserică
Czech kostel
Hungarian egyház (for the religious community);
        templom (for the building)

Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Neufeld: The image of the church in the singing of the community . Dissertation, Freiburg i. Br. 2005, pp. 169-170
  2. from old East Slavic boze, divine + nica (unclear)
  3. Semitic , cf. arabic kanīsa , hebrew knesset
  4. a b from Latin castellum
  5. ^ From Greco-Latin basilica
  6. Etymology uncertain
  7. from Latin templum