Little Southwest Miramichi River

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Little Southwest Miramichi River
Flaherty's pitch at river kilometer 55

Flaherty's pitch at river kilometer 55

location New Brunswick ( Canada )
River system Miramichi River
Drain over Northwest Miramichi River  → Miramichi River  → Atlantic Ocean
origin Gover Lake
47 ° 2 ′ 23 ″  N , 66 ° 43 ′ 10 ″  W.
Source height approx.  380  m
muzzle Northwest Miramichi River Coordinates: 46 ° 56 ′ 43 "  N , 65 ° 49 ′ 29"  W 46 ° 56 ′ 43 "  N , 65 ° 49 ′ 29"  W
Mouth height approx.  m
Height difference approx. 375 m
Bottom slope approx. 3.8 ‰
length approx. 100 km
Catchment area 1342 km²
Discharge at the Lyttleton
A Eo gauge : 1340 km²
Location: 10 km above the estuary
MQ 1952/2015
Mq 1952/2015
33.3 m³ / s
24.9 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries North Pole Stream , Lower North Branch, Little Southwest Miramichi River
Right tributaries West Branch Little Southwest Miramichi River, Tuadook River

The Little Southwest Miramichi River is an approximately 100 km long right tributary of the Northwest Miramichi River in the Canadian province of New Brunswick .

River course

The Little Southwest Miramichi River forms the drain of the 380  m high Gover Lake in western Northumberland County . It flows mainly in an easterly direction. In the upper reaches it includes the West Branch Little Southwest Miramichi River and the Tuadook River (both from right). In the middle reaches the North Pole Stream at river km 70 and the Lower North Branch Little Southwest Miramichi River at river km 49 , both coming from the northwest. This finally reaches the lower reaches of the Northwest Miramichi River, 20 km above its junction with the Southwest Miramichi River to the Miramichi River .

Atlantic salmon are found in the Little Southwest Miramichi River system .


The catchment area of the Little Southwest Miramichi River covers 1,342 km². The mean discharge 10 km above the mouth is 33.3 m³ / s. In the months of April and May, the river carries the greatest discharge volume with an average of 74.4 and 101 m³ / s, respectively.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Our Watershed . Miramichi Watershed Management Committee. Retrieved October 28, 2018.
  2. ^ A b c Government of Canada: Historical Hydrometric Data Search Results: Station 01BP001